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Re: imnot6 post# 13287

Monday, 02/24/2020 11:17:58 PM

Monday, February 24, 2020 11:17:58 PM

Post# of 20017
I see no mention of any need for FDA approval. I see an over night drink line first out of the gate that can help cells repair cell damage including TBI damage.

BCAA Branched Chain Amino Acids need no FDA approval. I buy them Online at Amazon, must be a dozen folks selling them. But they are not yet sold packaged inside of Liposomes, yet. Especially food grade 1-20 nm BBB-crosing Lipsomes Fountain is patenting. Vitamin C is now sold inside of liposomes and it is a life safer. It need no FDA approval. Ask me how I know this is a life saver?

Curcumin from Tumeric is now sold inside of Phytosomes (first cousin to a Liposome), also sold online by Amazon and others. Both have become Life savers for me. Ask me why?

VEP-Vitamin-E-Phosphate is not yet available, because it does not survive as active Vitamin E by itself in the stomach acid or gut, but Fountain's Liposomes can solve that problem.

Fountain co-authored a major Univ Of So. Florida research effort that had about 6+ depart heads and the VA involved and VA/NIH funded the study in 2010. It was about VEP-Vitamin-E-Phosphate and Lipsomes that could cross the BBB, to treat TBI brain cell damage. I just scored a copy last week.

CCA, LLC (now R/M with MILV ) was created in 2013.

In 2013 and 2016 Dr. Cohen at Penn Children's Hospital, named in the 2016 CCA, LLC fillings published Research work building on Dr. Fountains 2010 Univ of South Florida major all departs on board research work with the VA/NIH backing it with funding grants and assistance.

In 2016 Fountain filled for a patent, assigned to CCA, LLC, still assigned to CCA (who is R/M with MILV) in exchange for 10% of CCA, LLC shares (Per SEC fillings) covering the low cost, high production method of long shelf life Liposomes for use in soda or non soda drinks.

Perfect for the VEP-Vitamin-E-Phosphate delivery to the liver, where the new VEP-E can detoxify alcohol (Think drink line with out with out Booze) and it can detoxify a promising already tested drug Alzheimers drug that does not need(?) 1-20 nm liposomes to get to the brain, but is too toxic for liver, unless the liver has VEP-Vitamine-E-Phosphate in the liver. I also suspect it may also work for my methotrexate, Chemo drug I already take weekly for advanced off the charts RA, that is rough on the Liver, based on about 5000 pages I just read the last few days.

In 2019 Dr. Jay Dorsey, who has a Univ Of PennMed lab named after him, was a Co-Key Note speaker with the NFL face of the TBI brain trauma repair research movement, Larry Kubin, who has his own massive wall street funding firm, and was a 2 time NFL Super Bowl winning Linebacker.

Late in March this year is the annual conference about 2 weeks after the MILV/CCA custodian has a court date to sign over MILV to the Larry Kubin Bunch. I expect Larry Kubin will be at that conference again, and possibly announcing MILV/NDT Pharmaceutical Inc PR-news.

Dr. Cohen, Penn Childrens Hospital brain trauma specialist's 2016 Research paper looks word for word in sections like 2016 SEC claims made by CCA, LLC. Only one Major research Hospital MD. PhD is linked to Larry Kubin on LinkedIn. Guess who it is?

Dr. Cohen has a recent paper out, Feb 2020 just a week ago I have requested a copy of. The title has MILV $$$$$ written all over it.

He also has relevant 2018 research articles. I have copies of them all. I have read them all.

The 2016 one clearly says Dr. Cohen used BCAA, Branched Chain Amino Acids in Liposomes (near the time Michael W Fountain wrote the CCA, LLC patent covering that work and close to the time in 2016 that CCA, LLC filed the SEC fillings saying what they were working on and bringing to market, and it mirrors the Dr. Cohen tests on Infant TBI using BCAA's in BBB crossing Liposomes that had awesome success results. Guess who has an active patent on 1-20 nm Liposomes assigned to himself?

We know Michael W Fountain has a brand new patent application assigned to himself currently for the BBB crossing Lipsomes, and we know he owns 10% of CCA that is R/M with MILV right now.

We know he assigned a prior Liposome patent for larger, non BBB crossing Liposomes application to CCA, LLC now R/m with MILV, that covers the VEP-Lipsome applications.


What's being transferred from University of Pennsylvania to MILV.

Per SEC filings

CCA and the University of Pennsylvania ("PENN") and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia ("Children's Hospital") are engaged in a co-development alliance which is combining CCA's NPC technology with other PENN and Children's Hospital technologies to co-develop technologies to be jointly owned by CCA, PENN and Children's Hospital, including compounds to treat, and to a certain extent, prevent traumatic brain injury.

Preventing disease, by supplying it nutrients by Liposome special delivery does not require FDA drug approval, if it did food and water would need FDA drug approvals.

This alliance also entails development involving dendrites, neurodevelopment, bone morphogenetic proteins, glutamate excitotoxicity, neural regeneration, injury-induced altered brain excitability, circuit rearrangement and synaptic function, including the development of pharmaceuticals."

So that is stage two of the MILV/CCA, LLC now NDT Pharmaceuticals Business plan!!! Stage one is over night revenue at net profits with a drink line and possible Licenses to major drug companies would be stage I of II. Stage II of II might be a drug trial after raising massing cash and uplisting to Nasdaq. I do not expect that right away.

CCA owns a versatile and widely-applicable biotechnology asset base. Its Nanoscale Particle Complex (“NPC”) technology represents, in the opinion of CCA's management, the leading edge of phospholipid-based nano-encapsulation delivery systems (less than 100 nanometers in diameter; mean diameter of 40 nanometers in current liquid product samples with the capability to engineer significantly smaller nanocarrier particles)....

Note that is not a BBB crossing 1-20 nm Liposomes, it is liver delivery of VEP-Vitamin-E-Phosphate and rehydration minerals for athletes.

...that create instant delivery of payloads into the bloodstream, beginning through the membranes of the mouth. Encapsulated actives are protected from destruction in the highly acidic environment of the stomach until they reach the small intestine, providing for much greater absorption of payloads. The instant delivery aspect (an Oral IV) provides the consumer with instant gratification and effect upon consumption of the product containing the NPC technology. The NPC technology also incorporates a potent active ingredient that stimulates repair of damaged cell tissue known as "cell armor".

I.E VEPiVitamin-E-Phosphate

The NPC technology is constructed using ingredients that are biodegradable and are GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

No new drug trials of FDA approval needed

This technology platform makes feasible a broad range of close-to-the-market applications, including beverages, foods, and nutraceuticals which do not require additional regulatory review and can be brought to market rapidly.

CCA believes that longer-term its NPC technology also creates the basis for a variety of pharmaceuticals. For example, CCA believes that its technology may be included in anti-cancer/general immunity modular pharmaceutical products and other pharmaceuticals (including oral, intra-nasal, and sublingual products (such as vaccines, anti-inflammatory products, analgesics, and anti-dementia, hepatic detoxification, and cardiovascular products) and topical products (such as anti-inflammatory products, analgesics, anti-infective agents (bacterial, viral and fungal) basal cell treatments and vaccines, and melanoma treatments and vaccines)).

Corona Virus tools: "Vaccines" "Viral"

With respect to the beverage application of CCA's NPC technology, CCA's rehydration preparation (hydrus rehydration concentrate) acts as an “Oral IV” and begins to work instantly, during a competitive event.

CCA's strategy is to not only change the focus from consumption to absorption/full uptake, but to provide an Oral IV to the consumer. CCA has gained the validation of the effect of the first embodiment of the NPC technology by top world athletes who have access to a multitude of products from around the world.

That means they have already tested it using NDAs, possibly with NFL football or say UPenn and Penn State football teams!!!!

Oral IV, meaning using Lipsomes to get stuff to the blood stream with out an IV Injection

The mean diameter of the nanoparticles contained in CCA's hydrus rehydration concentrate products is 44 nanometers.

Once again not the newest 1-20 nm BBB-crossing Lipsomes in the newer 2018 Fountain patent, that is assigned to himself. But he owns 10% of CCA, LLC, that has just been renamed NDT Pharmaceutcals Inc., so it is reasonable to assume that MILV is going to be 2-3 step process.

No reason Fountain would not have already licensed his old friends at CCA, LLC, that owns 10% of and his old Buddy's at UPennMed going way back to at least 2008 12 years ago (scroll the very bottom for his patent work with UPeenMed in 2008 research with Liposomes) now with samples under an NDA for drug trials at UpennMed that I have already seen research papers mention.

And Dr. Cohen at Penn. Children's hospital used Liposomes to delver BCAA-to the brains of infants to repair TBI-injuries in 2013 and 2016 papers he co-authored. Fountain has the 1-20 nm Lipsomes. Cohen used them in 2013-2016 to repair TBI using BCAA and BBB Crossing Liposomes.

CCA, LLC/MILV reported a deal reported to the SEC in 2016 with both hospitals, and Michel Fountain.

By comparison, the thickness of a sheet of paper is 100,000 nanometers, and the thickness of a human hair is 80,000 nanometers. Nanoparticles become invisible to the human eye at approximately 130 nanometers. CCA believes that its hydrus product is positioned as the "complete rehydration" product/solution.

Rehyrdation is very important for ill floks with large fluid loss, Diarrhea and vomiting, especially young children, and those with high fevers, and serious sports athletes. Heat stroke is real killer

CCA believes that one of the key attributes of the NPC technology that distinguishes it from all other “delivery systems” is its great utility concerning the manufacturing process.

CCA can produce extremely high volumes of material/concentrate containing its loaded nanoparticles at a few cents per liter, providing a competitive advantage.

Currently, CCA can manufacture internally the type of major volume of these loaded nanoparticles which would support significant launches and supply of products into the major retail chain networks throughout North America and on a global basis.

Feb 2019:

"Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have made important progress in designing a drug that could recover brain

function in cases of severe brain damage due to injury or diseases such as Alzheimer’s

Related Univ of Penn Patents that might be involved with the formation of NDT Pharmaceutcal Inc

US4610868A - Lipid matrix carriers for use in drug delivery ..

Application number: US06/591,576; Inventor: Michael W. Fountain: Steven J. Weiss: John J. ... Liposome Co Inc; Original Assignee:

Liposome Co Inc; Priority date (The priority date is ... US20100098773A1 (en) *, 2008-09-26, 2010-04-22, The Trustees Of The

University Of Pennsylvania
, Polymer ... Non-Patent Citations (7) ...


All of my posts are strictly opinions and should not be considered to be facts, or investment advise. They are for entertainment purposes only.