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Alias Born 10/05/2009

Re: pantherj post# 82049

Wednesday, 06/12/2024 1:33:03 PM

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 1:33:03 PM

Post# of 87113
Since we all know you have no clue what a real game changer technology and stock looks like, because you have lived in the sewer all your life,
digging ditches, no one expects you to get what a game changer technology innovator, industrial giant, behemoth monster, IFUS is already on the way to becoming.

That is why you can not see the obvious, that IFUS investors, be it with loans or shares, or even better both, saved the company from the thieves of Bagasse you worked for, that failed to steal, clone or murder IFUS, because IFUS shareholders refused to give up.

You really should go get a life, because you lost here, like the loser you are, a long time ago to me.