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Re: rbtree post# 7695

Sunday, 05/21/2023 12:49:01 PM

Sunday, May 21, 2023 12:49:01 PM

Post# of 7742


Re: PennyStockYoda post# 2473
Tuesday, September 03, 2013 3:41:05 PM

Post# 2488 of 7695

Oh yeah sure.

This nonsense just reeks of scam! No assays, nothing but some made up doodling.
1.5 ounces per ton grades in Nevada? Not on your life in the 21st century. Current Carlin Trend and other operators are happy to get yields of 0.02-0.05 opt..

That, and claiming PGM's at any value in the desert SW is further proof of lunacy

And, of course, if they ever do file, they'll learn that it is illegal to put a monetary value on in-ground minerals until the site has been fully drilled, tested, and a full feasibility study done. All must comply with SEC Industry Grade 7 standards.

09/03/13 4:11 PM #2507 RE: rbtree #2494

A new desert dirt scam, Rbtree!! What fun! These guys don't even bother with the little lies, and skip right to the big ones - not only do they have gold values 50 times higher than what would normally be found in a placer, but they have equal amounts of platinum! Of course, there is no recorded production for platinum in Arizona, and finding it in an Arizona placer is even more unlikely, but what the heck, investors in this scam don't seem to care.

I am guessing that their other "divisions" are just as shaky and fraudulent as their mining division.