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Alias Born 10/02/2021

Re: abc1233 post# 145608

Sunday, 04/16/2023 2:23:58 PM

Sunday, April 16, 2023 2:23:58 PM

Post# of 163397
FACT: BENAISHA IS SCAMMER. Alas lost upon heavily-bagged-n-trapped OTC dumdums LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

SCAMMER BENAISHA does not mince words in claiming she is BANK OWNER and REAL ESTATE MOGUL (who is desperately trying to to sell this dump in Mesquite TX for 350k LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

Another place where you an verify that BENAISHA is a SCAMMER is here:
PRIME ONE bank cannot be found anywhere in the list of active US banks.

IMO OTC dumdums who fell for TEE FEE SCAMMER ST3 and his DIMWIT PARROT FRANKIE's "FLUFF-PRs-FOR-YOUR-MONEY-SCAMS" now desperately tossing around FUD with HOPIUM and DELUSION based conjecture-DD with "maybes" and "who knows" and "no ideas" in order to get dummer OTC dumdums to bail em out... not gonna happen... most have wised up.

TPT - SWA - Blackpearl - BENAISHA ... a network of OTC "Nigerian" SCAMMERS. A story where DIMWIT PARROT FRANKIE and TEE FEE SCAMMER ST3 and TOXIC FUNDER WHITE LION take the OTC dumdums to the cleaners to pay ST3 house rent, tee fees, and family welfare LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

All my posts are purely opinions and don't constitute financial advise. Do your own DD.

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