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Alias Born 02/07/2005

Re: Zardiw post# 7692

Sunday, 05/21/2023 12:32:13 PM

Sunday, May 21, 2023 12:32:13 PM

Post# of 7750
This might give you an idea:

There's lots more here, from about 2013 forward.....

Sunday, June 28, 2015 6:49:33 PM

Post# 6317 of 7695
maybe someone can find some info on the Randall Goat, CEO,

what i have is

Randy L. Hoff
1020 El Campo Rd Lotus, CA 95651

This 724 square foot single family home has 1 bedrooms and 1.0 bathrooms. It is located at 1020 El Campo Rd Lotus, California.
Lot: 5.04 acres
Single Family
Built in 1998
Last sold: Mar 1986 for $48,000

there are two registered sex offenders nearby


Re: rbtree post# 6315

Sunday, June 28, 2015 7:18:40 PM

Post# 6318 of 7695
ROTFL!!!! Randy is such an idiot - he continues to shoot himself in the feet.

He claimed he already had my name and phone number. Now he's posting in the blind on Craigslist asking - pleading - for hepp - to find my phone number!

Geeze, Randy lost it already? What a clown!

Dude is a JOKE just like OODH the horribly-attempted pennystock scam by a buffoon goat molester, Randy L. Hoff.

724 sq. ft - that's only big enough for maybe 5 goats. Maybe Randy sleeps out back in the OODH "corporate jet" with the $10 million in invisible cash in it. Check it out on Google maps - you can see the old firewood truck on the property.

This is how high-rolling corporate finance magnates trying to take remedial courses at Folsom Lake Community College (2 year junior collitch where he was enrolled in 2008 - 7 years ago! - it's a 2-year JC) live on their $309 BILLION dollar gold mine and imaginary oil leases. And still waiting on repairs to that non-functioning "wash plant" - lol - or his big NYC fundraising roadshow that netted him exactly ZERO dollars - butt generates lots of laughs - at his expense.

Randy refers to that beat-up old firewood truck as "the corporate jet" that will pick up poor suckers who've lost at least $50,000 on the OODH failed scam.

Hay, face facts - Randy Hoff is simply too stupid to pull off even a simple pennystock scam. It ain't happening for him - just like that inane hope that he once had to get an engineering degree from Sac State - if only it didn't require any math, eh?

LOL - face it, Randy is destined to cut firewood and eke out an existence of poverty in a 724 sq ft shack until he's 80 (if he makes it that losg). He has nowhere near the mental horsepower to pull off even a rudimentary penny stock scam.

OODH would be much better off if the goats appointed one of themselves as CEO and they ordered Randy to stick to splitting firewood (and quit molesting them!).

OODH - the pathetic joke pennyscam with a pathetic CEO who can't even run a basic pennyscam. That's pretty damned incompetent.

Randy tries to close the biggest business transaction in the history of OODH ($70 takes the wood and the "corporate jet" it's loaded on):

My 2nd post on this board:

Re: PennyStockYoda post# 2469
Tuesday, September 03, 2013 3:29:22 PM

Post# 2470 of 7695
I'll believe this nonsense...

... well maybe not...ever

OODH Gold Mining Division (dba) : AuVek Mining Company.
Website: www.AuVek
Gold Refiner: Essential Metals Corporation
Claims: $300 Billion to $640 Billion Joint Venture with Bayou Mining, Inc
Aerial View: 91N 21 W