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Alias Born 08/15/2016

Re: sam1933 post# 1997

Tuesday, 04/26/2022 9:58:32 PM

Tuesday, April 26, 2022 9:58:32 PM

Post# of 2102
I wish I had more to tell you but all I can see is what the company puts out via filings. Plus after watching the MMs work their magic pre expert market and seeing a lot of accumulation without shares being flipped kinda made me think twice about it.

For all we know they could have stopped going for the trademark for certain supply becuase it would cost too much money to pursue something that was not relevant to them selling products. I’d imagine the amount of money spent on that could be used for other things.

Either way nothing anybody can do now besides seeing if it’s a write off or was it worth holding….Very risky indeed but based off what’s been filed, I’d imagine somebody would want to sell shares to be compensated for the company that was bought with shares of MYHI.

You cant have my's priceless

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