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Alias Born 03/20/2019

Re: Maddog post# 34810

Thursday, 05/26/2022 10:47:17 PM

Thursday, May 26, 2022 10:47:17 PM

Post# of 36710
I thought I was going to be mowing your lawn by now. LOL

Hmm, seems like the silver is flowing just fine. I wonder why the metals salesmen can keep fooling people by saying the same incorrect things over and over for years and years.

Now there will be a run starting here, don't think for a second that they wont smash it back down once deliveries need to be made.

Enjoy the short run up that is coming. Leverage it. Then be ready for the next smash.

Don't listen to metal salesmen......

A Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb arguing what's for dinner. In a Constitutional Republic the lamb is armed. We live in a Constitutional Republic.

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