I acknowledge the debt, I don't think at any point I said it wasn't there.
But at this moment, or at least the moments we are coming up to, is going to determine illegal burgers future.
You are either for the idea and ready to move ahead with Jim and us, or you can dip and move to more... Secure investments (sometimes I'm guilty myself of doubting.)
But I remember what he has going, and honestly all the support we have at 2's reassures me so do most investors who have a hand in this companys bucket...
The OTC is where companies that appeal to the general public thrive, it's kinda the point I guess...
If it's not popular here, it won't be anywhere else
However company moves and decisions matter as well.
So far Jim hasn't shown he's exactly for the share holders, but he's new to all this.
He's been worrying about the 7 restaurants that require his attention. Plus franchisig nonsense, seems like a chicken running around with its head cut off.
But whatever, if you don't believe in illegal burgers future, that's cool.
But at these prices, it's well worth the risk.
Wolves feed off emotions here, the more emotions in the board the more wolves hiding among the sheep. Do your own research and due diligence!