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Saturday, 06/17/2023 12:35:46 AM

Saturday, June 17, 2023 12:35:46 AM

Post# of 1498
June14,_2023 33-page NLP_is ready.... bend_over, spread your_cheeks
I have spent the evening reading this bucket of pig slop and any paranoid lithium miner/user/gringo-investor who is stupid enough to "early sign" with Codelco or ENAMI as a JV partner on a lithium deal before the final version of the NLC (National Lithium Company) is legally argued-in-Congress/revised/approved/created by Congress is a complete total focking idiot opening themselves up for a long term super ask-reaming job by the Gang of 7 which will run long after they are all removed from office... and they will be. If Chile must have a lithium middleman then Congress needs to create the NLC charter from the ground-up for a more independent "self-sustaining" NLC beholden to Congress not to un-elected shifty bureaucrats and after cutting half the crap out of this one-sided 33-page lithium manifesto rape job not simply relying on the self-enrichinghorseshit Marcela Hernando has inserted into this document to coyly enrich her fat-cat leftist/commie buddies/Gang-of-7/lesbo-dyke-girlfriends. I will bet you Willy Kracht was not allowed within ten feet of this proposed NLP... this is all pure Marcela/ultra-commie.

I have Google translated the 33-page document from beaner into English below. I am too tired to point out in detail all the slippery work-for-free/traps/screw-the-gringo/quicksand points in this document tonight... I will start work on that task next week.

The Doctor
The National Lithium Strategy (aka the National Lithium Policy NLP)

I. introduction, Page 4
II. Background: lithium as a strategic resource, Page 7
III. The development opportunities given the advancement of the green economy and new extraction technologies, Page 9
IV. Strategy Objectives, Page 13
____a. Sustainable development of productive potential
____b. Social and Environmental Sustainability
____c. Technological development and production chains
____d. Country share in lithium revenues
____e. Fiscal sustainability
____f. Diversification of actors
____g. Contribution to productive diversification and growth potential
V. Strategic Definitions, Page 18
____a. Involvement of the State in the entire industrial cycle
____b. Capacity building (creation)
____c. Public-Private Partnership
____d. institutional framework
____e. Social and territorial sustainability: community involvement
VI. Implementation: key milestones 2023-2024, Page 25
VII. Strategy Implementation Schedule, Page 30

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I. Introduction
Lithium has become a mineral of high strategic value due to crucial relevance that it currently takes in the global process of energy transition, which requires solutions of energy storage and obliges to advance from determined way in terms of electromobility. HE foresees that the objectives associated with this process will not may be achieved if it is not possible to ensure sustainable mineral supply in the medium and long term.

Currently, lithium reserves and lithium operations extraction are highly concentrated in a few countries, Chile being the one that has one of the main reserves, being the Salar de Atacama the deposit in operation from continental brines more big worldwide.

This reality represents an opportunity for high relevance for the country, which invites to define a path development for the coming years, as proposed in the government program of President Gabriel Boric. This Strategy includes this challenge, assuming the responsibility to move forward sustainably, in economic, environmental and social terms, in the development of this industry, recognizing that salt flats and their surroundings, where the reserves are concentrated national mineral resources are complex ecosystems and
unique, water reserves in the desert and home to towns and ancient cultures that we must respect and care for.

The high world demand, the high prices and the large reserves of this mineral in our country allow us to be optimistic and, at the same time, call us to act with a sense of urgency, and respectful of the environment and communities. For that purpose, the development of the industry will be led by the State and engage the private sector as a strategic partner throughout the production process, ensuring high socio-environmental standards, transparency and free competition.

The creation of the National Lithium Company will articulate future public-private action efforts, increasing national production, attracting new players and expanding the industry through initiatives joint. In a first stage, they will be Codelco and Enami those who will play the role of representatives of the State in productive activity, allowing an increase sustainability of operations in the Salar de Atacama and new projects in other salt flats in the country.

Public-private collaboration is the way to seize this historic opportunity. Specifically, the State will place a long-term strategic vision in the entire production cycle, from exploration to value addition, in addition to clear regulations to ensure sustainability and reinvestment in the country development. For their part, the private may contribute their knowledge and experience in the industry, capital, technological innovation and networks in the market.

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The development of this industry should be seen as a opportunity to generate various chains productive services or basic inputs that promote the development of technologies and innovation (upstream or below) and that of other activities of aggregation of value in the production chain, including activities more sophisticated business and/or scientific it's possible advance in the value chain of the battery industry, producing in Chile, for example, cathode materials, anodes and electrolytes.

We know that we are living a super cycle of lithium prices. Therefore, this Strategy considers responsible use of these resources, which will ensure for maintaining orderly public finances and sustainable in the long term. So the transitory part of lithium revenue will be saved to ensure the financing of social and technological investments and productive, that promote the development sustainable and inclusive of the country over time.

We will use resources from lithium to promote our future development, moving towards an economy with greater diversification and knowledge, investing in science, technology and innovation in this and other industries. The creation of an Institute Technological and Public Research in Lithium and Salares, its research and development, will lead us to a productive transformation with an industry more powerful, more competitive, sustainable and that will open up new investment opportunities for both lithium and beyond this one. Knowledge and science will be the that will allow us to responsibly use this resource for our development, in accordance with the most high standards of care.

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II. Background: lithium as a strategic resource
The legal status of lithium is an exception to the Chilean mining concession system. Our legislation, through DL No. 2886 of 1979, reserved it for the State, leaving it outside mining substances eligible for concession. In the same meaning is also enshrined in the law No. 18,097 of 1982 and the Mining Code of 1983.

Non-concessible mineral substances, including lithium, may only be explored or exploited by some of the mechanisms established by the Constitution Policy in its article 19, No. 24 paragraph 10, that is “directly by the State or by its companies, or by through administrative concessions or contracts special operations, with the requirements and under the conditions that the President of the Republic establishes, to each case, by supreme decree”.

The original reason for this singular character that is granted to lithium in our legislation is its material quality of nuclear interest (Law No. 16,319), due to its ability to intervene in the generation of nuclear or atomic energy. Added to this -as was emphasized in the Report of the National Lithium Commission (2015)- the relevance crucial that it currently takes in the global process of energy transition, based on the generation of non-conventional renewable energy, which requires electrical energy storage solutions, as, likewise, in the electrification of transport.

For this reason, lithium has become a mineral of high strategic value. Consensus at the technical level and the of world leaders is that the global goals of decarbonization cannot be achieved if they are not manages to sustainably ensure the supply of this mineral in the medium and long term.

Currently, lithium reserves and operations extraction are highly concentrated in some few countries. In this scenario, Chile is the country that has one of the largest reserves and one of the main global producers along with Australia.

Thus, lithium is constituted as a strategic element for Chile in multiple dimensions, both for its importance in the energy transition worldwide, complementary to green hydrogen, as well as due to its geopolitical importance at a regional and global level. For this reason, the development of its industry is of the first order, and its potential has been transformed into an instance of wealth creation for the country.

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III. The development opportunities given the advancement of the green economy and new extraction technologies
I. New strategic uses and the consequent highest demand worldwide
In addition to its traditional uses in the manufacture of lubricating greases, glass and ceramics, among others, the Lithium has become an energetic material due to its unique properties
physicochemical. The apps you have opened enormous opportunities for its industrialization are mainly the following:
____• Energy storage, through its use in electric batteries and salts for accumulators solar thermos.
____• Contribution to energy efficiency, through its use in light and resistant alloys
for planes, boats and vehicles, such as those of aluminum-lithium.
____• Being the key element in the production of tritium, What is the fuel in nuclear fusion?

Its use in batteries is the main cause of the great demand, a trend that will continue due to the replacement of fossil fuels in urban transport, in especially to the increase in the production of vehicles electricity, and the need generated by the energies non-conventional renewables –solar and wind– of accumulate energy.

The growing demand for this mineral and the difficulty has been observed to increase the overall supply account for the sharp rise in prices that it has experienced lithium in recent years. Faced with this scenario, they Numerous operation projects have emerged in Australia, Argentina and China1, as well as several other potential, those that will increase the world supply. However, it is not clear that this increased supply will be enough to cover the rise in demand, with which, although it is expected that the price does not continue to grow with the same magnitude than it has in recent years, the price will continue reflecting the strategic value of this mineral.

This great demand and rise in prices also generates an incentive base for technological change. So, there are advances in the study of other active elements, as sodium-sulfur. However, it is most likely that in the coming decades batteries based on lithium will continue to dominate the market. Of the same form, it is not expected that energy carriers, such as the green hydrogen, are a threat to storage of electrical energy by means of batteries, if not that rather they would act as complementary technologies with different focus and different scale.

II. Abundant reserves
Chile has one of the largest lithium reserves in the world, which currently represent between the 36% and 40% of the estimated global total. These reserves are found in its salt flats, in the form of brine, along with other valuable minerals such as potassium, sodium,

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magnesium, boron, sulfates and chlorides, among others. In a study of the year 2013, Sernageomin (National Mining & Geology Services) states that Chile It has a privileged geological potential for the lithium exploitation: 63 saline environments (45 salt flats and 18 saline lagoons) of physical-chemical characteristics and diverse hydrogeological, located both in proximity to coastal areas, others in the intermediate zone between the two
mountain ranges and neighboring nitrate fields, as well as located in Andean and high Andean zones, that is to say, over 3 thousand meters above the level from sea.

The largest lithium reserve nationwide, over 90% of the total, is in the Salar de Atacama, where are located the best conditions in the world for its exploitation, due to the high levels of lithium concentration that there is (average approx. 2,000 ppm), the low lithium/magnesium ratio, high evaporation rates due to radiation and low rainfall. all of it results in the fact that the Salar de Atacama is a task of low-cost and highly competitive extraction at the world.

Additionally, in the aforementioned study, Sernageomin determined that there are 18 salt flats located in the Antofagasta and Atacama regions, which could be of interest for a specific evaluation regarding to its geological potential to house projects of lithium, requiring in these cases to increase the knowledge through detailed exploration.

III. Development of new technologies extraction

The new requirements in lithium mining, especially the demands of sustainability and environmental responsibility also means a unique opportunity for the country. The rise of the global demand makes it necessary to expand capacity extraction, but this can no longer be done for a long more time with the current technology of evaporation of brine, which is the current standard at work in the Salar de Atacama, taking into account the impacts environmental that this can mean.

Chile's position as one of the main producers worldwide opens the opportunity to advance in technological development upstream in production, with new techniques extraction (such as for example the extraction direct brine or DLE/R for its acronym in English) accompanied by sustainable reinjection methods,
that ensure the least socio-environmental impact possible in the territories. These technologies are being developed and tested in various sites, but have not been fully implemented in industrial form. Promoting them is important for a environmentally sustainable production, so that it is a requirement to implement them in existing tasks and an input standard for new projects.

Such technologies not only open up the opportunity to transform Chile into a space for innovation and technological development in the production of lithium, but also imply the possibility of increasing current production levels without thereby negatively impact the environment. For it, baselines of the salt flats are required, as well as a rigorous monitoring and follow-up on the effects of its implementation, in particular on reinjection and its biogeochemical effects.

In this development, the State, which has the rights exclusives on lithium, can play a role not only in terms of regulations and environmental requirements, but also in the development and piloting of technologies

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and in the generation of basic knowledge (models hydrogeological, for example) that allows to evaluate correctly the performance of these new extraction modalities.

IV. Generation of a scientific ecosystem- technological-industrial

Complementary to the above, the opportunities in development of knowledge and technology, together with the search for productive chains and added value associated with this industry offer the possibility of generating a scientific ecosystem technological-industrial. In principle, this ecosystem will be made up of the companies that produce the mineral, the academy, scientific-technological centers public and private, with the State having an important role to comply not only in terms of financing, but especially in the search for knowledge public, early support for the development of technologies, innovations and ventures, and the orientation of research and development towards the solution of productive, environmental and/or social challenges. So by example, lack of knowledge about ecosystems microbiology and its potentials for innovation, open up the possibility of scientific discoveries in based on saline ecosystems that can be the basis for future technological developments.

V. Development of chains production and value addition

In economic terms, lithium not only represents a opportunity for fair rent capture through royalties and taxes, it also represents an opportunity to advance in new productive developments and technological innovation, which allow the country to consolidate its leadership position as a world producer.

The development of this industry should be seen as a opportunity to generate various chains productive services or basic inputs and that promote the development of technologies and innovation (water up or down) and that of other aggregation activities of value in the production chain, including activities more sophisticated business and/or scientific Is possible to advance in the industry value chain of batteries, producing in Chile, for example
cathodic, anodic materials, electrolytes, lithium metallic and other components of interest. the good ones
results of Corfo's call to use a percentage of lithium product production reserved (2) for value addition (awarded to BYD, a private Chinese company), shows that it is possible advance in the value chain in Chile through a
profitable business.

The big international companies that produce batteries and participate in the electromobility require long-term supply of lithium term safely. This can be offered by the State of Chile, through public-private companies with these companies, so that they can operate in Chile openly, collaboratively with the ecosystem national scientific-technological and industrial.

These chains or activities of greater added value could be developed in a important in the same territories where exploit the mineral, thereby generating new local development opportunities, employment greater productivity and infrastructure, beyond the benefits that the investments themselves generate for the

Footnote 2 Corfo's contracts with SQM and Albemarle reserve part of the production for the sale at a preferential price to companies that settle in Chile with the aim of develop projects to add value in the lithium chain.

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IV. Strategy Objectives

Addressing the urgent challenge of climate change and energy transition has been transformed for Chile in a strategic opportunity, which has the potential to generate a high impact in future economic and social development. The country owns optimal conditions for the development of energy solar and wind power, and is a leading producer of copper and lithium, two of the essential materials to advance in the energy transition. Specifically, regarding lithium A comprehensive strategy is required, which favors a harmonious, sustainable and shared development.

The main objectives are described below of the Strategy.

a. Sustainable development of productive potential To responsibly seize opportunities offered by lithium for Chile, it is fundamental increase the productive potential, ensuring a maximum recovery, minimal impact on the environment environment and dialogue and participation of communities and indigenous peoples in the relevant areas of each operation. This requires investing in skills productive, attract new actors and introduce new extraction technologies that respond to the challenges environmental and social issues facing this industry in the country in current and future contracts or projects.

The increase in lithium production should advance in two dimensions simultaneously:

I. Generate the conditions that allow raising the production in the Salar de Atacama, safeguarding especially the sustainability of it and its hydrogeological dynamics.

II. Establish the conditions to develop projects extraction in other salt flats, beginning with the exploration of those about which one already has preliminary knowledge. It is estimated that these projects, which must have a rigorous study of environmental impacts and the participation both regional governments and communities, will take an average of 6-8 years to start the production.

It is especially relevant that this increase in extractive potential is based on the incorporation of technologies that minimize environmental impact.

To achieve this objective, the country has experience of more than 40 years in lithium extraction operations in salt flats, in which knowledge has been created and accumulated, know-how and experience in the State in the formulation and contract monitoring.

b. Social and Environmental Sustainability

All mining activity requires minimizing the impacts socio-environmental and ensure the participation of the
communities, and in the case of lithium this is a condition sine qua non. In Chile, lithium is extracted from the brine that It is in the salt flats, which have great biodiversity and a delicate hydrogeological balance that must be wary. Around them live communities and ancestral indigenous peoples.

Therefore, a new institutional framework for salares and lithium to update the rules and regulations that currently exists, especially considering sustainability aspects such as minimizing consumption of fresh water at the local level, and ensure the use of renewable energies, such as solar photovoltaic and wind. In this sense, the salt flats are ecosystems whose value

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intrinsic goes beyond the minerals it contains the brine. For this reason, the Strategy contemplates the development of biodiversity and hydrogeology baselines prior to mineral exploitation. This will allow, for On the one hand, knowing the possible impacts of the production lithium, but also develop biotechnology and
innovation based on the great biological diversity that inhabits the salt flats and saline lagoons, strengthening thus the conservation of the environment, the development scientific, cultural and technological edge of the Chilean and Chileans and their future generations.

Of the total area of salt flats inventoried, only a 7.5% are under some form of protection official. Likewise, a very low percentage are part of of priority sites with effects for the System of Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA).

To fill this deficit and protect the sustainability long-term ecological of these ecosystems, will protect a representative percentage of them, in in line with the Global Framework for Biodiversity of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Additionally, the exclusion of the exploitation of those areas that to date are already a protected area or site priority for the conservation of biodiversity. For complete the protection floor, criteria will be proposed of classification of the salt flats that allow to ensure a effective protection, including an analysis at the level of the salt flats system and avoid its division, in order to generate comprehensive protection.

c. Technological development and chains productive

As expressed in the Government Program of the President Gabriel Boric, the Lithium Strategy must overcome the extractivist logic, promoting the development technology and production chains with local businesses, as well as promoting activities productive processes of greater sophistication, which generate jobs higher productivity. In this way, prevent the lithium industry to become an enclave.

Productive chains upstream means use exploration and extraction work to develop knowledge and technologies in Chile associated with these activities: hydrogeological models and physical chemists of salt flats, with all the work of terrain and instruments that this means; development and implementation of technologies that minimize the impact; renewable energy sources for operations, as well as as water treatments (among them desalination plants). You should also consider taking advantage of other brine compounds and explore the feasibility economy of its production.

In the case of production chains downstream, lithium policy should consider promoting refining processes and obtaining lithium chemicals, including lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide, both of high purity (battery grade) and metallic lithium; the development of battery precursor elements, and even the
early stages of the battery value chain. This should also stimulate mining and metallurgy of minerals needed for batteries, such as cobalt, manganese, rare earths, among others. less activities traditional, as well as new uses of lithium (alloys light lithium aluminum or Li6 isotopic separation, for example), as well as lithium recycling also must be considered.

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d. Country share in lithium revenues

An unavoidable objective is to maximize the income of the State sustainably and achieve the best use possible fiscal impact of the current high lithium price cycle. Promote the growth of this industry and implement a new model of public-private partnership will increase fiscal resources and, with it, finance social, technological and productive investments, while safeguarding macroeconomic balances. In particular, it will make it possible to generate an increase in the level national effort in science, technology and innovation, promoting the sustainable and inclusive development of the country in time.

e. Fiscal sustainability

In accordance with the established commitment to maintain the orderly and sustainable public finances in the long term term, the Government will make an adjustment of the income lithium tax. This adjustment must be made since the current methodology for calculating the balance cyclically adjusted recognizes all of this revenue as structures, even when they contain a component clearly transitory. If this adjustment is not made on tax revenues from lithium is put fiscal sustainability at risk.

For this reason, these incomes will be adjusted prudently, by means of a simple rule that will avoid that they can be spend lithium revenue above a threshold, defined as the average of the previous 4 years. Of In this way, the transitory part of the income from lithium will be will save to secure investment financing social, scientific-technological and productive.

f. Diversification of actors

The incorporation of new players into the lithium industry in Chile, privately or in different modalities of alliance with the State, is fundamental in the purpose to stimulate a more competitive, open and transparent, which allows the development of a more efficient while highly committed to compliance with higher environmental standards and social.

Greater competition also offers better revenue prospects for the State of Chile, in the to the extent that companies or consortiums must offer the best possible conditions to participate in The explotion. This could include not only improvements technologies or processes associated directly to productive tasks, but also generation of supply chains, value addition, linkage with local/regional development and commitments with communities around the salt flats.

The fact that each salt flat is different and particular, Therefore, knowledge and development are required productive ad hoc for its correct exploitation, it is also a good reason for the search, on the part of the State, of various private partners for each task.

The presence of diverse actors in the industry allows also expect more linking options or alliances with various companies, value chains and markets globally, especially in activities associated with the manufacture of lithium.

Finally, the diversification of actors implies a better risk sharing within the framework of alliances public-private establishments established by the State, with the appropriate geopolitical balances, to the extent that several commercial partners of Chile have space to participate in this industry locally.

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g. Contribution to productive diversification and growth potential It is also a priority objective of this Strategy, the contribution of the Chilean industry of lithium to the productive diversification of the country and the potential economic growth that this entails. This objective is complementary to the objective of generating
production chains to ensure that the development of this industry does not make it an enclave, but it implies an additional challenge: betting on installing ourselves as a country in a more advanced position in the chain global value of lithium(3).

Simplifying the value chain in five stages -mining, refining, electrochemical, cells and battery assembly- Chile has a stake relevant market in the first, participates in the second, and disappears in the following links(4). To advance in value addition, Chile has a advantageous position: it has one of the largest reserves lithium globally, which allows us to talk with the world's leading technology companies, and seek alliances that for them imply security of supply, and for the country, local industrial development.

Footnote 3 A global value chain is the set of activities carried out in different geographical locations (regions, countries, etc.) necessary for the production of a good or service. In the case of lithium-ion batteries for the automotive industry, for example, the value chain begins with the extraction of lithium in brines or rock. In Chile, lithium is extracted from brines and is mostly exported as lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) or lithium hydroxide (LiOH). Later, with the participation of other minerals: copper, cobalt, nickel and graphite, among others, are manufactured the components (anodes, cathodes, separators) that are later joined together yes forming an electric battery cell. The set of packed cells assembled and form the electric battery that stores the energy required by the vehicles. Battery manufacturing has three main production processes: cell manufacturing, cell module manufacturing, and battery assembly. Each of these stages can be done on the same site or they can be located in different geographic locations; however, the battery assembly tends to be close to the vehicle manufacturing site to reduce transportation costs of battery packs that are much larger and heavier than the cells and the modules. Source: Poveda Bonilla, R. (2021). Public policies for innovation and the addition of lithium value in Chile.

Footnote 4 To have a comparison criterion of what this means, it is convenient to understand that if the lithium industry (SQM, Albemarle, Livent, Tianqi, Ganfeng, among others) is valued at between US$10 billion and US$15 billion, the battery industry (CATL, LG Chemical, Samsung SDI, Panasonic, among others) is in a range between US$45 billion and US$55 billion, and the automakers (Tesla, BYD, Volvo, Volkswagen, among others) in more than US$ 400 billion range.

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V. Strategic Definitions
Here are the definitions & strategies that allow the achievement of the stated objectives.

a. Involvement of the State in the entire industrial cycle

The objectives set out in the National Strategy of the Lithium seek to give dynamism to the industry, involving the State throughout the entire production cycle (exploration, exploitation and manufacturing), acting through public-private alliances and developing chains of associated value. This requires getting involved in the short term in the productive works in the Salar de Atacama, as well as promote the exploitation of other salt flats, with diversification criteria in stakeholder participation and environmental sustainability.

The reasons that justify the participation of the State in the productive cycle are the following:

• In the exploration stage, an active role of the State allows the generation of expert knowledge about the quantity and quality of the reservoir reserves and environmental conditions, as well as the various difficulties associated with the operation, which contributes to design not only better contracts to ensure the highest profitability of the exploitation of these resources to the State and public participation strategies in the production chain, but also for the definition of scientific-technological policies, of innovation and production, in addition to the regulations and socio-environmental requirements, and other tasks of public institutions.

• The participation of the State in the stage of exploitation makes it possible to better address set of strategic decisions way to mitigate the risks of affectation environmental, social and enclave formation, and increase the probability of success in terms of linkages and use of productive development opportunities. Besides, promotes the accumulation of knowledge maximization of state revenues, access to accurate and reliable earnings information and income from the operation, knowledge of associated costs, inputs and sales, as well as the entire process associated with refining. Additionally, it allows the State a good position to seek public-private companies with companies that are in the stage of value addition.

The preferred vehicle for which the State will participate of the industrial activity around lithium is the National Lithium Company (NLC). As long as it is not created, it should initiate the decisive participation of the State in the exploration and exploitation of salt flats through state companies with a mining business, that is, Codelco and ENAMI. In both cases, they will create dedicated subsidiaries to lithium exclusively, with all the safeguards administrative, operational and financial to meet this task and facilitate the public-private partnership.

In addition, the discussion, elaboration and implementation of measures related to productive aspects of the Strategy, will be articulated by a Corfo Committee.

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This Committee will be in charge of promoting and proposing scientific-technological and industrial development policies that allow the promotion of new productive activities upstream and downstream in the lithium cycle, as well as to identify and take advantage of opportunities.

b. Capacity building (creating)

The harmonious and sustainable development of the industry, in the economic, social and environmental, requires strengthening a set of capabilities. Some of these may be considered as public goods, to the extent that its development represents a win-win for all industry players and, as such, must be brought carried out by an entity separate from the production cycle with the intention of providing such discoveries publicly to all competitors and to State agencies, both for the evaluation and decision decision makers, as well as those in charge of the regulation and supervision.

Knowledge and science allow us to understand the salt flats and exploit them with the highest standards of careful. From science and technology we can build those standards and constantly improve them. Currently, the existing knowledge about lithium and salt flats in the country is scarce and dispersed in different specialized agencies, such as the private sector, universities, technological and research institutes and other public institutions (such as the Commission Chilean Nuclear Energy Agency, CCHEN; the national service of Geology and Mining, Sernageomin; and the direction General de Aguas, DGA), in addition to Corfo, without there being a strategic articulation around its objectives and tasks. The knowledge generated about lithium and salt flats largely due to individual efforts, with scarce and temporary financing.

In this context, the creation of an institute technological and public research, for the generation and internalization of knowledge around lithium and the salt flats, including the value chain associated with the mineral. This will have as its main objective the generation of knowledge and technologies that allow, for example, improve the processes of extraction, production, value addition, applications and recycling, as well to improve the understanding of the salt flats, through the generation of robust models that allow know its hydrogeology, biodiversity, and minimize the impact associated with extraction operations and lithium processing. Thus, the institute will combine the efforts in the field of technological development with research capabilities in ecology, geology and social sciences on salt flats, their biodiversity and the present and future communities that live in and turn to them.

This will contribute both to good auditing and regulation of the sector, as well as the efficient and informed of decisions, where the State and its authorities require of expert knowledge on the subject.

The Institute will also collaborate with the cadastre (subsidiary) process of resources that will be carried out by private individuals and companies state, in order to centralize a general diagnosis at the same time as the detailed information of each salar. This knowledge will allow to provide antecedents for the adequate design of exploitation contracts, including the common construction of the list of salt flats and saline lagoons for their preservation through the creation of a network of protected salt flats. The Institute will be in charge of collecting and making available the information about this cadastre, and about the projects of exploration and exploitation, both in its stages of formulation and design as well as execution, according with associated access to information provisions to the Escazú Agreement.

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c. Public-Private Partnership

Since the entry into force of the Organic Law of Concessions Mining and the Mining Code, lithium is a substance not concessible (except for Corfo's belongings (land possession) in Salar de Atacama and Codelco in Salar de Pedernales, gr anted prior to the year 1979). Therefore, the exploration and/or exploitation of lithium may only be used and/or executed by the State directly, by companies of the State, through administrative concessions and through special lithium operation contracts (CEOL) with the requirements and under the conditions that the President of the Republic set, for each case, by supreme decree.

Although the State owns the mineral, the sector private sector has the potential to contribute to the exploitation and value addition, contributing with greater productive, technological and commercial knowledge, and with capital investment.

Thus, while the creation of the National Company of Lithium bets on developing some of these capabilities in the State, you must also take advantage of the capacity installed in the private sector through the development of public-private partnerships that, maximizing the economic and social profitability of extracting ore, combine the objectives of private players and the state.

The high profitability of lithium exploitation and the condition of not being conceivable allows a relationship of mutual benefit between private interests and public, including for the exploration stage. The private, which are potential entrants to the industry, may be willing to enter into agreements with the State, ceding participation, paying the rents that correspond, in view of the potential that the industry. For its part, in addition to the mining resource, the State will provide a long-term vision regarding to the development of the country, promoting the development of technological capabilities, production chains and the addition of value, with the greatest protection of the ecosystems and communities.

• Forms of public-private association

The public-private partnership mode and mechanism selection of private partners can be diverse depending on the characteristics of each salt flat, the activity (exploration versus exploitation) and the presence of incumbents. The transversal to all these designs should be that they allow to promote the objectives described in this Strategy and where the public interest has a determining role in fundamental decisions. For ensure the involvement of the State throughout the phase lithium industry, the mode used in this Strategy is that of public-private association through joint-ventures.

The status of the different salt flats with lithium potential and a mode is established public-private partnership and a mechanism for choose partners.

As already mentioned, in two salt flats there are lithium holdings (mining property established prior to 1979) and the holders of these can exploit the ore without requiring a Special Operation Contract Lithium or CEOL. These belongings (land possession) correspond to Codelco in the Salar de Pedernales and Corfo in the Salar of Atacama.

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• Salt flats with belongings (land possession) pre-1979: Pedernales and Atacama

In the Salar de Pedernales, a Codelco subsidiary could develop a project on its own or form a public-private partnership to start with exploration and exploitation of the salt flat.

The case of the Salar de Atacama is especially relevant for Chile, not only because that is where they are the main lithium reserves identified to date, but also because it is the only one where today there are extractive operations, which are in turn a source of significant tax revenue.

In this framework, it is important to consider that the mining properties in the Salar are in the hands of the State through Corfo and are exploited through lease agreements with SQM Salar and Albemarle S.A., which are valid until 2030 and 2043, respectively.

Faced with this scenario, and especially given the term of one of the contracts in 2030, it is key and urgent: (I) ensure the continuity of productive activities in the Salar, (II) sustainably increase the lithium production, and (III) ensure the entry of the State in the production cycle.

For this, it is necessary that, starting from the base of the unrestricted respect for the contracts in force between Corfo and both companies, opportunities for negotiation are opened with these, taking into account the particular situation of each one.

• Salares without belongings (land possession)

In the remaining salt flats there are no claims on lithium, Therefore, any exploration or exploitation project with private participation requires a CEOL. Of these, in the Salar de Maricunga, where currently There are several companies interested in exploiting lithium, the State has commissioned Codelco to seek a solution that enables the development of projects.

In the Aguilar, Infieles, La Isla, Las Parinas and Grande, Enami has requested the Ministry of Mining a CEOL to establish the 5 Salares Project.

However, pending decisions regarding the network of protected salt flats, the State will look for operators to register the resources via bidding in those salt flats where preliminary studies have already been carried out on the productive potential. For this, it will grant CEOL of exploration to private companies. Said tender for the selection of these companies will be public, competitive and transparent. Technical offers must include, among other things: reports and instruments to keep to the updated status of the information collected, a proposal for a local value generation plan and productive chains, as well as the estimation of environmental impacts associated with each project. Finally, public-private partnerships also could compete in this tender, opting for a CEOL of exploration that in the future allows them to exploit.

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Prompt delivery of exploration CEOL complies to the need to move swiftly with the cadastre of available resources, to then enter productive operations. In case the results exploration shows potential, the private sector will have the preferential option of future exploitation in association with a state company (Empresa Nacional del Lithium, subsidiaries of Codelco or Enami). in those salt flats that are defined as strategic, the State will have control of said association.

d. institutional framework

A key aspect of the Strategy is advancing the arrangement of the institutional framework around lithium and the salt flats, which allows the development and growth of the industry with minimal impact on the salt flats and full respect for indigenous communities and peoples. This task was already started between May and October 2022, with the Interministerial Table that collected the main gaps in this matter. Among his conclusions highlights the need to review regulatory aspects, the functioning of supervisory bodies, such as also the relationship between central decisions and regional and communal governments.

Chile has a long and solid experience in mining of rock, which is expressed institutionally in the Code of Mining and associated standards, as well as agencies and procedures for its regulation. However, in the case of lithium, which is obtained from the brines present in the salt flats, a large part of the regulations useful in case of rock do not adjust to the case of brines. This is one task that needs to be addressed urgently.

Regarding public bodies whose roles and/or functions are related to lithium and salt flats a review is also required. These institutions have functions of a diverse nature (monitoring, regulation or consultancy), which have been incorporated into over time, for this reason an ordering is necessary institution that accounts for the complexity and importance of salt flats and related activities with the exploitation of brines and lithium.

e. Social and territorial sustainability: community involvement

For the sustainable exploitation of lithium, the State must promote and establish the highest social standards environmental conditions, which requires defining instances of dialogue and participation with all those stakeholders in presenting their points to the discussion of this Strategy, especially communities of indigenous peoples linked to the salt flats.

For this, a process of dialogue and participation will be carried out. that collects the concerns and expectations of various actors around the development of the lithium industry, that contributes to the definitions for the modernization institution that ensures the sustainable development of the sector, including the creation of the National Company of the Lithium and specific activities of the Technological Institute and Public Investigation of Lithium and Salt Flats.

Thus, the implementation of the Strategy will be accompanied through a process of dialogue with the different groups of interest, in which indigenous communities participate, academy and sciences, society organizations civil, companies, territorial organizations. This dialogue process will be developed taking as framework international agreements ratified by Chile (ILO Convention 169, and the Escazú Agreement), international standards for mining in the field of the relationship with interest groups and the Chilean regulations on process implementation of citizen participation in the plans, policies and programs developed by the Ministry of Mining and

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Human Rights plans.
The application of these principles will provide a legitimacy before the communities, which allows a greater legal certainty of administrative acts and/or legislation to develop. This participatory process will be led by the Ministry of Mining with the support of the Ministries of Environment and Development Social for its design and implementation.

It will be the job of the Executive:

• The generation of a new institutional framework, that integrates these guidelines, shapes consistent with the objectives of this Strategy. They will also be considered as background the reports of the National Lithium Commission 2015, and the Interministerial Table led in 2022 by the Ministry of Mining.

• Generate the conditions to transfer these learning organically to the institutions of the State, in safeguard of the consideration of long-term of this Strategy.

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VI. Implementation: key milestones 2023-2024
The strategic definitions just described, in accordance with the objectives of the Strategy, require concrete actions to be implemented.

The main actions that must be carried out are:

1. Create the Lithium and Salt Flats Strategic Committee led by the Ministry of Mining and in which the portfolios of the Treasury also participate, Economy, Foreign Relations, Environment and Sciences, in addition to Corfo, with the aim of lead the implementation of the various actions contemplated in the Strategy. From this instance will establish the coordination with other portfolios, public institutions, regional governments and private sector.

For this purpose, the figure of a Corfo Committee, which will also allow promoting scientific-technological development policies and industries that allow the development of new productive activities upstream and downstream in the lithium cycle, as well as to identify and take advantage of chaining and aggregation opportunities of value locally in the industry.

2. Start a process of dialogue and participation with the various actors that include representatives of indigenous communities and peoples, governments regional, academia and sciences, companies production companies, civil society, as well as government central and other public bodies. This process will allow to gather the expectations and proposals of diverse actors, considering the communities indigenous peoples, around the development of the industry. The results of the process will contribute to the definitions to be adopted regarding of institutional modernization to ensure the sustainable development of the sector, including the creation of a National Lithium Company and specific activities of the Technological Institute and Public Investigation of Lithium and Salt Flats.

The design of this process will use as a framework of reference to ratified international agreements by Chile (ILO Convention 169, Agreement of Escazú), international standards for the mining in the field of relations with interest groups and the regulations of the Ministry of Mining and Ministry of the Environment in matter of citizen participation processes and Human Rights plans.

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3. Create the National Lithium Company that can participate in the entire industrial cycle, from the cadastre of resources and the exploitation of the ore, until its treatment and subsequent industrial stages, such as the assembly of cells of batteries and recycling. The National Company of Lithium will be a state company and will seek partners private sector for the sustainable development of projects exploration, exploitation and aggregation of value, and will encourage the development of technologies in all areas of the value chain.

4. Create a Network of Protected Salt Flats and in those salt flats in exploitation regime, ensure the use of low-cost technologies environmental impact. Salt flats are ecosystems complex, unique and highly biodiverse, and are suffering a significant degradation to global level as in Chile. The above forces safeguarding long-term ecological sustainability term of these ecosystems.

For this reason, the Strategy contemplates the creation of a network of protected salt flat systems, fulfilling the commitment to protect at least 30% of ecosystems by 2030, in line with the international obligations established in the Biodiversity Framework Convention.

To meet this goal, for each salar and saline lagoon, the Lithium Strategic Committee and Salares, will commission studies regarding the potential ecosystem to determine if it is enabled for industrial interest or if it is preserved. These studies will be the responsibility of the agencies of the

competent State, including the recently Natural Capital Committee created. The Institute Technological and Public Investigation of Lithium y Salares will be responsible for centralizing the information obtained from said cadastres.

In those salt flats that are exploited, the implementation of technologies that minimize the environmental impact on lithium recovery, and reducing the consumption of fresh water. Also, monitoring the biogeochemical effects of these techniques.

In addition, the process will begin to incorporate Chile to the EITI initiative (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative), to ensure the greater transparency and probity in all extractive industries including mining lithium, meeting the highest standards international.

5. Modernize the institutional framework. will be done a proposal for institutional modernization that allows the development and growth of the industry, protecting the impacts on the salt flats and communities, giving coherence to the existing and new bodies, and regulating the relationship between core decisions and regional and communal governments, all in consistent with the objectives of the Strategy. For the proposal, the report will be considered of the National Lithium Commission of 2015, of the Interministerial Board led by the Ministry of Mining in 2022 and the results of the process previously mentioned dialogues.

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6. Create a Technological Institute and Public Investigation of Lithium and Salt Flats that will have as its main objective the generation of knowledge and technologies to improve the processes of extraction, production, aggregation of value, applications and recycling, in addition to improve understanding and protection of salt flats, through the construction of baselines ecosystem public. This institute will combine these efforts with investigative capabilities in ecology, geology and social sciences on the salt flats and their communities, contributing to a good conservation, control and regulation of the sector, and the efficient and informed decision-making decisions from the state.

The Institute will also collaborate with the cadastre of resources and other environmental components that will be carried out by private and state companies. It will be in charge of collecting and making available information in terms of natural capital, and on exploration and exploitation projects, both in its formulation and design stages as well as of execution, in accordance with the provisions access to environmental information contemplated by the Escazú Agreement.

7. Incorporate the State in the activity production of the Salar de Atacama. The term in 2030 of the lease to private of an important part of the Salar de Atacama opens the possibility that the State of Chile start immediately the procedures to enter in the exploitation activity through a public-private articulation that benefits Chile and its development.

Within this framework, Corfo will request Codelco the search for the best ways to achieve from now on the participation of the Chilean State in the exploitation of lithium in the Salar de Atacama, negotiating first with SQM, whose contract expires precisely in 2030.

In this regard, two considerations: first, In case of forming a public company private company that exploits lithium from the Salar de Atacama, it will have a majority stake in the State. Second, the State of Chile will fully respect the provisions of the existing contracts. That is, a share advance of the State in the Salar de Atacama will be the result of an agreement with those who currently They have the rights to exploit lithium.

Finally new leases will take as floor the current conditions of current contracts, considering rents that the State obtains today, the benefits that delivered to the regional government, the governments locals and communities around the Salar, the contributions for R&D, the quotas reserved at a price preferential for the development of projects of added value in Chile, and will establish new socio-environmental standards.

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8. Prospecting of other salt flats. It is necessary register the resources available in other salt flats, and generate the conditions for the potential responsible lithium extraction and sustainable, as long as they do not belong to the network of protected salt flats.

For exploitation projects with value strategic for the country, will be established public-private partnerships with control of productive decisions by the State.

For all projects it will be considered as a floor the conditions and benefits for the State and the communities that today settle in the contracts that Corfo maintains in the Salar de Atacama (resources for communities, governments regional governments, local governments, and research and development), in addition to environmental requirements, technology, quotas for value projects added, among others.

In this frame:

to. Special operating contracts will be granted of lithium (CEOL) of exploration and exploitation to subsidiaries of state companies (Codelco and Enami) in those salt flats where they already have projects in different stages of development.

b. For the other salt flats that are considered susceptible to exploitation (given the preservation restrictions) will initiate a public, transparent and informed process of tender to private exploration CEOL. In case the scan results show potential, the private will have a choice preferred to associate with a company of the Status for the exploitation stage. If treated of projects of strategic value for the country, this association must have a participation majority of the state.

This process will speed up the exploration of the salt flats, and will provide a space for the different national and international actors Interested parties can enter the industry. The Bids submitted in CEOL tenders exploration should also include a local value generation plan proposal and productive chains that the eventual exploitation project, in order to favor initiatives that involve older local production chains, development technology and value addition.

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VII. Strategy Implementation Schedule
This chapter aims to present a proposal on how to proceed with the implementation of the National Lithium Strategy and its different milestones, in particular, on the roles that each Ministry must play and some suggestions on the next steps.

• Create the Lithium and Salt Flats Strategic Committee
• Participation of the State through a public-private alliance in the Salar de Atacama
• Ministry of Mining
• Ministry of Finance
• Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Ministry of the Environment
• Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation

This committee will be responsible for the implementation of the Strategy, will occupy the figure of a Corfo Committee and will be formalized in May 2023.
Other entities
Public Involved:
Corfo Responsible:
Start, first semester 2023.
Codelco and Corfo

• Start a process of dialogue and participation with the various participants.
This dialogue process will take place during the year 2023 and contemplates four stages:
• Preparation and call
• Participatory Process
• Integration and systematization
• Dissemination of process results
• Ministry of Development Social and Family
• Ministry of the Environment Atmosphere
• Corfo
Other entities
Public Involved:
Ministry of Mining Responsible:
• Creation of the Public Lithium and Salt Flats Technological and Research Institute For the creation of the Institute, a committee will work technician formed by the ministries and institutions already mentioned, in addition to other public entities, regional governments, universities and actors in the R+D+i ecosystem.
Its start-up is estimated during the first half of 2024.
• Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation
• Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism
• Ministry of the Environment
• Corfo
Other entities
Public Involved:
Ministry of Mining Responsible:

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• Prospecting of other salt flats
• Ministry of Economy, Promotion and Tourism
• Ministry of Environment
• Corfo
• Codelco
• Enami
It is necessary to register the resources available in other salt flats, and generate the conditions for its extraction of sustainable way. For this, associations will be established public-private with decision control production by the state. This will take place in the following way:
a. Starting in 2023, exploration CEOLs will be granted and exploitation of subsidiaries of state companies (Codelco and Enami) in those salt flats where They have projects at various stages of development.
These companies will be able to decide whether to associate or not with a private entity.

b. CEOL tender for exploration to private companies, to from the first semester of 2024, in those
salt flats registered by Sernageomin and that are considered susceptible to exploitation.

Creation of a network of protected salt flats
• Ministry of Mining
• Ministry of Economy, Promotion and Tourism
• Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and innovation
Other entities
Public Involved:
Ministry of the Environment

During 2023 the criteria and procedures will be defined to define areas and protection status.

Presentation of the Bill that creates the National Lithium Company (NLC)
The entry of the Bill will occur at the end of the year 2023, receiving the contributions of the process of dialogues.
• Ministry Secretariat General of the Presidency
• Ministry of Finance
• Ministry of Economy, Promotion and Tourism
• Corfo
Other entities
Public Involvement

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• Improvement of the Institutional Framework and Regulations for the proper development of the Lithium Industry
• Ministry Secretariat General of the Presidency
• Ministry of Finance
• Ministry of Economy, Promotion and Tourism
• Ministry of energy
• Ministry of Environment
• Ministry of Public Works
• Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and innovation
• Corfo
Other entities
Public Involved:
Ministry of Mining Responsible:
This milestone seeks to modify and adapt the bodies regulations that regulate the industry and its institutions (among them, CChEN, DGA, SERNAGEOMIN, Ministry of Mining, Environmental Institutions), to be presented within the first semester of the year 2024.

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