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Sunday, 06/04/2023 2:49:56 AM

Sunday, June 04, 2023 2:49:56 AM

Post# of 91844
The Upper Atmosphere Is Cooling, Prompting New Climate Concerns

There is a paradox at the heart of our changing climate. While the blanket of air close to the Earth’s surface is warming, most of the atmosphere above is becoming dramatically colder. The same gases that are warming the bottom few miles of air are cooling the much greater expanses above that stretch to the edge of space

Much of the research analyzing changes aloft has been done by scientists employed by NASA. The space agency has the satellites to measure what is happening, but it also has a particular interest in the implications for the safety of the satellites themselves.

So NASA releases a new study indicating that the upper atmosphere is indeed cooling matching what Dr. Solis sent them. However none of his work is mentioned. No mention of the earths weakening magnetic field, a known fact. No mention of cracks forming after the earths magnetic field reconnects, also a known fact. No mention of space hurricanes which allow plasma to re-enter the earth and cool the upper atmosphere. Again thats a real phenomenon. Nope NASA says only 1 thing is cooling the upper atmosphere and warming the lower...CO2.

Lets look at what Dr. Solis said causes the cooling of the upper atmosphere:

During normal conditions there exist permanent polar vortices at the north and south poles, but when the earth’s geomagnetic field becomes chaotic, and magnetic lines go out of earth like coronal mass ejection (CME), when the plasma comes back, it creates much colder sunspots and the chaotic field creates areas of extreme low-pressure vortices all over the earth. These vortices are the mechanisms through which the extreme coldness of space comes near the atmosphere for sufficient temperature drop.

Now lets compare that description to the official description of a space Hurricane.

Tropical storms are associated with huge amounts of energy, and these space hurricanes must be created by unusually large and rapid transfer of solar wind energy and charged particles into the Earth's upper atmosphere," Lockwood explained.

We know that reconnecting magnetic field lines can transfer solar wind energy into the magnetosphere and ionosphere, so the team modelled this process and found that a reconnecting interplanetary magnetic field can produce the features they observed in the space hurricane, even when the solar wind is low. In fact, the low solar wind might be key - it allows for more efficient magnetic reconnection.

It also means that such storms might be quite common.

"Plasma and magnetic fields in the atmosphere of planets exist throughout the universe, so the findings suggest space hurricanes should be a widespread phenomena," Lockwood said.

To me these look like the same phenomenon. Earths magnetic field becomes chaotic and then reconnects. During the reconnection process these space hurricanes form transfering huge amounts of energy. The only thing missing in the official description that is contained in Dr Solis description is that theres a heat transfer like when a sunspot blows off a CME. Heat is lost into space thus cooling the upper atmosphere.

So why is it NASA, whom Dr Solis wrote his paper for, not factoring in the elements of space hurricanes and cracks in the magnetic field to their studies? Why is the focus solely on CO2? Because climate change isnt caused by CO2, its merely a player, a partial truth. Electric vehicles will not save the planet. We are actually releasing more CO2 now to manufacture them. As ive been showing in my posts, they are going out of control killing people because of this chaotic magnetic energy.

This will only get worse as the earths magnetic field continues to weaken, a known problem. We need to reduce our need of technology not increase it if we wish to survive the "confusing times" ahead.

Relations and Implications of Aperiodic Earth Core / Geomagnetic Field Reversals with Earth Glaciations

Space Hurricanes:

Is there a strategy to distract people away from looking at the basic data, like using humor?
Is the data being reducing to the absurd?
Is there an exercise to create more forum verbiage to drown out evidence?

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