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Alias Born 09/15/2009

Re: JJ8 post# 233

Monday, 12/11/2023 9:21:23 AM

Monday, December 11, 2023 9:21:23 AM

Post# of 285

Vertex set the price of Casgevy at $2.2 million compared to $3.1 million for Bluebird’s Lyfgenia. Bluebird’s gene therapy for thalassemia, approved last year, has a list price of $2.8 million.

The therapies are also not easy to receive. Patients must spend weeks, even months, in the hospital before and after the therapy is administered. And some of the preparatory steps can cause serious side effects, including severe infections, nausea, painful mouth sores, and infertility.,year%2C%20has%20a%20list%20price%20of%20%242.8%20million.

Prohibitive treatment

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