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Alias Born 08/27/2005

Re: LOVE*PINK post# 347729

Thursday, 06/20/2024 11:48:23 PM

Thursday, June 20, 2024 11:48:23 PM

Post# of 349528



Let's examine what is happening in the market right now, shall we~? Why the sudden desperation~?

Black swans are very close. 5th largest bank in Japan ready to collapse. One bubble......

Banks in the US can no longer count on shadow banks to get money. Shadow banks are tapped OUT. Two bubbles......

These banks have to go to the Federal discount window for money, and if turned down there they go to the Federal secondary discount window with higher rates. Three bubbles.....

Larger (Too Big To Fail Banks) like JPM for example are doing synthetic risk transfers of loans on commercial real estate they know will default in the $Billions of dollars. These SRTs have gone to hedge funds and others who have taken them.
These SRTs will default taking hedge funds down with them. Four biubbles..........

UBS has inherited $54-$56 billion in short exposure still locked in files Archegos/ Credit Suisse didn't want anyone to see for
50 years~! This has come out in the Bill Hwang Archegos/Credit Suisse trial. Five bubbles.............

Buy now pay later........ Credit card and loan debt is at the highest ever in US history with record numbers of defaults....this is money that will never get paid back and it doesn't impact ones credit score. People just defaulting on credit cards, car loans, school loans, mortgages....... Banks not seeing a penny all unrealized losses. Six bubbles.......

US treasury bonds where depositors are taking their money out of BANKS in record numbers, putting their money into money markets that are now giving up to and greater than 6.5% to 7.0%. The Banks cannot afford to pay more than less 1.0% interest. Why keep money in a bank~? Banks are losing depositors money in the $trillions. Seven bubbles.........

Banks are going to have to cover loans in commercial real estate very soon. Could be hundreds of small to moderate sized bank failures because these banks overleveraged commercial real estate loans 3 to 4 times their total assets. Eight bubbles........

Bill Hwang and Archegos/Credit Suisse is one example of a family office whose total short exposure is about $54 billion. Nothing was ever mention of this short exposure, only the long exposure of $106 billion. Out of ~$!60 billion comes this ~$54 billion short exposure nobody saw coming because family offices like Archegos are NOT regulated. They don't have to show ANYTHING~! Same as what is going on here in $DBMM land with this family office. Not regulated.

All of these bubbles coming plus what is happening elsewhere in the market with RK and $GME........ Nine bubbles.........

$DBMM the Company not going out of business anytime soon. Expanding with new clients.......... Ten bubbles..........

"Their" house of cards is falling on top of them.........
One domino to fall is all it will take........... it's coming and NOTHING they can do to stop it.
Throwing snowballs at the approaching massive iceberg is just adding to the iceberg, not slowing it one bit.
Nobody's fault but "their" own for decades of fiscal abuse and getting away with it globally.

Tic toc tic toc...............

Now the chicken is coming home to roost and this chicken has teeth. 😆😅😸😹🤣😂

🙀 no~!!!!! .................... Oh yes, gonna be HELL to pay IMO.

$DBMM baby~!