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Alias Born 01/29/2018

Re: Awigo post# 101586

Saturday, 04/11/2020 4:18:53 PM

Saturday, April 11, 2020 4:18:53 PM

Post# of 148819
And, let me re-iterate, too, since this selective "redding" is going on. What wasn't excluded:

(i) the Books and Records, it being understood that the Purchaser will obtain copies at its own costs and that the Vendors will retain the originals;
(ii) the Owned Real Property;
(iii) the Owned Movable Property; and
(iv) the Owned Intellectual Property

All of those things were not excluded according to the passages posted up here.

Now, what rights were granted to the Vendors in the agreement? Here's a hint... It wasn't the rights to the property listed on the 100 pages...

Any wiggling attempt to deliberately misinterpret this clause is laughable.

That part is very true...

Tell me why they'd even do an APA with 100 pages of assets listed as being sold if they weren't???


I swear I’ll never use the phrase “you can’t make this stuff up” ever again after being on the OTC. Apparently you can.

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