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Re: Bruce_Mcdonalds post# 27

Tuesday, 01/28/2020 8:58:31 AM

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 8:58:31 AM

Post# of 35
I agree with that being (a) difference and I know as I own some of it as well. I think the reason they could not get funding to continue the development of Meged field was twofold, environmental and poor management.

They 'fracked' loose term here, but with the technologies perfected in the Permian, it becomes feasible but no infrastructure to do it.

Same issue as Golan.

That was not the major difference between the two in my mind though.

You see, Givot is not or was not constantly attacked like Zion IS and WAS.

Why? (Note: do not give standard affinity scam bs either. Bruce you know, you have been following for years, at least your civil in your dislike of Zion Oil and for that I thank you).