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Alias Born 05/25/2021

Re: CrashOverride post# 698658

Saturday, 06/15/2024 8:18:57 PM

Saturday, June 15, 2024 8:18:57 PM

Post# of 739942

Looks like you made the right investment decisions at each critical period of this century. Congrats!

I agree with you. We don't need to own another investment if we own NWBO. Did Baker Brothers return $8b proceeds from selling Seagen to their investors instead of reinvesting them? No great investment opportunities for them in biotech. How's that possible? The reason that made them sell Seagen is the same one that cannot let them find another great opportunity.

Plus, you would agree the bio silicon valley they are trying to build at LA is going to have a long lasting life. Why do we need to make another investment?
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