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Alias Born 03/22/2020

Re: None

Tuesday, 03/30/2021 12:46:19 PM

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 12:46:19 PM

Post# of 199661
From my notes. I forgot to list author but you will recognize him.

What you posted is EXACTLY the reason WHY I previously stated that ENZC is destine to become a "SUPER BIOTECH" unlike the WORLD has NEVER SEEN!!!

As a physician I fully appreciate your take as a Chemist on what Viruses are and how they behave.

Relative to what ENZC has and how that "poses a threat" to BigPharmas marketing HIV meds, what it ultimately means is those companies
will be forced to ACCOMMODATE to ENZC's Biotechnology by acquiring licensing rights to use the Clone-3 patent to manufacture this HIV eradicator under their own formulary which is a common practice in the pharmaceutical industry for many patented discoveries like the HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor for lowering blood cholesterol levels that's marketed by MANY Pharmaceutical companies under their Brand name like Mevacor, Zocor, etc, but essentially it's the same drug. Drug forumlaries differ for each pharmaceutical company that produces the same drug, such as one may have superior efficacy and may only need to be administered once per day, whereas another pharmaceutical company who markets the same drug may require that their version of the drug is taken three times per day and achieves therapeutic levels faster.

Then there's the issue of how long must the Clone-3 based drug be required to be taken to clear the blood stream of detectable HIV titers? That likely won't happen in a single dose, but instead over the course of several days, weeks, or even months depending on the specific virus strain being treated. With this, expense of treatment becomes an issue which then translates into affordability to the patient paying out pocket or via an insurance company.

Now here's the thing, it's a well known fact there are "premium" pharmaceuticals on the market that either have superior therapeutic benefits for treating a specific disease compared to other companies that have developed drugs for treating the same disease, and the difference is one may have fewer side effects and/or has better treatment tolerance, OR other pharmaceutical companies may have a drug on the market that's the only available treatment in existence! This will be the case with the Clone-3 Patent when it comes to market as a pharmaceutical. It will be considered a "Premium Pharmaceutical"- a Tier 5 medication (more on this below)

My Point??? Premium drugs can be expensive! Like Embral for example manufactured by Amgen for treating rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and other autoimmune conditions. Enbrel came to market in the U.S. in 1998 with a recorded $4.8 Billion in sales the same year. The current cost of this drug for a 30-day supply is between $5,000-to $6,000/month, some of which can be offset by insurance plans, and also the manufacturer has a program for assisting with cost absorption but only up to a certain dollar level which is difference for each patient.

With this said, ALL HIV patients may NOT be able to afford the cost of the Clone-3 medication when it first comes to market, AND also the duration of treatment may be longer for some patients than others depending on the virus strain in the patient's blood. At this point it's unknown how long the required treatment may be but it will definitely vary foreseeably for each patient and it will likely be administered over the course of several weeks or possibly months.

Then who's to say if the Clone-3 medication will coast much more than Embral as an example although its unrelated to HIV treatment. There are some premium medications that cost over $100,000.00 per year OR $8,300 per month for a 30-day supply. There are even some in the Million Dollar range for a year supply! Let's say that the cost of Clone-3 for a 30 day is $4,150 per month and that a full treatment cycle is 3 months for cure. Well, that would equal $12,450 and that total cost will likely NOT be picked up by the insurance company, or it could be that the expense of treatment will be much more than this when it first comes to market which is typical of Premium Pharmaceuticals.

Prescription drugs have "tiers" that exist on a scale of low-to-higher-cost ranges, most are brand name prescriptions and some are specialty drugs that are extremely expensive like previously stated. Tier 5 is the highest Tier and is considered "specialty drugs" which Clone-3 will likely come to market as, and I believe that its price tag is going to initially be beyond what the average HIV patient can afford and/or their insurance won't pay for it due to it being new to market and not yet considered an "established therapy" for HIV. These are the kind of games insurance companies play to avoid shelling out billions of dollars for costly prescription drugs and Clone-3 may fall into that category during its introduction to Market. OR the case may be that the exiting HIV Pharmaceutical companies will play politics with the Insurance Companies to keep Clone-3 off of formulary so that it's not covered by insurance. This can and does happen historically because it's all about MONEY!!!

Therefore treatment affordability will be an issue for many if not most HIV patients and it might be that some can only afford the current Standard of Care Antiretroviral therapy (ART) Treatment, OR their insurance company will pay only for that treatment.

With all the above being said, it might end up that pharmaceutical companies manufacturing HIV drugs won't get "wiped out" at all, or become obsolete when Clone-3 comes to market, but instead they will continue to offer the same medications while expanding their portfolio to include the Clone-3 Anti-Virus medication via acquiring licensing rights from ENZC.

It's really that simple and this also extends to Pharmaceutical Companies offering vaccines for Covid-19, i.e. they too will eventually be forced to come to ENZC for licensing rights to Clone-3 for same reasons as all the HIV Pharmaceutical companies. They ALL have no alternative because we are the only Biotech in existence that can boast "NO VIRAL ESCAPE" and effectively dealing with VARIANT STRAINS eradicating them as well!

Bottom line is WE HOLD THE GOLD no matter how you look at it!!!


Well said and thank your for your comment and contribution to the Forum

ENZC is destine to cause a fundamental shift on a WORLD scale in effectively eradicating many of the most deadly and costly infections viral diseases known to humanity that have plagued this world for centuries.

Not only this, but with the recent invasion of the SARS-Covid-19 Virus on a global scale, this absolutely represents an "Armageddon" level confrontation that has the capacity to wipe out the entire human race IF it's not brought under control very quickly and this is due to its high degree of infectiousness AND incredible rate of spread. This is further compounded by the appearance of (3) variant strains within 12 months time that are thought to be more deadly than the first Covid strain, and these 3 new variant strains will likely mutate into additional strains in greater numbers. This can and will predictably get out of control far greater than it already is!

The current Vaccine is indeed helping BUT it is NOT a cure and it does NOT have the capacity to prevent mutant strains from developing that the current Vaccine will NOT be effective against.

Unless something extraordinary powerful is done to put up a front against SARS-Covid-19, a very large percentage of the world's population will cease to exist, and fortunately ENZC holds the key to dealing effectively with it, and the faster it comes to market as a pharmaceutical the more people will survive.

I hope this sheds light on this mater.

The way I see it ENZC has been given a Divine Appointment with Humanity, a "Messiah Directive" that represents an Act of God's Mercy that without it, the world as we know it would cease to exist.

Just know that the SARS-Covid 19 Pandemic (Global Plague) is NOT regressing, it's in the process of ACCELERATING to an all new level recognized by the appearance of NOT (1) but (3) new Variant Mutations within 12-Months of the first one appearing this time last year, and if something isn't done very quickly to put a STOP to its replication capacity, those three new Variant Mutations will absolutely morhp into addition ones and continue to replicate exponentially. The gravity of this is "nightmarish" in proportion like something out of a science fiction movie.

Therefore, unequivocally this Virus is displaying exponential replication patterns early in its life cycle, and the scary part is the Variant Mutations have to do with not only its survival in the environment, but also its ability to thrive, and the "directive" of its thriving is to KILL people and it does that very efficiently and quickly.

My Point??? The ONLY thing on this Planet that has the ability to deal effectively with this Virus is ENZC's Clone-3 Antibody and it's a good thing that it's presently under evaluation at Texas A&M at Warp Speed because that's what it's going to take to put a STOP to this invisible creature that's seeking to destroy every person on earth.

I'm just telling everyone the way it really is not meaning to scare anyone, but it really is like that!

But I have Faith that ENZC's Clone-3 is going to quickly come to Market in record time for any pharmaceutical, and the best bet for the company's CEO is to license out their Patent to as many BigPharmas as possible so there can be MASSIVE manufacturing and global distribution of the medication made available to literally everyone on earth as this would be the ideal and most efficient way to stop this thing in its tracks.

And like I said before ENZC's destiny is to become a "SUPER BIOTECH" unlike the world has ever seen and its product has the capacity to deliver everyone on earth from this "Alien Virus"
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