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Alias Born 03/20/2022

Re: JR30 post# 191960

Saturday, 05/18/2024 3:37:17 PM

Saturday, May 18, 2024 3:37:17 PM

Post# of 192396
Bro you are hilarious. What is my "agenda"? Since you claim to know what it is.

I literally still have every single share since I first invested in this company (other than the ones Rory Cutaia stole from me when he did his multiple reverse splits after lying over and over).

It is against my financial interest for this company to do poorly. I would love for it to rocket. For it to moon. I would love to make back my SIX FIGURE losses. But guess what? That's not going to happen. Because it's not a real company. And Rory Cutaia is a scammer. He's been doing this FOR YEARS.

So please tell me what my "agenda" is since you claim to know so much.
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