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Re: Houstonian post# 51449

Tuesday, 03/23/2021 4:09:58 PM

Tuesday, March 23, 2021 4:09:58 PM

Post# of 52861
With the stock this thin and this ill-liquid, continuous selling of 400,000+ shares could cause the PPS to fall to historically low levels. Unless, there is accompanying buying. For that demand to occur Mr. Kreisler has to make good on the commitments he has made publicly and the ones you reference. I know that Mr. Kreisler reads this board and he has stated his admiration of those, like yourself, that have stuck with him/GERS for so long. He has also stated his commitment to you/us to make this wait worthwhile.

I would think that your words and intended actions will be sobering and perhaps even disheartening to him. I hope that he responds to your heartfelt admission of ultimate frustration and that his words will be encouraging to you and for us.

We lost Dutch last year, I suspect others (including some whales) will follow this year as tax write-offs will be needed to balance the terrific gains elsewhere in the market. That will inevitably lead to a much lower PPS if we have not heard from Mr. Kreisler.

I/we have been here since April 2006 -- just a little longer than you. Most of our current large position was assembled just before the last R/S. I am embarrassed/reluctant to say that our average PPS is 1.5 pennies. Embarrassed? That average PPS leads to responding to the question why the heck do we not get out now with a nice profit of almost $100,000 (based on current BID of 0.12)? Well, we could never get that price for the reasons cited above. AND this is an all-or-nothing gambit. We hit a jackpot or we have several years of tax write-offs.

But I do hear your pain and frustration that may result in your capitulation. Hopefully, KK responds to you -- you have earned it.