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Alias Born 03/06/2018

Re: Johnstonj27 post# 39260

Wednesday, 10/14/2020 3:53:39 PM

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 3:53:39 PM

Post# of 63306
It’s run by the Goulding’s. To a seasoned investor that’s all one needs. If you’ve been involved in scams and other questionable activity in the past, the likelihood that you’ll change your ways is very slim. This is just the next hustle for them. The Super Defense thing everyone was hyped about isn’t even a GRPS product. The issue with most people on this board is that they get emotionally involved with OTC stocks and they stop using logic in their decision making process. As an investor you can NEVER become emotionally attached to a stock. It’s a recipe for disaster. How do I know this? Personal experience. I’ll be the first to say I’ve become attached to stocks in the past and I’ve lost money for this reason in the past. It’s a terrible strategy. Even the most promising stocks can hurt you if you get attached to them and hold them longer than you should. As investors we need to do our research (not just on the company, but on those affiliated with it) and use logic to make decisions. Anything other than that is pure gambling with terrible odds. This company is at best an extreme long shot. Best of luck to all.