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Tuesday, 09/12/2023 6:57:22 PM

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 6:57:22 PM

Post# of 91698
The following information will show why the United States staged a false flag on September 11th, 2001 (with a brief touch on the how it was done). The main reason was to set up the justification for it to leave the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty so it could deploy a grid of satellites to work like two strategic initiatives: Brilliant Eyes & Brilliant Pebbles, also known today as Starshield.

1. Reagan began the Star Wars (SDI) program which wanted to deploy a space based anti-ballistic missile system to render other countries nuclear arsenal pointless. Concepts of Brilliant Pebbles & Eyes were born shortly thereafter.
2. The 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty prevented the development & deployment of Brilliant Eyes/Pebbles.
3. President Clinton had tried to renegotiate the terms of the ABM treaty with Russian President Putin. However presidential candidate George Bush Jr declared his intention to deploy a space based ABM system regardless of legal ramifications and regardless whether Putin agreed to amend the treaty of not. Clearly his administration was going to find a way to circumvent the treaty one way or another as the DoD wanted its space based ABM system!
4. Thus an event was needed to give the US the legal & public perception cover to provide justification for withdrawal. September 11tth, 2001 such an event occurred when two planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center. Blaming this on terrorists gave the US government the cover it desire and provided context needed for withdrawal.
5. December 13th 2001, the United States officially declared its intention to withdraw from the 1972 ABM treaty after the six months required by the treaty.
6. June 13th, 2002 the United States officially withdrew from the ABM treaty with the intention of deploying an ABM system. SpaceX began operation that same month! Starshield = Brilliant Eyes.
For Starshield to fully become Brilliant Once SpaceX begins deploying Gen 2 satellites, they’ll likely be equipped with ABM laser defense systems currently in development to become what Dr. Michael Griffin envisioned for Brilliant Pebbles.

1. Star Wars Program


The Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) was set up in 1984 within the US Department of Defense to oversee development. A wide array of advanced weapon concepts, including lasers,[4][5] particle beam weapons and ground- and space-based missile systems were studied, along with various sensor, command and control, and high-performance computer systems that would be needed to control a system consisting of hundreds of combat centers and satellites spanning the entire globe and involved in a very short battle.

2. 1972 ABM treaty prevented space based ABM systems


What the ABM Treaty Prohibited
• Development, testing, or deployment of sea-, air-, space-, or mobile land-based ABM systems or components. (Because of the inability of either country to verify activities behind closed doors, the development and testing ban was understood to apply when components and systems moved from laboratory to field testing.)

Its likely that the component portion of this provision is why SpaceX did not officially begin until the same month that the US officially withdrew from the treaty.

3. Presidents Clinton & Bush Jr.

It should want to do so while Clinton is in office. The U.S. desire to build a missile defense will not go away. While a Democratic president is unlikely to offer Moscow more, a Republican will certainly offer less. Texas Gov. George W. Bush has already said he will proceed with deployment come what may, and his chief foreign-policy advisor has dismissed the ABM treaty as a “relic” of the Cold War.

In 2000, President Clinton tried to withdraw from the ABM treaty, using Iran as a potential threat. Meanwhile, George Bush Jr declared his intention to develop an ABM system regardless of the treaty.

During his presidential campaign, Bush said he would offer amendments on the treaty to Russia and would withdraw the United States from the accord if Russia rejected the proposed changes. However, the Bush administration never proposed amendments to the treaty in its talks with Russia on the subject. 

It looks like the Bush administration was determined to find a way to withdraw from the ABM treaty despite claiming it would try to amend the treaty first. I find it interesting that under two months after Bush became president, an episode of a TV show called ‘The Lone Gunmen’ aired March 4th, 2001 depicting a plot by the US government to fly airplanes into the two towers with the intention to increase worldwide hostilities and to increase arms sales. Since 9/11 the war on terror began along with increased arm sales across the world but especially by the major powers. Thus the result of the plot was found to be true.
The plot of a TV episode is merely circumstantial. However it suggests that someone somewhere had the idea and shared it with the producers of the show. I doubt the writers came up with this very specific scenario. The Pentagon has long had a working relationship with Hollywood.

4. Requirement for Withdrawal and the Creating Context for Withdrawal?


Article XV, paragraph 2, gives each Party the right to withdraw from the Treaty if it decides that extraordinary events related to the subject matter of the treaty have jeopardized its supreme interests.

September 11th, 2001 the World Trade Center was attacked. According to Dr Judy Woods, whom has accumulated a fair bit of evidence, the towers did not collapse due to airplanes flying into them. Instead the buildings mostly turned to dust. This explains both why you can literally see the building chunks turn into dust while falling and why there was so little debris on the ground after the event. As well as it explains why there was little in the way of seismic activity recorded during September 11th “collapses” to indicate actual pulverization of the materials as some articles indicate.
The exact technology is unknown to those without the proper security clearances, but its technology that is adjacent to the work of Mr. John Hutchison experiments within his home lab. Essentially some sort of electromagnetics are employed to rapidly age the materials turning them back to dust. This ultra accelerated electrolytic corrosion process is even being seen in electric vehicles, albeit at a far slower rate, because of their larger EM fields compared to that of combustion vehicles. Lookup electric vehicles rust and Tesla’s whompy wheel issues. Both are indicators of the Hutchison Effect in action.


The real answer to that question will never be known as few direct measurements were taken of the plume that followed the disintegration of the two towers into a blizzard of dust, though air samples were collected in subsequent weeks and months

However you can see the source of the dust is not from the objects hitting the ground pulverizing it. Instead as the building chucks fell, they were in fact disintegrating and releasing the dust into the air. You can see that in this video:

Two more things worth noting about the events of September 11th, 2001. First was the large put positions placed on the Airline industry; specifically Delta and American Airlines in the days leading up to 9/11. Meaning entities knew of the event and managed to capitalized off it.
Second, that the planes that were to fly into the White House and Pentagon managed to fail badly. Why do I say this? First the plane that hit the Pentagon hit it where it was already being renovated and thus no personnel were hurt; maybe God protected them that day? Secondly, the White House targeted plane managed to be the only plane that the passengers fought off the “terrorists”. Both facts being very convenient for important members of the US military and government.

5. Withdrawal form the 1972 ABM treaty


Today, I have given formal notice to Russia, in accordance with the treaty, that the United States of America is withdrawing from this almost 30-year-old treaty. I have concluded the ABM Treaty hinders our government’s ability to develop ways to protect our people from future terrorist or rogue-state missile attacks.

Today, as the events of September the 11th made all too clear, the greatest threats to both our countries come not from each other, or other big powers in the world, but from terrorists who strike without warning, or rogue states who seek weapons of mass destruction.
We know that the terrorists, and some of those who support them, seek the ability to deliver death and destruction to our doorstep via missile. And we must have the freedom and the flexibility to develop effective defenses against those attacks. Defending the American people is my highest priority as Commander in Chief, and I cannot and will not allow the United States to remain in a treaty that prevents us from developing effective defenses.

6. Developing & Deploying a Constellation of Satellites


President Bush marked the U.S. withdrawal from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty Thursday by affirming his intention to develop and deploy a limited missile defense system as quickly as possible.


According to Musk’s calculations, he could undercut existing launch companies by building a modest-size rocket that specialized in carrying smaller satellites and research payloads to space. In June 2002 he founded Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX.


Brilliant Pebbles envisioned satellite interceptors designed to demolish ballistic missiles in their midcourse and terminal phases of flight. The Strategic Defense Initiative Organization's space-based interceptor was limited to a technology base program, with the objective only of developing technologies as security against potential future threats."
Brilliant Eyes, however, drew more interest from Air Force space officials who sought to improve theater space surveillance capabilities after Desert Storm. The Brilliant Eyes concept called for a "distributed" satellite network consisting of several hundred spacecraft with infrared and laser sensors orbiting at 700 kilometers, capable of tracking missiles in their midcourse phase, discriminating among reentry vehicles and decoys, and predicting impact points. Like national reconnaissance assets, these satellites would also perform an arms control monitoring function.


In February 2018, Griffin was appointed as Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering by Donald Trump. One of his first actions was to create the Space Development Agency.[14][15] The organization was tasked with procuring a proliferated constellation of low Earth orbit satellites to defend against Chinese and Russian hypersonic weapons. Commercial contracts for the constellation were given to L3Harris and SpaceX to build Starlink military satellites.[16] CIA Director Mike Pompeo called the project a “Strategic Defense Initiative for our time, the SDI II".[17]


The paper noted that there were concerns that the high number of satellites planned for the Starlink constellation could overwhelm China’s efforts to monitor and track their activity. Researchers highlighted fears that Starlink satellites could be used as maneuverable weapons to strike targets in orbit, or to surveil the space environment. It bears noting that Starlink was primarily developed as a civilian communications system, though it does have significant military applications like most communications systems do. By sheer virtue of their extreme number and their maneuverability, Starlink satellites pose a risk that others simply don’t. SpaceX has also been contracted by the US to develop military satellites, further raising the hackles of foreign countries.

DoD chose Musk and assigned him to run SpaceX & Tesla
SpaceX Starshield = Brilliant Eyes/Pebbles (the primary hardware for missile tracking/targeting
Tesla Dojo = Neural Network (computer/software) that can be used to track and calculate changing trajectory, especially with all the data used to train it for self driving.



For the evidence on how the two towers collapsed, might i suggest looking into Dr. Judy Woods research on the dustification of the towers.

If you do not think the US can hide that it has the technology to turn buildings mostly into dust might i suggest you look at my evidence that the US has been hiding its flying saucer program for almost 70 years now. The evidence is not as extensive but details who came up with the design, that the program began in Nazi Germany, and that the US brought over the scientists and tech via Operation Paperclip.

Could it be that there is a strategy to distract people away from looking at the basic data?
Is all this an exercise to create more and more forum verbiage to drown out any serious discussion of evidence?

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