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Re: None

Saturday, 12/03/2022 9:28:47 PM

Saturday, December 03, 2022 9:28:47 PM

Post# of 708638
Cohen Milstein:

“US Cancer Drug Company Accuses Market Makers of Stock Spoofing,” Financial Times

DECEMBER 01, 2022
Northwest Biotherapeutics claims Citadel Securities, Virtu and others drove down its share price

A cancer-focused biotechnology company has sued eight of the US’s largest market making traders including Citadel Securities, Susquehanna and Virtu, alleging that they deliberately drove down its share price by placing sell orders they had no intention of executing.

The complaint, filed by Northwest Biotherapeutics in a federal court in New York on Thursday, claimed that the traders “deliberately engaged in repeated spoofing that interfered with the natural forces of supply and demand” by placing tens of millions of fake orders between December 2017 and August of this year.

The trading companies would then cancel those orders and buy Northwest’s shares at an artificially lower price, the complaint alleged.

Lawyers for the clinical-stage biotechnology firm claimed a “particularly egregious example” of this activity took place in May, after the publication of positive trial data for Northwest’s DCVax-L brain cancer drug.

The news “should have caused NWBO’s share price to increase, absent manipulation in the market”, they wrote, referring to the company’s stock symbol. Instead it dropped from $1.73 to a low of $0.3862.

“This staggering decline of 78 per cent in the price on a day with extremely positive news about the company was caused by defendants’ relentless and brazen manipulation of the market for NWBO shares,” lawyers at Cohen Milstein Sellers &Toll added.

“It’s already underhanded to engage in market manipulation, but to do so at the expense of cancer patients, some of whom have no other treatments to place their hopes on, is unconscionable,” said Laura Posner, a partner at Cohen Milstein

0Poor Man -

Re: None

Saturday, December 03, 2022 2:13:56 PM

of 543150
Obviously with the digitization of securities combined with AI, it’s time for the 20th Century rules and regs to catch up to the 21st.

The SEC and its Chair recognize that it’s finally time.

We’re in a significant transformational time around predictive data analytics and the use of data, artificial intelligence and machine learning. And we haven’t updated many of our core rules around market structure, whether it’s the US Treasury market, which is a $24 trillion to $25 trillion market. Or even a very quickly growing area, private funds, which in total—hedge funds, private equity—add up to about $21 trillion as of the end of last year. That’s about to surpass the size of our entire commercial banking sector, which is just $23 trillion. So, recognizing the rapid change of technology, [we’re] updating our basic rules of the road within the authorities Congress has given us and how the courts interpret them for the betterment of the American public.

Al's Comment:
People always ask me why Northwest Biotherapeutics' stock didn't skyrocket when they released fantastic news that their phase 3 clinical trial was a complete success. It made people think there was something wrong, and unless you read the full publication along with the supplemental materials which clearly answers all of the negative comments floating around about the trial, you might be tempted to believe some of the misleading articles that were published about the trial. This article talks about the main reason why the stock is so low and has gone lower every time the company announced good news. It is probably (innocent until proven guilty) because of stock manipulation by a few greedy companies who care more about money than your lives. This scam has delayed the approval of DCVAX by years - killing many people who might have been saved. Hopefully this ends now, and we can get back to finding the cure!
Re: ATLnsider post# 540286
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 2:30:20 PM
Post# of 543143 Go
ATLnsider, is it possible Linda may go after approval of DCVax-L as a “tissue agnostic oncology drug” and immediately - as with this upcoming BLA - get approval for all solid cancers regardless of organ origin based on this FDA guidance?
We have known for a long time that DCVax-L is a treatment that works across all solid cancers because it uses the tissue from the actual tumor, regardless of the organ it came from. That’s what agnostic means in this setting - it has no allegiance to an organ; it’s just targeting the antigens in that patient’s tumor. So if the FDA’s new guidance allows it, why not go for it now and avoid costly trials for each organ???
Is it possible this guidance passed in October 2022 is what Linda and management have been waiting for? And that’s why upscaling manufacturing to possibly include Flaskworks has been so important?

A tissue agnostic oncology drug can therefore be used to treat multiple types of cancer (e.g., colorectal, thyroid, and breast cancers) with the targeted molecular alteration (e.g., either the same targeted molecular alteration or targeted molecular alterations affecting a single pathway)

My latest response to Matt Williams:-

Replying to
"It is not "abuse" to call out your 'trashing' of other Doctor's work and at the same time state there is "No conflict of interests" which as we both know is simply not true. You run the "largest Optune clinic in the UK" - (a key competitor). THIS IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST"

Replying to
"Also, you further fail to disclose you are a Director with @pear_bio
Your device is yet to gain clinical validation.The DCVax technology platform could make the need for such redundant. Similarly, much of your work could be made obsolete with DCVax. THIS IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST"

Re: Bright Boy post# 542702
Saturday, December 03, 2022 10:32:29 AM
Post# of 543142 Go
Bright Boy, that article is simply about Merck reformulating Keytruda to allow for subcutaneous (below the skin) injection just like Pfizer, Roche, and many others have been working on for years, partly (or mostly) in an attempt to extend the patents.

Biologics (like Keytruda) are commonly administered by IV infusion because of the need to deliver safe concentrations, maintain stability, avoid aggregation and undesirable viscosity properties, and limit degradation in the digestive tract due to short half-life.

Biologics can be difficult to formulate for subcutaneous or intramuscular delivery as these typically involve injection of small volumes of highly concentrated drug solutions. Biologics that need to be given in high doses and/or have limited solubility can be particularly challenging and lead to loss of biological properties. Changes to the route of administration can also impact the dose and dose frequency, e.g., small volume subcutaneous or intramuscular injections of a biologic will likely need to be administered more frequently and/or at a higher dose compared to the same dose administered by infusion.

ae kusterer
Re: None
Saturday, December 03, 2022 12:05:54 PM
Post# of 543142 Go

Re: beachhyena post# 542828
Saturday, December 03, 2022 9:34:35 AM
Post# of 543142 Go
Absolutely agree, Beach. I just want to add, Direct is “the same” as L, according to Linda and I agree. It’s part of this platform treatment, but for inoperable cancers. So it will quickly become part of the approvals. May take a few months or a year, as you point out.I think it will be used in the application for all solid tumors because of the data it has collected. I suspect they may run a second trial just to confirm times of treatment, etc. which were proven to be important in the first trial for efficacy. Remember , Method A vs. method B.
Great times ahead for patients and investors!

I also believe that D will be approved so much quicker than most believe as it’s action will be distinguished within a matter of months.

Re: Larppis post# 542929
Saturday, December 03, 2022 12:38:15 PM
Post# of 543140 Go
Larppis, I haven’t yet found the wording but I think the latest 10Q points out that L and Direct are part of NWBO’s platform technology based on the same treatment, just delivered differently.

We have developed a platform technology, DCVax®, which uses activated dendritic cells to mobilize a patient’s own immune system to attack their cancer.
Both L and Direct have this in common, so basically the same
Our lead product, DCVax®-L, is designed to treat solid tumor cancers in which the tumor can be surgically removed….. Our second product, DCVax®-Direct, is designed to treat inoperable solid tumors. A 40-patient Phase I trial has been completed and included treatment of a diverse range of more than a dozen types of cancers.

I added what’s in red. Below is the definition of “Platform” on

Platform technology basically provides a common method, common procedure, common procedure which may be worked upon to have further enhancements in research, development, and manufacturing. In this case, we are producing a standard protocol whereby we can build further strategies that can lead to further development of the product.
Read more at:

Direct’s way of building on the DCVax platform was to find a way to deliver the activated cells without requiring lysate from the tumor, otherwise, avoiding the need to surgically remove the tumor, which can’t be done on inoperable tumors. (Begs the question will we need L in the future?? There may be some benefit to having the lysate. I don’t know)

To be honest, Larppis, FDA may or may not agree with management that the two treatments are the same. Regardless, We may still need a second Direct clinical trial to further improve or prove the effectiveness of injecting DCVax treatment directly into the tumor.
We will see, probably sooner than many expect. Also, the trials may be very short. Dr. Bosch has found a connection between patients that survived to 8 weeks, with certain telltale changes in their tumor, and much longer than expected survival in patients overall.
Listen to his podcasts carefully. Eight weeks after all patients begin treatment we know who will benefit.
Then take quite a few minutes to read the patent. Mind blowing!

Re: dstock07734 post# 541638
Thursday, December 01, 2022 1:50:46 PM
Post# of 543137 Go
Don’t forget about Regeneron, also Dr. Liau said “their next Spore Project” for the combo trial with DCVax-L + PD-1 inhibitor + CSF-1R inhibitor, will be with Bristol Myers Squibb (BMY).

Member Level
Re: tryn2 post# 541634
Thursday, December 01, 2022 1:19:31 PM
Post# of 543137 Go
It could be several BPs that have been active in immunotherapy, such as Roche, Novartis, Pfizer, Merck, and BMY. The pie on cancer is big enough for all of BPs to sit down and strike a deal instead of competing against each other.

Re: None
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 12:00:32 PM
Post# of 543135 Go
The FDA recently (October 2022) released new draft guidance titled: Tissue Agnostic Drug Development in Oncology - Guidance for Industry

A tissue agnostic oncology drug can therefore be used to treat multiple types of cancer (e.g., colorectal, thyroid, and breast cancers) with the targeted molecular alteration (e.g., either the same targeted molecular alteration or targeted molecular alterations affecting a single pathway).

This is great news for NWBio, for the further development of its DCVax-L and DCVax Direct vaccine platforms, that will target all solid tumor cancers, both operable and inoperable.

Re: None
Saturday, December 03, 2022 12:44:14 PM
Post# of 543133 Go

“A polyclonal but antigen agnostic approach includes the use of autologous whole cell tumour vaccines or tumour lysates, which provide the entire repertoire of a patients’ tumour antigens including mutated neoepitopes without the need for identification of individual antigens." (

“T-cell therapies can be antigen agnostic (administered without precise knowledge of the antigens targeted), such as in unmanipulated donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI) and TIL infusion, or targeted to known antigens.”

“… many prefer the concept of antigen-agnostic immunotherapies that allow each patient’s immune system to determine its own antigen specificities.”

Member Level
Re: Bright Boy post# 542942
Saturday, December 03, 2022 7:40:31 PM
Post# of 543129 Go
Thanks, BB

BMY did the similar trial to avoid patent cliff.

Re: HyGro post# 543034
Saturday, December 03, 2022 8:11:33 PM
Post# of 543129 Go
If you look at insider trading- you will not find one single BUY for NVCR. Not one. $NWBO c-suite has gone to great lengths to support. I would NEVER buy a stock that the c-suite runs from. I do wish NWBO SP growth to be organic- however due to SM data mining I do- there is little chance as it appears the “APES” and other sympathizers will be supporting a squeeze- at least that’s what my data says. I will be watching and forwarding any synthetic trading shares to watchful eyes. However- the cost of any borrowing has skyrocketed- which leads me to believe total calamity for certain short sellers. My last post here. Enjoy the fruits of discovery as time travels to those who think they can scam cancer stocks and their patients.

Begin forwarded message:

Re: Bright Boy post# 543079
Saturday, December 03, 2022 7:45:13 PM
Post# of 543126 Go
Agree 100% and well stated.

" The "FAT CATS" blanket their illegal schemes with legislation regulating their schemes into the "Legal" trading systems, and go on down the "trading" road pilfering and pillaging investors IRA's until someone stood up and said,"You might get away with thievery among the Wall Street Crowd, but your thieving ways will not be allowed to kill innocent, suffering cancer patients!!!"

I pray that NWBO will be able to take this legal action further, regard punitive damages that were incurred to NWBO and its shareholders.
"As the name suggests, punitive damage is a punishment.
Punitive damages or exemplary damages represent an amount awarded to punish a party’s outrageous conduct or deter the party or others from repeating the harmful act.
The punitive damage award is established based on the court’s discretion."

I also pray that LP and NWBO will not back down but have their day in court and to seek and be awarded the damages in the amount 10's of $ billions, IMPO.

of 543111
Poor Man was 100% right on the May 10 "takedown", but forgot one HUGE detail on the description of algos and machine vs machine trading and that is the "Uptick Rule" that the CRIMS managed to "CONTRIBUTE" their way through Congress with a Bill in hand that eliminated the "UPTICK RULE", legalizing their illegal trading schemes. Isn't that the way it always works!!! The "FAT CATS" blanket their illegal schemes with legislation regulating their schemes into the "Legal" trading systems, and go on down the "trading" road pilfering and pillaging investors IRA's until someone stood up and said,"You might get away with thievery among the Wall Street Crowd, but your thieving ways will not be allowed to kill innocent, suffering cancer patients!!!"

Bravo to Team Northwest and Screw Ken Griffin, Citadel, Cannacord and all the defendants and those that, as of yet, don't know they're defendants!!



Re: Bright Boy post# 543079

Saturday, December 03, 2022 6:05:39 PM

of 543111
But the thing they could not legalize is the orchestrated, short attacks using "spoofing" and other techniques to carry out the trades!! They're not nearly as smart as they think they are!!!


Bright Boy
Member Level
Re: Magrit post# 542614
Friday, December 02, 2022 7:32:17 PM
Post# of 543115 Go
Great post, Margaret !!!I'm certain that all the legitimate firms/institutions want the same thing!!!

The other things and I'm fairly certain of is Congressional hearings, DOJ investigations and without question, SEC investigations for market manipulations. Before Northwest, cases involving market manipulation were viewed as the Wall Street crowd fighting among themselves and the investors that were hurt had their "Big Boy" pants on and could handle the risk!

Now the politicians are dealing with something entirely different, PATIENT ADVOCACY !!!, Victims that have no pants at all and are lying in bed, helplessly awaiting death!! That is a very sad picture and unfortunately, it's one the many of us have seen too often before!! There is not a single politician that I've ever known and worked with that would vote against a Congressional hearing...DOJ...SEC... and any other supportive bill that would destroy the illegal traders ,who are first stealing the PROMISE and HOPE of these patients, before insuring their death by denying and depriving treatment.!!

As a matter of fact, just seeing those images in my mind as I type this reply, is so infuriating that I have to get up from my desk and walk around a bit so I don't drive the keyboard through the desk top.

The future is very bright for cancer patients, biotech companies, small and large in our new world of immunotherapy to fight diseases AND very, very dark Ken Griffin, Citadel and others that are named in the lawsuit and others that will be dragged in !!!

The last place in the world I would want to be this weekend and forever more is standing in Ken Griffin's shoes!!

I think the Reddit comment to Griffin," Ken, Ken, Ken !!! You little dickens!! What are we going to do with you now??" could be applied to the DOJ, SEC... and every other Federal Law enforcement agency that will "attach" to this case!!!!!



Begin forwarded message:

From: Joseph H Pratt II <>
Subject: IHUB
Date: December 3, 2022 at 8:05:04 PM EST
To: Joseph H Pratt I <>

Re: None
Friday, December 02, 2022 4:08:49 PM
Post# of 543113 Go
Thanks, Ex. Here goes. … I think, if I were a somewhat motivated plaintiff’s attorney, firm, (not necessary Cohen, no) I would look at certain posters who have long claimed to be non invested in NWBO (yes, because of the findings re the law suit) and take a look to see what other equities they posted about, as non-investors, and then do some data pulling analytics to determine if similar stock manipulation occurred in THOSE OTHER equities. See where I’m going with this. No, I’m not talking about the “handles” of the posters, per se, just that I’d reckon they could, maybe, lol, LEAD a motivated law firm firm to more market manipulation. And, $$$$. The groundwork now laid. NWBO isn’t/wasn’t the only one. Also, yes, If such (posters+equities manipulated) correlation means something to certain .gov investigators, if, so be it. Congrats on doing well in PPHM.
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