I bought my first VLDI share on 1/16/2013, so even though I was not a I-Hub poster at that time, I decided to go back to that date and move forward in my effort to find your posts and those of surwin that continually made the argument that Validian is a scam, that it does not have a product to sell, and that even if they do have a product it doesn't work, and has failed every single test it has ever been subjected to. I stopped searching at 7/12/2015 simply because by that date the posts from the two of you that made those claims were nearly non-stop.
Here are the ones for 2013 - 2015
1697, 2749, 2758, 3105, 3346, 3355, 3471, 3533, 3576, 3657, , 3660, 3667, 3676, 3698.
Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes. (Proverbs 26:5)