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Alias Born 12/14/2018

Re: CUIN2 post# 163223

Sunday, 04/12/2020 4:51:21 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2020 4:51:21 PM

Post# of 192748
I’ll offer my (unsolicited) thoughts:

Seeking clarity Alpert. How can one be a “scammer” if one delivers on promises?

I don’t think the CEO is a scammer at all. I think in forums like these he’s been plagued by expectations that he’s visionary with a transcendental product. The product has been a real problem, and I think he’s probably a really accomplished guy who is frustrated this has been so hard. In fairness, he has had some real public lapses. Addressing “internet haters” and “shorts” does not instill confidence that he’s “been here before” as those are things crappy companies talk about. Also the time he mentioned that the uplist price wouldn’t be at the level it was trading at (implying it would be higher)- it’s a head shaker. He MUST have known it was going much, much lower in the near term, or else, as another poster has postulated, he has another problem.

VERB may be taking a bit longer that many would have hoped for, but it is unfolding just as Rory promised. From up-listing to NASDAQ (which you and others said couldn’t/wouldn’t happen)

Why is the uplist getting any sort of credit? It’s like getting a mortgage- you qualify, you apply, you get approved. I do think there was skepticism here about the timeframe that was being referenced, which was correct at the time.

to becoming the de facto sales enablement system leader for the $250 Billion Network Marketing space (and soon Interactive Streaming Video Conferencing service with VERBLive).

Such a huge jump. This company isn’t the de facto anything. Doesn’t mean they can’t get there. Give them a chance to try to get traction before shoving this unearned expectation on them.

150 employees now,

Yep, good for them. A sign of real activity. Could yield something positive.

over 1,000,000 users,

Yes. Let’s see what that means, but yes.

100+ business clients from around the globe

Let’s see what that means. Could be really something.

, no debt,

In and of itself not a great accomplishment as they’ve simply shifted toward dilutive equity raises.

Apple’s Nancy Heinen with us...

I think she’s probably fantastic. A great get that may or may not have been made possible by the issue in her background.

progress is unfolding before our very eyes.

Maybe. Let’s see the financials.
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