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Alias Born 09/20/2001

Re: SteveStack post# 8455

Sunday, 02/18/2024 9:44:32 PM

Sunday, February 18, 2024 9:44:32 PM

Post# of 8476
Yes, I reverted to an old signature because it reminded me of a simpler time. I moved into a new neighborhood, ...

...I had tame cockatiels that I spoiled and bred.

While working in my garden I was approached by a male pheasant who was probably an escapee from a local game farm.

We established a relationship...

He was attacked by a neighborhood cat, I am allergic to cats and had asked a neighbor not to allow his "kitten" to roam free due to personal health concerns.

A year later my friend the pheasant was mortally wounded,

Such is life...

Submission to predators is a denial of one's personal "raison d'être"


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