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Re: None

Sunday, 10/25/2020 3:17:51 PM

Sunday, October 25, 2020 3:17:51 PM

Post# of 20568
CEO Twitter on 10/24/20

@G_Commish please explain the value of this technology that you have added to the portfolio when in August you had indicated that it was failing the US due to needed sensitivity and specificity not being appropriate from such assays.

Gerald Commissiong@G_Commish Replying to @mfm401kvp
Ab will end up capturing mistakes of antigen (due to infrequent screening). Ab not a good tool for active infection, but invaluable to understand spread in a community. Given lack of widespread antigen testing, Ab ‘rearview mirror’ will tell us a lot as we scale up antigen.

Antigen limitation is early window of diagnosis only means alone not good enough, and Ab same not good enough alone due to only catching late. Together, especially now that POC is allowed, changes the game. Still need better tests, but at least now viable options emerging.

Frequent (2x weekly) antigen testing will be required to really find early infections. When our 3CL test comes to market, it will really open time window of infection capture and the focus on active infections will reduce false positive & answer when positive PCR too sensitive.

In the later stages because there the virus being picked up by PCR is such low quantity (high ct values). As we open up, cases and confusion will go up with existing tech. Innovation will continue. But ‘good enough’ right now is the mantra to scale (Ab / antigen) w/PCR confirm.