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Alias Born 03/05/2018

Re: None

Wednesday, 03/15/2023 4:32:41 PM

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 4:32:41 PM

Post# of 17916
The plain truth... Sean and Simon aren't working hard enough for investors...Time to start busting balls!!

Here's a $NGTF post from an investor today, and Sean's answer....

Company MB Poster....."Good Morning Sean, Is anyone from Nightfood reaching out to all the hotels at the local level? This would seem to make the local operators aware we are available."

Sean...."We've learned that the % of local operators that CURRENTLY care is not high enough to make this a great use of time and energy."

MB Poster...."Again the manager is not even aware that we are an option. Marketing, Marketing. Nothing happens until someone sells it!!!!"

Not an acceptable answer!!!!!

$NGTF doesn't have a single salesman, no sales dept at the heavy sales lifting must be done by mgmt.

Starting by Sean and Simon Dang each making a few hundred cold calls EVERY DAY to the thousands of Hotels that could be carrying Nightfood Sleep Friendly snack products.

Sean's on Linkedin and SM all the time it seems, probably nursing his he can pick up the phone and reach out to hoteliers for at least a few hours EVERY day...along with Simon.

Inexcusable for Sean to keep telling us that local Hotel operators aren't motivated and don't matter...that at this stage it all about corporate.

I say that's a complete crock....and they need to star to "SPEND THEIR TIME AND ENERGY" selling our snack product line..out in the marlket. Get on the effin phone and reach out, for starters!!!

Most of the company Telegram posting members don't have the backbone to tell the CEO what they think...except for a couple of them that are outspokenly honest about the state of affairs.

Time for others to start to voice their displeasure and concerns.


Such a sweet... SHORT SQUEEZE!!

Don't sweat the small stuff....this, too will pass!

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