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Alias Born 05/01/2004

Re: spec machine post# 177

Wednesday, 11/08/2023 12:46:40 AM

Wednesday, November 08, 2023 12:46:40 AM

Post# of 185
VTLE below $80/share with $77/bbl. WTI shows

there is a pricing problem by the

MMs in the oil sector...

VTLE won't be losing that projected

money on hedging in the 4th quarter on

over 40,000 bbls/day of oil production at

around $76/bbl hedge prices if oil stays down...

Managers made those hedging contracts

to back up their biz plan...

Market pricing now on VTLE is saying

that those Managers have no idea what

they are doing...

Doesn't look to me like the market pricers

know what they are doing...

So we watch...LJ

Gee Beav, rithmatic isn't usually this hard to read!

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