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Re: GreeseMonkey post# 10584

Wednesday, 07/20/2022 5:45:33 AM

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 5:45:33 AM

Post# of 20436
Um GreeseMonkey, I'm sorry but this is absolutely ridiculous, WHAT??
Let's go through this together, line by line...maybe you can help me understand what you are saying here?

You know very well that Todos can't make the claim to treat Covid with Tollovid

Because Tollovid does not, and will not ever be able to to "treat" covid or do a damn thing to prevent anyone from catching it. Imperiled Gerald Commissiong the CEO of Todos medical proved this fact himself with empirical evidence. He literally took Trollovid aka The Tel Aviv Tollovid 700+ days in a row, and the same day he stopped taking the worthless poison, he caught covid. Look here:

So now that that first sentence has been blown tf out completely, let's discuss the second sentence you wrote, shall we? OK...

All they can do in the meantime regarding treatment of Covid is to release case studies and continue collection of the data necessary for FDA approval.

First of all, these paid shills that Todos Medical calls "case studies" are just people like Jacquelyn, who get sent free bottles of Todos Medical poison to take, Todos Medical hopes they get the placebo effect, and make baseless claims that the Tel Aviv Tollovid has helped them "cure" their covid, problem with that is, everyone sees right through that sham, and the #'s on these paid shill "case studies" are complete bullshit. BTW, you remember "p-sout" Jacquelyn, don't you? Yeah, well she was considered a Todos "medical" case study, and guess what...she caught covid WHILE she was doing her little "shill study" and taking the Tollovid poison. Yep, go watch her last video from a week ago, she explains it, not only did she catch covid while she was taking Tollovid, she reported the same symptoms that most report after taking Tollovid, The poisionous Tollovid actuall made poor Jacquelyn sick just like everyone else that takes it, and If you read the comment section you can see that good old p-sout Jacquelyn has already spit the hook on the poisonous Tollovid and has already moved on and is "going to revisit some of her previous therapies" . In other words, just like with Gerald, Tollovid did not prevent either of them from catching covid while they were religiously taking Tollovid. Tollovid is worthless, GreeseMonkey. If it can't prevent ANYONE from catching covid, including Gerald the CEO of Trollovid who ate a pound and a half of the crap before catching covid, please explain to me how it's going to "cure" covid 19 once someone catches it, if it does nothing to prevent anyone from catching covid? Walk me through how that works, GreeseMonkey. Also, what happens with the p-sout Jacquelyn "case study" now? She said she was doing the "official" case study for Tollovid, I guess Todos Medical will just sweep that one under the rug like the rest of the "shill studies" that failed miserably, just like all of the damming reviews that they try to hide, and then clam that that they have a 5 star rating on their scam website. You know that's illegal, right Greese Monkey? Yep, Look here:

Fake reviews violate Section 5(a) of the Federal Trade Commission Act (FTC Act) (15 USC §45) which prohibits “unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce.”

And what about this "case study" Greese Monkey? Remember @AlisaValdesRod1? She was also a case study. What are they going to do with that one, GreeseMonkey? Tollovid literally put that poor lady in the emergency room with severe liver pain and elevated liver enzymes. The good news for Gerald and his paid attack trolls have finally succeeded and chased that poor lady completely off of Twitter. Gerald's team of low IQ paid cyber thugs/shills are relentless and will viciously attack anyone that exposes their scam, well congratulations, Gerald, after he and his paid Trollovid goons tormented that poor lady for months to try and shut her up, she's deleted her account and is in hiding from the constant abuse I witnessed. $50 says she sues Gerald's dumb ass soon, as she should, and I'm sure she won't be the only one that sues Todos Medical for deceptively poisoning them with Tollovid.

OK, so now that we all can clearly see that these "case studies" are all complete bullshit, lets move on to the second part of the same sentence where you wrote:

release case studies and continue collection of the data necessary for FDA approval.

GreeseMonkey, just so you know, the FDA doesn't give 2 shits about Todos Medicals "shill studies", in fact, the FDA doesn't APPROVE cheap chinese herbal gromwell root supplements like Tollovid, all the FDA does insist on is that scam companies like Todos Medical ensure that their supplements are free of contaminants and that they're accurately labeled.

Well, Unfortunately for ALL of Todos Medicals victims, not only is Trollovid laced with contaminants, this scam product Tollovid has SOY in it, and federal law requires shady supplement sellers to list soy on the label of their product, and guess what, they don't. Another Federal law broken by Todos Medical and Imperiled Gerald. Read this, GreeseMonkey. I'm sure the FDA is going to be jumping through hoops to help these scammers. I'll check in with the FDA so we can get an offical ruling on all of this, stand by.

Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (FALCPA)

Here's Gerald admitting to the copious amounts of SOY they put in Tollovid, and also admitting that people were having allergic reactions to the SOY and did nothing. Maybe this is why the FDA wants SOY labeled on cheap chinese products so people don't get sick, well too late now, they did not put soy on the label, and now tons of people are sick. I think the FDA is going to be really excited about this, GreeseMonkey, we'll soon find out. You'd think the "well-respected Israeli biochemists" would know the very most basic rules of the FDA, but obviously they don't.

Ok, GreeseMonkey, now that we've proven without a shadow of doubt that any talk of an "FDA" approval for this scam product Tollovid is complete bullshit, what's next? Let's just cover the very next sentence in you post saying:

They have done an excellent job of complying with FTC requirements

Are you talking about the cease and desist letter that the FTC sent Todos Medical for making dubious Covid claims? Where the FTC said and I quote: "We have
determined that you are unlawfully advertising that Tollovid prevents or treats Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)"

Cease and Desist Demands show the role social media platforms play in the spread of dubious COVID claims

Todos Medical USA. Marketers promoted Tollovid as an “orally administered proprietary blend of plant extracts that includes a powerful 3CL protease inhibitor that helps support and maintain healthy immune function.” What’s more, they stated in social media that the product “is being evaluated as a potential therapeutic target for COVID-19 by several groups . . . .”

Read the letter, GreeseMonkey, here it is...


Here is the gist of warning letter from the Federal Trade Commission to Todos Medical, GreeseMonkey

It is unlawful under the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 41 et seq., to advertise that a product
can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence, including, when appropriate, well-controlled human clinical studies, substantiating that the claims are true at the time they are made. For COVID-19, no such study is currently known to exist for the product identified above. Thus, any coronavirus related prevention or treatment claims regarding such product are not supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence. You must immediately cease making all such claims. You are also advised to review all other claims for your products and services and immediately cease making claims that are not supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence.
Violations of the FTC Act may result in legal action seeking a Federal District Court
injunction. In addition, pursuant to the COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act, Section 1401, Division FF, of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, P.L. 116-260, marketers who make deceptive claims about the treatment, cure, prevention, or mitigation of COVID-19 are subject to a civil penalty of up to $43,792 per violation and may be required to pay back money to
consumers. Within 48 hours, please send a message to Richard Cleland, Assistant Director via electronic mail at describing the specific actions you have taken to address the FTC’s concerns. If you have any questions regarding compliance with the FTC Act, please contact Richard Cleland at 202-326-3088.

Is this what you mean by "They have done an excellent job of complying with FTC requirements"? We'll maybe I'll just reach out to Richard Cleland at 202-326-3088 to follow up on the Todos Medical report I filed today and see if he feels the same way you do about how "They have done an excellent job of complying with FTC requirements" Let's just see what Mr. Cleland has to say about that. I'll keep you posted, GreeseMonkey.

Now let's move on to the next sentence in your post, GreeseMonkey:

I am confident in the culmination of decades-long research and product formulation of a well-respected Israeli biochemist whose prior work is the basis of Pfizer's Paxlovid drug.

Are these the same "well-respected Israeli biochemist" that forgot to tell their customers, and label their scam product about the copious amounts of SOY in it? Are these the same "well-respected Israeli biochemist" that didn't know that the claims they make in their marketing are entirely non-compliant with US regulations on supplements? Are these the same "well-respected Israeli biochemist" that hide their horrifying reviews and claim that they have 5 star reviews on their website when they really don't? If so, those are some shady ass "well-respected Israeli biochemists", GreeseMonkey.

So now that we've determined that this shady Israeli biochemist you speak of is not well respected at all, and is actually scam artists breaking federal laws with the FTC, FDA and SEC, lets move on to the second part of the sentence:

a well-respected Israeli biochemist whose prior work is the basis of Pfizer's Paxlovid drug.

Um, wut GreeseMonkey. Paxlovid was created by Pfizer and that smarmy shill Israeli biochemist you speak of had absolutely nothing to do with it, all Todos Medical did was essentially plagiarize the mechanistic literature/science from the drug Paxlovid and simply are implying that this would apply to this scam supplement Tollovid that Gerald and his paid shills pitch on twitter 24/7.

This scam supplement Tollovid has literally one herb from TCM historical use, and cheap emulsifying agent, and all it does is give people bad diarrhea and many other bad side effects and allergic reactions. 1 cheap chinese weed that is as common as a dandelion, and they mark it up 3000% to cure sick people struggling with "long covid" and vax injuries? You know that complete bullshit, right?

Alright, it's late, and I'm getting tired, so lets wrap up with this last sentence in your post here:

Todos and Tollovid/Tollovir will be in the spotlight soon enough.

The only spotlight that Todos will be under is the spotlight from the FTC, FDA and SEC and an angry team of class action Lawyers looking to sue this company for what they did to their clients. This TOMDF scam is busted. It's over, GreeseMonkey. As much as I worry about all of the sick and desperate covid people who are being taken advantage of, and being robbed and made sick by these scammers, I worry about the shareholders too. All of them will lose their entire investment, just like Gerald's last scam, and I won't just sit by and watch him and his team of attack goons take advantage of and exploit the covid19 community. I have already filed a report with the FTC and the FDA and the SEC is next. Anyone who has invested in this scam company is already down 90% on their investment, and I suggest to them recouping what little is left of their money before this this scam company Todos Medical TOMDF is shut down.

BTW GreeseMonkey, this is what Pfizer's Paxlovid compound looks like:

And this is what Todos Medical ltd's scam supplement Tollovid looks like:

Can you see the difference, Greesemonkey? Let me know if you have any questions.