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Re: 2Relax post# 209731

Friday, 01/17/2020 7:28:36 PM

Friday, January 17, 2020 7:28:36 PM

Post# of 330578
Thank you 2Relax - very gracious of you . . . . Thanks for the link

Simpsonly. I agree with most of what you wrote. ***What I right is based on real due diligence and without hype and hopeful conjecture . . . .

My question for you, how do you trust this management team? *** Is there a choice? I've sold a ton of stock in the past few months to try and protect myself, leaving me in a position that if this management delivers, the upside is tremendous; if it fails, the downside is ok
I’ve repeated this many times, the company lied to us intentionally IMO, 2 years ago. That’s my take. *** Mine too.

Remember when the word used on an almost daily basis when Bayer was visiting a lot. They kept repeating the mantra - Bayer deal imminent. *** My sense/info from friends in the retail space, was that the Dr. Scholl's (Bayer) deal was very much done, as were the CVS and KT Tape deals and the famous "No!" kicked in. Keith Nalepka suffered greatly, as they were his deals. One or more had actually been agreed to by BIEL and then reneged on, thereby destroying all credibility! Those 3 companies are pros and recognize where the fault lay and all I can say, as an old retailer and pharma guy with contacts is - not to worry.

OBVIOUSLY WE ALL KNOW IT DIDN’T HAPPEN. That should be on every single shareholders mind these days. The most frustrating part for me this entire time, how they pretend to be working. *** They are working.

This is after YOU accidentally figured out they lost the CE MARK. *** Thank you - Just paid attention to the formula we were being fed - made no sense - no struggling company reports half a milly in deferred sales, unless the fan is very dirty - the fan was very dirty and had a ripple effect all the way to Australasia, where the CE Mark is a prerequisite from the EU they piggybacked on. More than two years of lost momentum. Worth a lawsuit for negligence or reckless stupidity or both! Certainly should have been canned as CEO and from Board. Manly thing would have been to fess up, admit he had no clue and was failing and retire. . . . . .

They just don’t seem to be forthcoming with the important information, like they’re always holding something back or not telling us the whole story. ***Management is not supposed to or allowed to divulge the whole story because of the potential effect on share price and the competitive space!

It’s like they pretend they used to be so successful in some other life and they know exactly what to do. *** Nah, not the case. The former CEO made some ok moves, a few, but mostly fought with the world for 12 years and messed up. Bragged to me several times he loved to fight with people. Who says that?

This entire time, entry level interns could have been mailing samples to school trainers, college administrators and professional sports teams to start introducing the product that we hope will catch on immediately. By trying they would have been setting us up for success by spreading the word as Steve has suggested too many times. *** Steve was right, and so are you 2Relax, but the former CEO had the prevailing attitude that he was the smartest cat in the room at all times and everyone else was stupid, including all shareholders! Heard him say it! Once people get their heads around that absurdity, it becomes very easy to see behind the curtain.

But they new better, OBVIOUSLY, look where we’re at. TRIPS again!!! ***Nah. The science guys and Dr. Staelin "got' 'get' the science, Keith Nalepka and Erin 'get' the science and can apply it in their sleep to the sales needs, but remember they were always undercut and tripped by the smartest guy in the room ..... That part's just over - we need to put that to bed! It was buffoonery at its glaring best!

If this product was in the hands of a COMPETENT management team from the beginning, this product would already have established a household name. But instead we have a sloth management team. What have they ever done right? ***My well known take is that if Kelly Whelan can resist stupid tinkering and implement the 7 step remediation plan, she can make herself north of $50-75 million. If she continues to resist, out of fear and ego, she risks ending up with nothin but nothin.

I love the products. I use binder clips to keep one on the big bone at the back of my neck everyday. It really helps not feel the neck pain. I use one for my lower back and it also works everyday. *** Of course, disruptive technology works!!!!! FDA says so!! Remember, it was FDA that came back to BIEL after scientific assessment in labs and fought with former guy that he had the wrong dog in the hunt, it asn't based on heat, they were right and former guy actually fought it! Called FDA guys stupid! Imagine!!!

If only this management team could finally do something right on behalf of us the shareholders they’ve lied to on a pretty regular basis, and would probably think nothing of doing it again. ***I'm not sure Kelly Whelan has lied to anyone since former guy left - she inherited a huge cluster ----. But is she doesn't have the courage to adopt the 7 point plan, especially clean up the share structure, she is not wise and risking it all unnecessarily. She may not see that the 7 point plan is a cool insurance policy that helps the Whelan family the most. It may not have dawned on her that if the company (she) fails, I will have lost half a million, which I can handle, won't change a thing, but many shareholders will have lost more or less, which will affect them and her family will have lost everything and be facing huge debts.

The smartest people IMO, are investors with just enough skin in the game to make you keep track of what’s going on. ***Yup. I think by watching very closely at this point could be the best way to NOT GET TRAPPED. ***The trap is set. We have all seen the pathetic mishaps and lies getting to this point. ***Yup All that can easily disappear if management GETS OFF THEIR SOAPBOX and really tries to make deals, instead of pretending like the deals weren’t good enough, because look what they have now? An angry group of investors that have been more than patient. It’s taken this family 20 years to get to this point. (Worst I’ve ever seen) considering the product really does work amazingly well. *** Sometimes it takes 20 years to dig a latrine!

They think this product was too cheap. They can’t sell this product that cheap? Why not? Once people buy it and realize how great it is they will buy more. THIS TOO IS MARKETING. If the price starts to increase, that’s just part of normal supply/demand. We’ve all seen this scenario play out with other new products all the time. ***I vividly recall arguing with the former guy, Mr. No Plan, for months, that his retail price point of $49.99 was too high? Said I didn't know what I was talking about. I suggested $30 bucks and was judged as stupid. I knew the manufacturing, shipping, packaging costs - you would fall out of your chair! It was mid-2009!!!!! Told the former guy he could own the pain world, stupid me!

My point is, Who the hell cares how cheap it sells for, once the product gets HOT, the price will increase and their margins will too. First allow the product to get to this point first. The market alone will decide what this is worth once people know it exists. *** So true

Meanwhile, keep up the great work marketing. The most embarrassing thing I’ve seen was the emails they were sending to people. BOGO.

They could even format the wording correctly. Let me give you an example of just how PATHETIC marketing at BIEL really is.

Time is runnning out!
s that
keep GIVIN
(This was types exactly as in the email to make my point)

** note - look above at savings & giving. The last letter is not even on the same line as the entire word.

This is just one example, I’ve seen several other emails like this. The offer itself if embarrassing. Buy a 720 hour device and get a 7 day trial at a discounted price.

There is not one sensible thing in this promotion. It probably did more harm than good. Remember when marketing...

Image is everything!!! And THINK before you make them up, and please format correctly to give the impression that you do really care.

Still hoping for the best. ***Stay cool - play yourself Monday Monday by the Mammas and Pappas please. . . . . pay attention! And have a great weekend, I'm looking forward to the next few days amigo!