To my followers, while I believe in Jim Nixon's idea of Illegal burger, that doesn't mean you should just buy into a stock because I say.
You need to think about the idea for yourself, judge if you believe the company can make it, and go from there.
We are going to be coming up on a moment when shorts want all their shares out, and God forbid if they are selling shares to wrap up what capital they need.
I don't know what's going to happen, but I do know that even if the price goes down to .0001 I'll be picking up more. Cause I believe in his dream, and I believe at whatever levels the R.S happens from it'll likely grow from there.
I for one would like to see him secure more favorable financing, but that's up to each of us.
Wolves feed off emotions here, the more emotions in the board the more wolves hiding among the sheep. Do your own research and due diligence!