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Alias Born 01/29/2019

Re: JRyan post# 25

Tuesday, 01/28/2020 7:39:48 AM

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 7:39:48 AM

Post# of 35
The biggest difference is Givot Olam is a limited partnership, not a common stock.

For example, the payouts to the limited partnership are capped. When the General Partnership pays back the limited partnership, plus a certain percent, the limited partnership is dissolved. The limited partners are not owners. This is NOT a stock.

And now you know why you've never seen an annual report out of Givot Olam. Or why you have not been asked to vote on their officers or other company matters. Or why the 40 billion dollar oil field was never developed.

I have a copy of the partnership agreement pdf in English from about a dozen years ago, but I don't think it's on the net anymore. If someone can tell me how to post this as an attachment, I will.