Street complacent on debt, Fed mixed on stopping rate hikes, economy is not slowing and jobs, prices, wages, are all near the peak. There is in fact NO SIGN the economy is slowing. Inflation pressure will only INCREASE with this setup and the FED knows this. But the banking implosion and market panic over another hike will give them pause.
While the street is complacent on inflation and default the bond market is not. In fact everything that brought the 1 trillion dollar crisis has been amplified over the debt ceiling. Now imagine what will happen if the negotiations fail, as i expect it will.
AI is the next great trend and it should last for a long time and create huge economic change, mostly displace workers that are white collar and highly educated. A real switch from the prior revolutions. AI is still in it's infancy but technology seems to accelerate when all is on board.
I expect the market to hold up till next Tuesday when they restart talks. Obvious everyone assumes a settlement is on hand. Love the spike in bonds, dollar as wall street pretends it is no big deal. BTW Bitcoin in a breakdown situation right now but still not breaking much beyond a normal reversal in trend. no big moves yet.