Sounds vaguely familiar.
In in that same vein, TAUG consultant John Cesario told a person who takes large positions in stocks that TAUG's new Covid-19 test kit will be approved by the FDA next week. I thought TAUG was going to fund the development of Stella's latest folly, but TAUG has no money. It has an approved ATM, but you can't raise $1.8 million with a $0.05 stock. This is how it starts with consultant Cesario.Put him in charge of a big project look at what happens. FDA Emergency Waivers granted before there is a product, a test, or even an FDA application filed. But some people will believe this nonsense. And TAUG shareholders will again be Cesarioed.
By the way, DECN's Berman could develop that product for $450,000 and it would actually be ready for sale. But he and anyone with 3 brain cells wouldn't give Stella or Lyle a dime because they are stock promoters, always one step away from SEC disaster. What TAUG says they will fund is one of those Lyle and Stella get rich quick schemes. And TAUG's product will not see the light of day.
All IMO.