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Alias Born 02/15/2017

Re: Stonks4Ever post# 18366

Thursday, 03/18/2021 11:20:55 AM

Thursday, March 18, 2021 11:20:55 AM

Post# of 48236
Bloomberg has been all over Chinese stocks. Makes sense with the administration we have that is now focused on more outsourcing than production. That's why I'm investing more time/money in companies that are listed here for us to trade that are on foreign soil that wont be directly influenced by what our media puts out. It does require a lot of luck and looking here daily will really drag you down emotionally. I can say that because it has been affecting me as well. I believe this company falls under the "jobs act," Section 2(a)(19) and is classified as an "Emerging Growth Company" that can help job creation, which is a big deal considering the global market is on the verge of reopening/rebounding. I wouldn't be surprised if the amendment from 2012 is re-amended here soon.