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Alias Born 01/22/2005

Re: AlwaysRed post# 35107

Thursday, 05/26/2022 11:01:09 PM

Thursday, May 26, 2022 11:01:09 PM

Post# of 36714
AR, you are always welcome to mow my yard. I'll even give you an ASE for your efforts! I have been riding this paper rollercoaster for many years and have too figured out how to enter and exit and enter and exit. Since we don't make the big plays, it sure pays to follow the big boy's lead. However, I do love my ever growing PM stack and KNOW that the day will come that I will be very very happy to have it.

BTW, I think it is time for our internal bickering to end. I looked at your profile and have decided to play nice with my fellow investor and brother metalhead! Dave Mustaine would be proud...TTYL

Do your homework - hope is NOT a strategy!
