Friday, December 02, 2022 7:55:14 AM
On January 3, 2022, we announced the publication of our patent application 20210405504A1 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) – entitled 'Nonlinear Optical Chromophores Having a Diamondoid Group Attached Thereto, Methods of Preparing the Same, and Uses Thereof' – which significantly improves the overall stability and performance of our electro-optic polymers. The Company's electro-optic chromophores are designed to have one or more diamondiod molecular groups attached to the chromophore. When such chromophores are dispersed in a host polymer matrix, the electro-optic materials result in improved macroscopic electro-optic properties, increased poling efficiency, increased loading as well as increased stability of these materials after poling. The impact of this technology is that it will accelerate the path for very high-speed, low-power electro-optic polymers to be implemented into large foundry process development kits (“PDKs”) to boost performance of integrated photonic circuits.
On January 3, 2022, we announced that we enhanced our Company’s Foundry Process Development Kit Offering with the addition of Optical Grating Couplers. This expanded design tool kit will enable silicon foundries to implement PDKs and fabricate modulators and optical gratings in a single fab run, further enhancing modulator efficacy. We are continuing to work on additional design tool kit components to enable an expedited commercialization process through a more simplified manufacturing process for our foundry partners.
On February 10, 2022, we announced breakthrough photostability results on our electro-optic polymer modulators that are compatible with high-volume silicon foundry processes. The improved photostability of our polymers are expected to minimize any optical losses and provide a more robust platform for silicon foundries. This breakthrough photostability performance is incredibly important as we optimize our polymers for high-volume silicon foundry processes.
On March 7, 2022, we announced the receipt of U.S. patent number 11,262,605 entitled, "Active region-less polymer modulator integrated on a common PIC platform and method." This invention will simplify modulator integration for high-volume foundry manufacturing operations while enhancing polymer reliability to enable a more effective photonic engine. The essence of the invention is a complete optical engine that fits into fiber optic transceivers (either pluggable or co-packaged) that are used in routers, servers and elsewhere in optical networks. The engine is designed for high-volume manufacturing operations using silicon foundry infrastructure. The patent illustrates the use of our polymer modulators as a high speed, low power engine not only for data communication and telecommunication applications, but other new market opportunities as well.
On March 22, 2022 we announced the achievement of world-class results for a polymer modulator, as demonstrated in an enhanced stability and high-speed measurement by Polariton Technologies and ETH Zurich. The results were generated using the Company's proprietary, advanced Perkinamine® chromophores in Polariton's silicon-photonics-based plasmonic racetrack modulator that offers energy-efficient, low-loss, and high-speed modulation in a compact footprint that is ideal for pluggable and/or co-packaging transceiver modules. The plasmonic modulator performance was compared to that of silicon photonic microring modulators. The plasmonic device, using Lightwave Logic's electro-optic polymer material, was shown to be 250-3000x more stable than the silicon devices relative to operating condition changes. In addition, the plasmonic modulator was tested for 70+ minutes at 100 Gbps NRZ at 80C with no decrease in performance. The world-class results were presented as a contributed peer-reviewed paper at the prestigious 2022 Optical Fiber Conference (OFC2022), the optical communication industry's leading international technical conference and trade show, in San Diego on March 10, 2022.
On April 19, 2022, we announced the publication of our patent application 2022/0113566 A1 entitled "TFP (thin film polymer) optical transition device and method" that illustrates the design of a simpler to fabricate, lower cost hybrid integrated photonics chip using electro-optic polymers which are more advantageous for high-volume production. The invention will simplify polymer modulator fabrication when integrated with silicon photonics for high-volume foundry manufacturing applications. The simplified fabrication approach enables us to simplify the production of very high speed, low power proprietary polymer modulators that will enable significantly faster data rates in the internet environment. The essence of the invention is a hybrid polymer-silicon photonics engine that fits into fiber optic transceivers (either pluggable or co-packaged) that are used in the routers, servers and network equipment that are proliferating with the growth of data centers, cloud computing and optical communications capacity. The hybrid polymer-silicon photonics engine is designed to use high-volume silicon foundry infrastructure.
On May 25, 2022, we announced enhanced photostability results on our Company's proprietary electro-optic polymer modulators – demonstrating the reliability necessary for commercial deployments – all based on a technology which can be ported into high-volume silicon foundries and integrated onto a silicon photonics platform with other optical devices. Photostability is a critical performance metric required both in high volume manufacturing processes (such as photolithography) and in offering the high reliability and network availability required for commercial deployments. In the tests conducted, subjecting the Company's latest polymers to high intensity optical power for over 3000 hours produced no change in device performance. The ability of our proprietary polymers to pass this accelerated photostability aging test provides assurance that they will both tolerate the optical exposures which occur in high-volume manufacturing and support the reliability over the required operating life of optical transceivers and network elements.
On June 21, 2022, we announced the publication of our patent application 2022/0187637A1 entitled "Hybrid electro-optic polymer modulator with silicon photonics" that details a novel fabrication process that allows our Company’s proprietary polymers to be fabricated by silicon foundries in a high-volume manufacturing environment. The published patent application also details a more efficient process that allows for high yielding, high stability poling of polymers in a high-volume foundry manufacturing environment. The development of the PDK for this new optical hybrid optical modulator design is now in progress with our Company’s foundry partners.
June 23, 2022, we announced the publication of our patent application 2022/0187638A1 entitled " Hybrid electro-optic polymer modulator with atomic layer deposition (ALD) sealant layer" that allows our Company’s proprietary polymers to be sealed to moisture and other atmospheric gases in a very low temperature and quasi-hermetic environment through the use of a chip-scale packaging approach that can be applied in parallel at wafer level (i.e. in volume) and that eliminates the need for a separate hermetic enclosure or "gold box." Chip-scale packaging is a technique that has been gathering momentum in the silicon electronics industry for the past decade to reduce device chip packaging costs and increase device performance – enabling high-volume front and back-end manufacturing as well as extremely small sizes in miniaturization. Specifically, our electro-optic polymer modulators are sealed with a low-temperature conformal atomic layer deposition dielectic layers that are supported on a silicon substrate with passive silicon photonics waveguides.
On June 27, 2022 our Company's common stock was added to the Russell 3000® Index. We expect that the awareness of being included in one of the most widely followed benchmarks will not only benefit our existing shareholders but will lead to a broader base of institutional investors. The annual Russell index reconstitution captures the 4,000 largest US stocks as of May 6, ranking them by total market capitalization. Our membership in the US all-cap Russell 3000® Index, which remains in place for one year, means automatic inclusion in the small-cap Russell 2000® Index as well as the appropriate growth and value style indexes.
On June 30, 2022, we announced that our CEO, Dr. Michael Lebby, was again invited to co-chair the Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) International Conference that took place June 28-29, 2022 in Brussels, Belgium. At the conference, Dr. Lebby led an invited talk entitled, "Enabling lower power consumption optical networking using high speed, low power polymer modulators", focusing on the issue of reducing power consumption in datacenters and optical networks. He also contributed to a panel session, "Hybrid PICs technology challenges and solutions," on the need for hybrid integration addressing the volume production of 3D and 2.5 integrated electronic and photonic integrated circuits (PICs) based on the utilization of large silicon foundries. This included a discussion on the use of silicon photonics with hybrid technologies such as electro-optic polymers, polymer based plasmonics, silicon nitride and III-V laser sources.
On September 22, 2022, we announced the achievement of world record performance for low-power consumption ultra-high-speed 'green' slot modulators in collaboration with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and its spin-off SilOriX as part of a peer-reviewed post-deadline paper presented at the prestigious 2022 European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) in Basel, Switzerland on September 22, 2022. The team presented the first sub-1mm Mach Zehnder-type modulators with sub-1V drive voltage that rely on Lightwave’s proprietary advanced Perkinamine™ chromophores. The devices rely on the slot-waveguide device concept developed at KIT and commercialized through SilOriX. Further, the material has experimentally proven thermal stability at 85°C and offers extreme energy-efficiency along with high-speed modulation in a compact footprint. Additionally, this shows that our material can perform in a variety of device structures and designs and is positioned to significantly reduce power consumption of optical networking and to become a true 'green photonics' enabler for the industry.
On September 22, 2022, we announced the achievement of a world-record demonstration of a 250GHz super high bandwidth electro-optical-electrical (EOE) link through a collaboration with ETH Zurich. The link was demonstrated by ETH Zurich and uses Polariton's high-speed plasmonic modulators containing Lightwave's proprietary Perkanamine™ chromophores and ETH Zurich's high-speed graphene photodetectors. The link contained a plasmonic modulator using electro-optic polymer material as well as a novel metamaterial enhanced graphene photodetector featuring a 200 nm spectral window and a setup-limited1 bandwidth of 500 GHz. The EOE link achieved a world record and unprecedented 250 GHz 3dB bandwidth2. This is an optical link that utilizes devices with extremely high bandwidths, and the plasmonic demonstration shows that hybrid technologies such as our electro-optic polymers and graphene together form an important technology platform for volume scalability using large silicon foundries for mass commercialization. The groundbreaking results were presented by Stephan Koepfli as part of a peer-reviewed post-deadline paper presented at the prestigious 2022 European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) in Basel, Switzerland on September 22, 2022.
As we move forward to diligently meet our goals, we continue to work closely with our packaging and foundry partners for the 50Gbaud and 100 Gbaud prototypes, and we are advancing our reliability and characterization efforts to support our prototyping. We partnered with silicon-based foundries in 2021 so that we can scale commercial volumes of electro-optic polymer modulator devices using large silicon wafers, and we are currently working to have our fabrication processes accepted into foundry PDKs (process development kits). These are the recipes that foundries use to manufacture devices in their fabrication plants. <--------- Get Ready less than 1 month left in the year.
We are actively engaged with test equipment manufacturers of the most advanced test equipment to test our state-of-the-art polymer devices. We continue to engage with multiple industry bodies to promote our roadmap. We continue to fine tune our business model with target markets, customers, and technical specifications. Our business model includes the licensing of our strong IP and Patent portfolio, as well as technology transfer to entities such as foundries. Discussions with prospective customers are validating that our modulators are ideally suited for the datacenter and telecommunications markets that are over 10km in length. Details and feedback of what these prospective customers are seeking from a prototype are delivered to our technical team.
We are getting close. That is 2 patents awarded in less than 7 days.
Now Lightwave has aquired technology that will make it easier for the foundries to apply a protective coating ALD. And if I read the patent correctly it looks like technology that will enable an amplifier to increase the signal and possibly even use an OLED as the light source. rather than InP.
I is amazing how we were able to fly under the radar for so many years to enable Lightwave to obtain over 50 patents in the Electro Optic polymer space. Most did not understand what had to happen first, they could either keep the material inhouse like gore-tex and build their own Billion dollar facilities beginning to end or hold the polymers secret while submitting enough patents to create a moat around the polymer space, and patent certain aspects of the polymer so if the secret gets out they still run into a patented portion of the process (diamanoid). Then license it out to foundries and let the industry buy directly from 100's of places. Makes it available super-fast to everyone.
Because silicon occurs naturally in nature it cannot be patented only the processes to create devices can be patented, Not the case here, follow me.
Because Lightwaves polymer was created by them not only do they get to patent the processes used in the foundries they also have the proprietary polymer that the industry can only get from #LWLG.
Unlike silicon there were thousands throwing down patenst because you can get it anywhere, again not the case here.
Lightwaves polymer when applied on top of silicon photonics Triples the speed and cuts power requirements by 90 per cent.
A green solution to the speed problem that the world is facing! Lightwaves Polymer is currently in 5 foundries with 2 more coming online just after the New Year. 2 of the 5 foundries are giving a progress report on the status of PDK's, so the Facebooks, Google, amazon etc. (FAANGS) can order it directly from the foundries. There is no need for Lightwave to build billion-dollar production facilities. 50 employees can produce enough to enable the foundries to produce 100's of millions. There are thousands of data center, and each data center has millions of modulators. What Lightwaves material can do is the equivalent raising the miles per gallon for a car from 30 mpg to 300 mpg and increasing the speed from 120 mph to 360 miles per hour.
120 Modulators in the space of 8. PERIOD
2 outside companies used it and both set world records. PERIOD
World record results were peer reviewed. PERIOD
Currently Running in 5 Silicon Foundries on 2 continents. PERIOD
2 more waiting to join and one of those uses InP. PERIOD
3 Times the Speed (think 150 MPH instead of 50 MPH) PERIOD
Uses 1/10 the Power (think 200 MPG instead of 20MPG) PERIOD
Does not Require an expensive Driver to boost voltage PERIOD
Lower cost. per bit. PERIOD
Lower cost for the data centers to operate. PERIOD
Lower operating costs for data center because it cuts the cooling bill. PERIOD
Shorts have 17.8 Millions shares they borrowed. PERIOD
Company has enough cash on hand for 1 1/2 years. PERIOD
Days to Cover for shorts is at 30 (anything over 10 is HIGH). PERIOD
Shorts will be receiving margin calls. PERIOD
If shorts do not increase the funds in the account, they have to buy some back. PERIOD
This results in increased demand. PERIOD
Longs are not selling. PERIOD
Price will rise or they will need to borrow more share as demand increases. PERIOD
Shorts are in fact Panicking. PERIOD
Lebby is targeting results by the end of the year. PERIOD
Company has $100 million dollar shelf in place. PERIOD
Lightwaves Polymer is a Sunrise business PERIOD
Silicon is a sunset business because it is simply maxed out PERIOD
Shorts accidently shorted a sunrise business PERIOD
5 Foundries and the shorts are trying to convince folks that this somehow is not a good thing.
Xster it is a funny world out there were we are told to believe things that simply are not true, that is called gaslighting. The shorts are getting downright desperate.
Recent LWLG News
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- Form 10-K - Annual report [Section 13 and 15(d), not S-K Item 405] • Edgar (US Regulatory) • 03/18/2025 09:03:04 PM
- Lightwave Logic to Host Annual Meeting of Shareholders on May 15, 2025 • PR Newswire (US) • 03/17/2025 12:30:00 PM
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- Lightwave Logic to Host Special Call on March 13, 2025 • PR Newswire (US) • 03/03/2025 09:01:00 PM
- Form 144 - Report of proposed sale of securities • Edgar (US Regulatory) • 02/26/2025 07:47:24 PM
- Form 4 - Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities • Edgar (US Regulatory) • 02/20/2025 09:06:54 PM
- Form 4 - Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities • Edgar (US Regulatory) • 02/19/2025 09:37:05 PM
- Lightwave Logic to Attend the 2025 SPIE Photonics West Conference • PR Newswire (US) • 01/27/2025 09:30:00 PM
- Form 4 - Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities • Edgar (US Regulatory) • 01/17/2025 09:04:19 PM
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- Form 8-K - Current report • Edgar (US Regulatory) • 01/02/2025 10:02:39 PM
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