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Re: same53 post# 14549

Monday, 01/01/2007 2:24:34 PM

Monday, January 01, 2007 2:24:34 PM

Post# of 27672

<<smoke1tek and others read this

Remind you of any posters here or on other Boards. When Bashers they take over a board the Sheep will follow. Not Me my friend. I am looking forward to positives things happening to PAVC in 2007..>>

And you have been saying this same thing non stop.This company and everything that has occured has been a nightmare...the list of 'issues and negatives' is far too long to list and no matter how bad this company keeps screwing people, you keep saying 'positive things will happen'.....When will you learn?? You mean you havent learned by now?? How many times have you said great things were coming anyday, only to see more bad things, not good things?? yet you are still posting great things will happen?? Wow, fool me once, fool me seem intent on being fooled many more times.....I guess in 1 year, you will still be saying great things are in store for 2008 when 2007 brings you more issues and heartache.

<<Lesson 1: Remember, BASHERS NEVER BASH A BAD STOCK. Watch the board for stocks with no potential. They never have any bashers. Bashers only go after stocks that are going upwards or have excellent potential to go up. Bashers get left behind, so they want to bring the price down>>

ALL PEOPLE READING should take not as to how this guy is so 100% wrong it is truly pathetic he could even make such asinine statements, and by making such ridiculous statements, I would have to say this person is TOUTING/PUMPING this stock, with ZERO INFORMATION. He spent all of 2006 saying over and over how great everything was and EVERY SINGLE TIME...EBERY!!!..he was 100% dead wrong and now he makes an ASININE statement saying BASHERS DONT BASH A BAD STOCK..THEY ONLY BASH GOOD COMPANIES GOING UP....LMAO...So pathticaly wrong it is sad....Bashers bash any stock they want, both good ones and bad...furthermore, THIS IS NOT A GOOD COMPANY GOING UP that is being bashed. In fact, There is NO BASHING that I see....NOR is this a 'good company moving up'. This company has more issues then can be listed.....There are no bashers trying to bring the price down...the companies actions are the reason the PPS is where it is.....and if it is the bashers..they must all be invisible as I dont see anybody giving a $hit about PAVC...Anybody with a brain cell KNOWS this is not a legit company and they certainly are far from honest, and they have more issues then they will be able to overcome...It DOESNT NEED TO BE BASHED AND I SEE NOBODY BASHING IT!!! BAD COMPANIES that are doing a great job of FAILING ON THEIR OWN, dont need to be bashed..their own actions will ensure retail people get screwed..they certtainly dont need the help...and there are no bashers, so anybody listening to this buy...beware....he obviously has no clue if he can make the above statement....he thinks this is a GOOD COMPANY BEING BASHED and that is why the PPS is down?? LMAO...It is a NON LEGIT COMPANY, NOT BEING BASHED, but it certainly is being touted.......So, how many times have you posted that 'great things will happen anyday', and considering you have been wrong every, and I mean every single have the gall to post yet again that great things will happen and that this is a great company and it is down and hurting because of bashers??? LMAO..Folks, if you have a single brain cell, you will see how convoluted this persons thinking is and beware.....always beware of the boy who cried wolf..and considering he has said more times that I can count that great news would happen anyday, yet nothing good ever happened a single time he said it would and he is now saying it again, while saying this is a great company being brought down by bashers...all I can say is ....WOW!!..and to anybody listening to and believing your post, please contact me so I can see you some swap land I have in the sahara desert.....Additionaly, I am not a basher.....I dont post all that often, I am 100% honest, I do not try to blow smoke up peoples A$$. I do not tell people to buy, sell or hold....THERE ARE NO BASHERS here!!! Only touting deceptive pumpers like yourself....How do you live with yourself??? How can you post GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING ANYDAY, and say that as many times as you have and you are now saying it again, calling this a great company being brought down by bashers, but no worries...pavc will be a huge success....Do you really sleep well at night knowing you are deceiving people in such a way??? You should be ashamed of your actions, imo.....There isnt a LEGIT person on this planet that would say PAVC is a great company whose issues are bashers hurting them........

<<Lesson 2: BASHERS ALWAYS BRING UP OLD NEWS THAT YOU HAVE HEARD MANY TIMES. New startup companies always have a few bits of bad news. The basher will post this over and over again. The stupid basher will try to make the old news a bit fresher to try to fool you.>>

Where are all these bashers you are talking about???? NOBODY is even talking about PAVC anymore..or very little....and I see far more TOUTING then bashing!! By the way....I DID say you would NOT see them FILE ON you can see, they you can also see, you were wrong about that as well!!! In fact, there isn't one single thing you have been correct on with PAVC!!! You have been wrong on EVERY SINGLE THING YOU POSTED WILL HAPPEN and have the gall to do what you are doing now??? pathetic, but ya know what...we all will be 'judged' one day...when my time comes, the big guy upstairs is NOT going to Beetch Slap me for deceptive actions that harm others. can you say the same? Oh, I know you can 'say' it, but if you believe it, you will be in for a rude awakening when your day comes......

<<Lesson 3: BASHERS POST MANY TIMES A DAY. They try to wear you out. They comment on everything, every other post, and can answer every question. THEY KNOW IT ALL! There is no positive comment they won't bash. They try to control the board. True longs may have to address the bashers or they will appear to the newbies as being the people with all the information.>>

And where are all the bashers......who are they...where are all these posts you say they make MANY TIMES EVERYDAY?? I dont see them....all I see is your pathetic rubbish, but please show me your above statement is correct and show me all the many bashers and all the MANY POST THEY ARE ALL POSTING EVERYDAY...... THERE ARE NONE!!! Just a few longs dicussing their frustration, you touting with pure 100% B.S. and me...and I am not posting alot, I dont post everyday, let alone many times everyday, and I am not bashing..I am speaking the truth and expressing opinions, and everthing that has occured has proven I have spoken the truth. Isn't it odd, most everything I did say would happen, or not happen, was 100% spot on and not one single thing you have said even came remotely close to happening????

<<Lesson 4: BASHERS WILL LIE TO YOUR FACE. Never trust a basher. The truth on startup companies is that many mistakes are made and losses happen. The basher will try to make you believe all startup companies make a profit, release financials every quarter and all aspects of the business run smoothly. THIS IS NOT TRUE. THE BASHERS LIE TO YOU. Startup companies can go years without profits, financials and good business, this is the nature of the beast.>>

The only 'lies' I see are from you, one or 2 other pumpers that are now missing in action after being proven wrong....and lies comong from people associated with the company....Where are all these bashers and their lies?????

<<Lesson 5: The bashers know YOU CAN'T VERIFY THEIR STATEMENTS. That's why they make the statements they do.>>

Well, I am not a basher, but your statement is still 100% wrong....My statements and opinions have already been PROVEN TO BE CORRECT, although I am not a basher...but real bashers....they bash CASINO stocks..which normally means they will be 100% right eventually and whatever statements they make will normally occur....Do you not realize you are sitting in a casino where 98% of the companies fail...thats why bashers bash casino stocks..because they are gambles, not investments and although money can be made on the long side, they have a very good chance of the company failing, and their 'bashes' are then proven correct.....Are you really this naive???

<<Lesson 6: The bashers PLAY ON YOUR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. They can lie about information and you couldn't know the difference (unless you have done your
assessment of the company and know the truth and facts).>>

How clueless can you be?? just get deeper and deeper in to the B.S. So, you claim that YOU have all the correct info?? If so, why have you said more times then I can count that great things will happen anyday, yet you have not been correct a single time. You KNOW NOTHING about this company, very obviously and you have been 100% dead wrong about everything, since day 1.

<<Lesson 7: Bashers play on your lack of patience. YOU have held a stock for a while. You knew it will be a big stock someday, but the BASHER CAN GET TO YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE TIRED OF WAITING FOR YOUR GAIN . That's when the basher is best. You are tired. You have forgotten the goal for the stock was to hold it for one year. The basher is bothersome, so you dump it on a bad day. Some others also dump. Then you get mad for your loss and return to let everyone know how mad you are. Then you turn into a basher as well. THE BASHER HAS
WON, AND GAINED A NEW PARTNER, TOO. to be able to get in at a great price.>>

LMAO...You are talking about holding a SCAM CASINO STOCK in which the company has proven they are far from legit and have the gall to say YOU KNOW THIS WILL BE A GREAT STOCK/COMPANY if you ignore and be patient?? LMAO!!! Wow, if you are really this naive, LEAVE THE CASINO RIGHT AWAY, IMO...Or apply for food stamps....Simply shocking to hear you again say you KNOW PAVC is a GREAT COMPANY and to ignore the negtaives and be patient and you will be greatly rewarded. SHEEZ....WAKE UP before you find yourself living on food stamps.

<<Lesson 8: BRING THE PRICE DOWN. That is the basher's job. The truth is not important. Lies are the norm. Post continuously on the board every day. They are trying to hit the newbies visiting the board. They are trying to wear out the longs on the board. They do whatever it takes to wear the longs out.>>

Sheez...How much B.S. can you spew?? WHRE ARE ALL THE BASHERS BRINGING THE PRICE DOWN?? WHERE IS THIS HUGE GROUP OF BASHERS POSTING NON STOP TRYING TO WEAR DOWN THE LONGS???? THERE ARE NONE!!! The price is down for obvious reasons and you are simply blind to this fact....simply amazing and quite pathetic/sad, imo......

Ya know, I am stopping right here...I will not even respond to the rest of your post below. All I will say is people should be very leary about listening to message board posters, and that includes me!! And certainly be leary of posters who have been wrong more times then they can count and obviously have no clue at all as to what is going on. And sorry same, but there can only be one of two things true either are very and I mean very naive or you know what you are doing and are simply attempting to deceive people. One of the two for sure. But, I am not wasting my time responding to the rest of this...I will simply say WAKE UP....You are posting the 'basher handbook', when this stock is NOT BEING BASHED. It's being pumped, but NOT bashed!!! It is down, NOT because of is down because it has more issues then I can count and is NOT A LEGIT COMPANY. ALL OF WALLSTREET IS FAMILIAR WITH PAVC and for good reason!!!!

<<Lesson 9: BASHERS WILL TRY TO CREATE DOUBT AND GET YOU TO RESEARCH ITEMS THAT THEY KNOW WILL LEAD TO THE CREATION OF DOUBT IN YOU AND IN OTHER STOCKHOLDERS. A typical trick of an advanced basher is to propose that there is a potential "problem" because "we" don't have the facts on a particular subject. The basher dares someone in the group to find out the answer to the question. The basher already knows the answer; the basher already knows what will be found. The power of this tactic is that the basher is now in control of the actions of the stockholders; the basher has you, the stockholder doing HIS/HER due diligence and when you, the stockholder come back to the group with a questionable finding then the basher gains credibility. What to do??? Solution??? Well, I think it's important to find answers but on your own terms. I actually pick up the phone and call the company and talk to the investor relations person or the CEO until I get a satisfactory answer. The problem here is that the advanced basher has you doing his bidding and his work; you have essentially joined his ranks. So, develop your own little Due Diligence package and answer questions by placing the information into the package and referring all new investors to read the answers to questions raised in the Investor Information package but DON'T GET INTO A CONVERSATION WITH THE BASHER REGARDING THE TOPIC. THAT IS WHERE YOU LOSE. DON'T CONVERSE WITH THE BASHER; ANSWER INDIRECTLY; DON'T USE THE BASHERS NAME; DON'T GET INTO A PERSONALITY CONTEST.

A BASHERS HANDBOOK: know the enemy who wishes to steal your money! Do not underestimate a bashers influence on a stock. The Pro's are good at what they do and what they do is profit from your losses. Below is their "hand-book" so to speak. Learn from it or donate your money to those who make an organized plan to steal your money!

1. Be anonymous
2. Use 10% fact. 90% suggestion. The facts will lend credibility to your suggestions.
3. Let others help you learn about the stock. Build rapport and a support base before initiating your bashing routine.
4. Enter w/ humor and reply to all who reply to you.
5. Use multiple ISP's, handles and aliases.
6. Use two (2) or more aliases to simulate a discussion.
7. Do not start with an all out slam of the stock. Build to it.
8. Identify your foes (hypsters) and the boards "guru" Use them to your advantage. Lead them do not follow their lead.
9. Only bash until the tide/momentum turns. Let doubt carry it the rest of the way.
10. Give the appearance of being open minded.
11. Be bold in your statements. People follow strength.
12. Write headlines in caps with catchy statements.
13. Pour it on as your position gains momentum. Not your personality.
14. Don't worry about being labeled a "basher". Newbies won't know your history.
15. When identified put up a brief fight, then back off. Return in an hour unless your foe is a weak in reasoning powers.
16. Your goal is to limit the momentum of the run. Not to tank the company or create a plunge in the stock; be subtle and consistent.
17. Kill the dreams of profits, not the company or the stock.
18. Use questions to create critical thinking. Statements to reinforce facts.
20. Encourage people to call the company. 99% won't. They'll take your word for claims made. If they do call you can always find something that is inaccurate in how they report their findings.
21. Discourage people for taking the companies word for anything. Encourage them to call the company. They won't out of laziness.
22. If the companies history/PR's are negative constantly point to that. Compile a list of this data prior to beginning your efforts.
23. If the price rises blame it on the hype or the PR, temporary mass reaction, the market, etc. Anything but the stock itself.
24. If other posters share your concerns, play on that and share theirs too.
25. Always cite low volume, even when it's not.
26. Three or four aliases can dominate a board and wear down the longs.
27. Bait the hypsters into personal debates putting their focus/efforts on you and not the stock or facts. Divert their attention from facts. Show them the facts from a "different angle."
28. Promote other stocks that would-be investors can turn to instead of the one your bashing.
30. Do not fall for challenges on the "values" of what you are doing, it's a game and you are playing it with your own rules.


Advanced Basher:
Will join the message board early and actually "pump" the stock with positives; this basher is very intelligent, has the facts of the company, actually helps longs with Due Diligence and generally gets the confidence of the stockholders. Then, when the stock hits their price, the tone will change and they will start asking longs to check into this and check into that. The seeds of doubt are being planted. This basher will then start using all the tactics listed on this page to create seeds of doubt. ALWAYS LOOK AT THE PROFILE OF A PERSON YOU SUSPECT. ASK WHAT STOCKS THEY'VE "SUPPORTED" IN THE PAST AND CHECK OUT THE MESSAGE BOARD. An honest person will have a positive track record that can be followed. I strongly believe that a contrary view is needed but this person is out to steal your money and does it by deception and creates fear after gaining confidence! BEWARE, this is the most clever basher and the hardest to spot.

Grade A Basher:
Posts lots of old news, responds to all positive posts with a negative side. Never responds to being called a basher, never posts on another board. Can spend up to 80 hours a week bashing a stock.

Grade B Basher:
Very good way with words, always claims to be your "friend" taking the positive poster into confidence, never posts on another board, spends about 60 hours a week.

Grade C Basher:
Spends less time than the others but is somewhat effective and gets a C grade due to getting excited when bashers rules say not to get excited, spends about 40 hours a week.

Grade D Basher:
Needs to learn the basics about being convincing when making a negative statement. Spends a good amount of time working the stock, maybe 20 hours a week. Grade F Basher: A complete idiot, most readers are not convinced he knows anything about stocks in general. The type that says a stock "sucks", but gives no rationale, shows up every so often but no regular schedule.

WHY BASH?: MONEY (the usual reason), SPORT, ENTERTAINMENT. Some bashers are compelled to bash because they are inherently a part of the dark side of life so they must do it. It's a sad fact but never the less, a fact. It's life so you must learn how to deal with it or become a victim!

LEARN ABOUT HOW BASHERS WORK: how they are paid: (this was written by a basher) I know the following from a "friend" who needed extra money. I never answer a basher directly because I then become a basher's little money machine.
IGNORE THEM bashers are paid: When you REPLY to bashers you give them an opportunity to earn 5-7 bucks. The service agreement they enter into with their employer states their messages will be monitored for content, profanity, lies, etc. but Money Manager's and the like don't have the time to check all their bashers messages. Only occasional spot checks are done. Those who manage the basher will generally read the headlines to see if a basher is replying to other posters by name. That tells them the basher isn't just "posting blindly" or repeating the same message over and over since they won't pay for those. A basher will attempt to milk three to five replies per post at one to two dollars each. This way the basher spreads negative influence to as many stockholders as possible. A basher will create this discussion thread because it takes less time reading more messages than is necessary. This ultimately allows the basher more time to post and make money. In general, NEVER ENGAGE A BASHER. Make them read all the posts and think up ways to enter the discussion.

NEVER ENGAGE A BASHER; if you do so then YOU BECOME THE BASHER'S AID! Read the news ,do your own homework and make your own decisions. Get real time quotes and follow the stock for a couple of weeks. Due Diligence is key here. Know that there will be a time when the stock runs up which will be followed by the Bashers and those that missed the boat. The bashers will trash the stock by saying such things as "it's a Pump and Dump" and "the company is lying" and deceiving. There goal is to scare off newbies and potential new investors by "shaking" you out of your shares. Take the time to confirm your DD ,trust your own judgment and believe in yourself, pick your point of return or loss and live with it. Don't listen to hype or bashers trust your own judgment. Live by the rules you have created .

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