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Re: TheFutureForsure post# 3113

Friday, 12/10/2021 7:13:52 AM

Friday, December 10, 2021 7:13:52 AM

Post# of 4947
That is the point of a suspension, no quotation, broker dealers are no longer involved, so the MM manipulation statement is bullshit. The brokers either internalize an order, meaning finding someone else in the same brokerage to complete the trade or network with other brokerages on their own to complete trades, however that is unlikely unless you call.

What is amusing is that most of brokerages will not allow buy orders making it even worse and well quite illiquid. As it was pointed out before, this is toast. The good thing is, it is the end of the year and it is tax loss season, so brokers will allow you to dump the shares to record a loss.