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Alias Born 06/20/2009

Re: Snowie post# 4799863

Thursday, 06/03/2021 11:40:07 AM

Thursday, June 03, 2021 11:40:07 AM

Post# of 4995988

Here’s something to take with you and look for as we move ahead (In addition to this other post of mine that highlights a bunch of things to look forward to in Q2

1.) Mandate is 9 days away: zero companies are certified as of this moment (we are not the only company that faced unexpected delays from Transport Canada).
2.) Both websites are about to get a facelift
3.) Technoton Axle Load Sensors have been added to our list of products

-while it is not our product, it can still generate revenue and profit. Additionally, it’s progress towards an all-in-one business where trucking companies “might as well” add the rest of their needs to their online shopping cart.
4.) Apps probably won’t generate a ton of revenue, but they keep our systems more user friendly and appealing to new and interested clients.
5.) The following is taken from our recent 10Q or twitter account referring back to older 10Qs
a.) Our accounts payable is miniscule for a revenue-generating OTC at $34,219, especially when we bulked our inventory by over 4 times its original worth for the same quarter in 2020.
b.) Total shareholders equity went from (16,395) to 525,013 in that one year alone, which is extremely promising as the future quarters start rolling in IMO.
c.) We made a profit per share in the last quarter. How many OTCs can say the same? Before the ELD and its impressive features such as monitoring up to 27 tires at once - before the impact of the “calls coming in” from ads – before the impact of the office expansion - before the impact of the full car rental companies’ contract – before the full impact of the J1939 contracts about to roll in
d.) Q1, 2021 vs Q1, 2020 Highlights. Sales increased by 578%, Assets Increased by 332% and Company Liabilities decreased by 60%. Looking forward to continued growth.
e.) Q1, 2021 vs Q4, 2020 Highlights. Sales increased by 321%, Assets Increased by 159% and Company Liabilities decreased by 53.5%.
6.) Our partners and contract allies are doing exceedingly well.
a.) Kore Wireless looks to merge with a blank check company (CTAC) to publicly list and get itself some nice coin for future growth – “company delivers record first quarter 2021 revenue results, with 10.8% revenue growth over the first quarter 2020”
b.) Iridium keeps on expanding, refining itself, and making crucial investments to maintain a premier role in its market – pg. 21 a key thing to focus on is its growth in government services, increasing billable government subscribers by 13,000 and increasing government revenue by 800,000.
c.) Telus’ revenue grew 57% year over year in an industry where you simply cannot contribute that to COVID sales decline
7.) We found a genius to be the mastermind behind the ELD.
-Top 5 nationally in Computing Technology
-Masters in CAD/CAM with what I believe is a 5.0 GPA, according to his LinkedIn
-PHD in Applied Mechanics
8.) John H. Ward Jr. (the lead programmer) has been with Ultrack for the last 6 years! Aka before Ultrack was even Ultrack on the filings. Greenscape Laboratories, Inc ended April 8, 2016 to make way for Ultrack Systems, Inc. We have somebody who weathered the storm of the company finding itself, knows the systems, and knows how to build upon them. A dedicated employee about to see his company take off.

We are not a one trick pony, but that shiny ELD is close. Mandate nearing and I am so ready.


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