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Re: makindatcash post# 119453

Monday, 07/19/2021 3:41:19 PM

Monday, July 19, 2021 3:41:19 PM

Post# of 200641
Yeah, I noticed that as well. Although after today's action, I'm really not expecting much anymore out of tomorrow.

My original thought process was that if we broke .30 today, tomorrows news was gonna be a biggie. However, considering they're still trying to push us back into the .20s, now I'm not even expecting tomorrow to be "medium." (as it pertains to short term pps. I'm sure news will be good, just won't move the pps short term) Still holding regardless of tomorrow, but was really hoping for something good...

As of right now, we still have 20+ minutes left, so maybe this all changes,...? Time will tell...