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Alias Born 09/10/2015

Re: happyglass post# 460

Tuesday, 11/10/2020 8:56:12 PM

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 8:56:12 PM

Post# of 500
And Costco for Turkey Day in the US. Nice uptick today. Sounds like commissioning is close and a 2nd hand mention of co-packing. Canopy Growth is making lots of noise about getting their brands into the US through Acreage Holdings deals and they are strong on beverages. All the ones I have tried have come up short for Canopy brands but they will get there or buy Tinley. T.ACB just paid $300 million for Sweetwater Beer bottling plant, so what is Tinley's state of the art operation worth after the final tweaking. $300 million for ours would give us a $3 per share value and that is just for bricks and mortar. What is our IP and recipes worth? What is the whole kit and kaboodle worth for a takeover?