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Alias Born 04/04/2019

Re: pack10 post# 8442

Thursday, 01/18/2024 3:10:09 PM

Thursday, January 18, 2024 3:10:09 PM

Post# of 8476
EV has nothing to do with this company! If you are trying to imply that EV creates opportunities for natural gas not buying it! Auto's don't use NG and very few trucks do! Clean Energy was touted as clean energy for the transportation industry hasn't happen! The same CNBC claimed that this company would be debt free by 2019 and here we are five years later and they are still building infrastructure almost tens years later! Boone Pickens isn't coming thru the door Littlefield has been a huge failure! Chesapeake Energy is a >$70 stock and Clean Energy value has lingered at these levels for years never exceeding the 2005 high (the profitable quarters only occurred because of government welfare)! The business plan sucks or the leadership is incompetent, I choose the later!
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