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Re: None

Wednesday, 11/20/2019 8:57:17 PM

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 8:57:17 PM

Post# of 346800
We have some BRAND New Bullshit covered!: Bullshit list to cover many false claims that do not provide support for their statements regarding FUNN.

Real business takes real time and real resources. Start-ups need to build everything from scratch. No different than every company on the planet has done at one point. Savvy investors know how to appropriately evaluate a growth company. They understand highly performing and highly undervalued companies situations and most important: WHY are they currently undervalued? This is HOW TO buy Dollar stocks for Pennies!

The point is, is there growth? With FUNN, it is a resounding YES! FUNN gets criticized at EVERY step and EVERY juncture, yet it just keeps growing. With massive amounts of DD on FUNN's side. It is often the case pink stocks are claimed 'scam' as the standard cry for any stock listed on the pink marketplace: McCarthyism style. (i.e. The default state for a pink company is that it is guilty of being a scam until it proves itself innocent) AT THIS POINT though, FUNN has long passed that test and the claims need to provide support to prove FUNN is guilty of being a 'stinky pinky'. These claims require evidence to support.

Claims like:

'Form 144! The AS will go up!’ This bullshit claim revolves around the preferred shares, so auditing requires standard boilerplate language. But we also have assurances, because we know the notes were sold above .10, and FRIENDLY hands.

We have obtained waiver letters from these shareholders confirming that they will not convert until authorized shares have increased and are sufficient to cover all convertible obligations.

Roger has been very fiscally conservative and ensured we only dealing with very friendly and supportive financiers. Hence, TOXIC financing and we haven’t had mass dilution. Roger is not going to convert, he has proven to be in the trenches with us time and time again. Just like when he personally financed the Morning acquisition to AVOID the need for further dilution.

The company continues to grow in a fiscally responsible manner, and the notes were done at market rate above .10, the future of scale and growth simply continues, no AS raise in the future.

’I’m going to sue Roger for Fraud!’ Such a funny bullshit narrative. There is confidence to hold because of a long and strong positive outlook. Plus Shareholders are looking to buy even more shares; because of that confidence and the knowledge that FUNN is a highly performing and highly undervalued company. But at the same time there is discussion of a suit? Just because something doesn’t happen on a shareholders timeline means they will sue now? When the definition would be along the lines of: insider trading; ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, advanced fee Schemes, foreign currency fraud, broker embezzlement, hedge fund related fraud, and late-day trading. Well at worst they put out some target dates and they didn't make them, just like happens every day across all business. This is why it is a target date. They have NEVER simultaneously use paid promoters to artificially inflate the stock while dumping a bunch of shares. So, pump and dump is out, the AS/OS has gone down in total over the past 3 years.

In fact Roger made a specific statement on never using paid promoters. He wanted to focus on building the company first and then getting a reputable IR firm that would grow with the company. Heck some of the investors want Roger to get some paid promoters, but he said using them while stop signed and before the uplist would not be the right thing to do.

They never cited revenues that didn’t exist and sold shares based on the information put out either. In fact the initial audited financials proves there is massive growth in the millions, which is the top 1% of all pinks. Plus the locations have doubled since then, and the massive growth is obviously via all sorts of evidence. Nor did they use massive unspoken floorless toxic financing and promote they didn’t. All their financing is at market rate. It is actually really rare for a pink company to never use any toxic financing and have the ability to get financing at market rate. On top of that, Roger personally put up his own money to acquire Morning so we would not have to dilute. He wants the share structure in the best shape possible to reward all the shareholders who have supported the company since the beginning of when he took over.
The current outlook and position of the company is incredibly strong. In fact there has never been a long term negative outlook. There is overwhelming evidence to show what a highly performing and crazy undervalued company FUNN represents.

Last, the company communicates WAY more than most OTC companies. Complete BULLSHIT to make a statement ‘they said x to get a boost in price’ when the company didn’t sell any shares, and heck didn’t even get a boost in price. The whole construct of a suit is just pure unsupported bullshit.

’There better be an announcement by X or the world is to going to end! These general boom or doom bullshit statements have no support. They do not speak to the actual company. As if suddenly all 4 Snakes locations (and growing) would suddenly shutter, as if the massive amount of Kickstarter campaigns would simply stop. As if the boats carrying 1000’s of copies of FUNN premiere self published games KTU and Red Panda would sink. As if construction and conversion of new locations would end. As if the 1000’s of online reviews and growing, instagram photos, unboxing videos and more would go *poof* The bullshit claim speaks variation in a pink marketplace, which FUNN won’t be on too much longer as they complete their financials to move to the OTCQB. Helps investors to truly understand the marketplace we are currently residing within, and the impact on a ticker vs the actual growth on the company. Savvy investors continue to accumulate are the analyze and the data always comes back: Highly performing, Highly undervalued.

’Scam / fraud’ Even so far to say 'obvious' or 'clear' scam. Ok, why has it NEVER been explained on how it works? That question has never been answered, not once to how a scam would actually work here. Who would benefit? How would it be perpetrated? Where is the data to support the claim? The simple fact is, growing the company is 1000x MORE lucrative than trying to run some stupid low level scam. There is so much evidence online: Yelp, Instagram, Facebook, Google Reviews, Local News, Industry News, Retailers, Walmart Customers, and 1000’s of customers weekly adding more and more online posts. This is NOT a hidden company. One can always discuss the pros and cons of the actual business and levels of risk involved, as there is always risk in business. However, there is simply zero substance to this bullshit claim concerning scam. For an example scam look at EAPH: All PRs for decades say future revenues, yet none ever come, there are no businesses to go to, check out, see for yourself, and the AS/OS just goes up up up. We already had initial audits signed off, thats where the biggest risks would have been, and we’ve never had any toxic financing. Considering the AS and OS Has gone down overall since Roger took over, they are the worst scammers Ever!

’The construction at Tuscon is fake!’ HAHAHA wow at this bullshit statement. Because that would make ANY sense for a growth company at this stage, where they already have millions in audited revenues and 1000's of customers going through their already long established 4 locations?? Considering the recent tweets ‘Permits have yet to be publicly received for the total build- out, but green-light was given from inspector while we await permit to be in hand. Permit is expected shortly. We will provide photos of the construction as it continues to progress.’ along with a picture of the construction. I’m pretty sure Okham’s razor is en force here. The simplest explanation, construction has begun, the inspector signed off and sent the permit in for processing is true. But to contrive some mass theory about illegal inspectors, paid actors for a photo? HAHAHAHA yeah ok. I swear the bullshit claims are getting more and more out there as FUNN continues to blast the bullshit claims out of the water

’Families have been destroyed!’ LOL this has got to be one of the biggest bullshit statements I’ve been. Just pure shit mixed with pure crap and sprinkled with garbage. First off, no company on the planet or in the history of business is responsible for ones finances. Second, if a shareholder is putting ‘make or destroy’ family money in to the OTC, which by default are ‘high risk, high variation’ investments then there are serious underlying issues beyond the jurisdiction of any given company. Third, considering FUNN continues to grow without toxic debt or mass dilution, the outlook is overwhelmingly positive so how can anyone be ‘destroyed’. Maybe 95%+ of the other 10k pinks, who use paid promoters, go through pump and dump cycles, never generate one dollar of revenues, don’t have actual products, services, capabilities along with 1000’s of customers coming in weekly and growing. That bullshit statement really tops the list of fake rhetoric shit. Clearly helps to understand investing, the OTC and the impact of the pinkmarket place on the ticker vs the actual company. Also critical to understand growth companies, and the nature of growth cycles plus the markers for success vs evaluation like a senior exchange company.

’Roger admitted lower revenues in the PR!’ This false bullshit narrative of what the PR actually stated is 100% crap.

What the PR summed up was the strategic moves from management. This is expected of a GROWTH company as they learn what the optimal processes are to maximize revenue streams, and decrease inefficiency for higher net profits. The PR gave us the following moves:

A) Recognition and capitalization of optimal revenue streams
B) Resource allocation to increase already solid revenue streams
C) Redesign processes for improved bottom line instead of cannibalizing themselves
D) Efficiency improvement to continue to scale
E) Revenues continue to climb, despite hit game spikes

Reference August 27th PR

Here is the key language and statements, nothing is indicated but GROWTH, and capitalizations of efficiencies. There is a singular instance where it is stated the large orders for the hit game was not as high, however all other revenue streams have continued to climb and bring up the revenues in other quarters for an overall increase:

[quoteSnakes & Lattes has positioned itself as a leading player in the industry and also operates in the sale, distribution, and order fulfillment of a wide range of popular board game titles in North America, many of which the Company holds exclusive rights to regionally. This area of the overall business has been a key contributor to the overall bottom-line for the Company

The Snakes & Lattes Annex venue continues to generate significant revenue and customer patronage as anticipated.

Snakes & Lattes College has continued to be a company leader in revenue and profitability, leading the locations in both overall and 'per square foot' revenues.

Despite the LRT construction delays and infrastructure challenges which have included water and electrical shutoffs due to the transit project, Snakes & Lattes Midtown has forged ahead continuing an upward trajectory of increased revenues while simultaneously reducing operational costs significantly

Despite being operational for less than a year, Snakes & Lattes Tempe has already proven to be a great success.

The corporate team has been streamlined into four operational departments - finance, leadership, growth, and operations. This has reduced overhead while maintaining workload upkeep and efficiency across the leadership team.

Built around a 'white label' Snakes & Lattes iOS and Android app, guests accrue points during their visit which can be redeemed for 'perks' across all venue offerings. The program, which was launched in early summer 2019, has received an overwhelmingly positive response from the public

This game title is expected to be on the shelves of retailers in time for the 2019 holiday season. Management expects this to be a strong performer in the retail market and anticipates this title, and the Publishing business as a whole, to be a key contributor to both the Company's top and bottom-lines.

Management has opted to strategically transition resources and focus from the Distribution business and allocate the resources to the creation and promotion of new Snakes & Lattes venues and to the 'Fulfillment' business, both of which being more lucrative and have higher growth potential moving forward allowing for the Company's continued growth and expansion.

Management had anticipated this occurrence and pivoted to focus on partnerships with US-based fulfillment centers ensuring steady operating revenue despite the decline in the aforementioned key game title demand.

Since hiring the Events Manager, rental revenues have increased by nearly 100% and are expected to far exceed Holiday rental revenues across all Canadian locations compared to calendar Q4 2018

FUNN simply continues to GROW and make the moves as the learn for optimal SCALE. THIS IS WHAT A GROWTH COMPANY DOES

’0 Partnership Agreements published 0 Definitive Material Agreements!’ Its funny to see this bullshit claims concerning FUNN. The regulatory cited is being misapplied and the scope of those types of agreement is not a requirement nor would ANY company submit one under similar conditions. The statement could say ‘Zero international reverse merger articles of incorporation’ and it would be just as much nonsense.

Here is what is ACTUALLY required:

Item 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.

“Material” agreements are those that give rise to obligations that are material to and enforceable against the company, or rights that are material to the company and enforceable by the company against one or more parties to the agreement. Many agreements requiring board or shareholder approval would be filed under this Item. This includes “definitive” agreements but not non-binding term sheets or letters of intent. Filing the agreement itself as an exhibit is encouraged but not required. If the agreement is not filed as an exhibit to the Form 8-K, it will be required to be filed with the company’s next periodic report (e.g., its Form 10-Q or Form 10-K, whichever comes first). Material employment agreements are usually
reported under Item 5.02.

Now the KEY there (beyond the fact it is NOT required in the first place) is because the agreement is a contract AGAINST ONE OR more parties



’The pps is the objective measure!’ It is actually a subjective measure. It is a measure based on and subject to a number of variables. It is the savvy investor who reviews those variables and makes an assessment. When one reviews those variables and due diligence to see the narrative of WHY the pps is in its current state, it shows FUNN, the company vs the ticker is highly undervalued. Simple as that. The pink market place is fairly limited in the scheme of things: The total investor pool and total potential investor dollars. That makes it some subject to variation. The QB is exponentially wider, deeper, with more reach and more competition for MM’s. During this past year, FUNN has shown great strength that it has not crashed and continues to be accumulated: Despite a stop sign and an influx state of getting through a lengthy and pivotal audit. During all this time, the company continues to grow, in all areas. Also imagine a stop sign pink that has no toxic financing or mass dilution for over a year and continues to have major accumulation support. You just don’t see it, because most pinks are just bullshit momentum plays with no substance. Most Companies dream to be in FUNNs position. It’s just the corporate accounting being implemented so that the audits catch up with all the growth. That is an extremely high class problem to have.

This is exactly why savvy investors have been accumulating for so long: It’s a revenue generating company in the millions not a pump and dump like often one sees in the OTC. When your AS/OS goes down over time while your revenues go up like FUNN, along with all the other markers of success, then one knows the situation is a great investment point.

The arguments for FUNN are backed with due diligence and conclusive narrative. I have yet to see a strong counter against it in either narrative or due diligence.

’Roger has never turned a bankrupt company into positive net profitability!’ First, about 99% of all CEO’s in the history of being CEO’s never even had this opportunity. But MORE IMPORTANT Roger has never even HAD the opportunity to do this. Yes, he did acquire the company Morning out of bankruptcy, but they are the Research and Development department for Snakes and Lattes. They are a cost center, not a company. Just like EVERY SINGLE R&D cost center for EVERY company on the planet, they will ALWAYS be a cost overhead. Its about what they develop, and transfers to production and get sold what counts. The money associated with those sales DOES NOT GO UNDER MORNING. It goes under SNAKES and LATTES. So the statement is complete misapplication pure bullshit. Morning has transferred its first two games KTU and Red Panda to retail production. Its AWESOME Roger acquired Morning and we now have this awesome self publishing capability. Roger does have experience finding good value companies in a poor spot and fostering them back to higher production and growth. Especially SNAKES AND LATTES itself!

I like Snakes, but I hate Roger! Roger is hurting Snakes!: From public due diligence, Roger's resources SAVED Snakes and has grown it. Roger discovered it when it was in financial straits due to too much inventory. The cash flow was gummed up a bit, not allowing for growth. Roger’s resources and network along with better access to capital allowed it to grow in every direction: Locations (including breaking in to the USA, Retailers, SKUs, Staff, Warehousing, and ESPECIALLY SELF PUBLISHING. Roger even mortgaged is house to do that instead of taking bad financing and screwing shareholders. What CEO has that commitment to shareholders? Now we have to ENTIRE SUPPLY CHAIN. This whole new process capability of self publishing could grow massive in the USD 12 BILLION dollar market and growing.

Now he is up listing and repackaging it to be its own thing. It's a MUCH more attractive and awesome package as well. He's taking the other subs to a spin-off and hey, we get free shares there as well which translates to free money. Regardless of what you think of the other subs, its FREE MONEY. Now those who like Snakes are GETTING EXACTLY what they want. Snakes unto itself as an incredible growth company, and free money.

Roger made this all happen. So not sure why one would dislike Roger for that.

One can speculate what else could have happened to Snakes, but that is such cloud talk with so many variables (first being most likely would not even be a public company) that it is outside the realm of meaningful conversation, nor helpful for analysis for FUNN as stands right now as a growth company. The fact is Roger has GREATLY accelerated Snakes, GREATLY HELPED SNAKES get to the next level. At this point, the acceleration is about to take off in to another gear. ALL the WORK that has been done for the past couple years to SCALE the company is coming to fruition. This is all happening because of ROGER. Period.

’Why did Morning go bankrupt?’ The simple answer is IT DOESN’T MATTER The basics of BK is insolvency to pay creditors. There is no other 'reason.’ Morning went through that process, and all obligations were wiped, and FUNN acquired them with a clean slate. The specifics beyond that are meaningless. Morning is a small design house, their core capability is a creative think tank, designing and developing new GAMES. It is not surprising the young team may have not had the experience with all the support and infrastructure that goes in to the supply chain or simply ran out of money to do it. What IS important, is Morning was acquired off a BK with a CLEAN SLATE. No debts or obligations what-so-ever. (Though we rightly honored the KS KTU backer, see below for that bullshit claim.) So now we have a whole new revenue stream kicking in, producing games at the highest margins for FUNN for the retail holiday season. These will be the first self published games in a long line of future publications. Continuing to foster and build the brand. FUNN has created an entire NEW CAPABILITY and is now starting to capitalize on it. Folks may not realize how amazing it is to bring up a whole RD department and now have a product going out for revenues in one year. A large majority of pink stocks, the ENTIRE company is simply RD that may NEVER see a dime in year and year while the OS goes up. Not FUNN. This is JUST ONE MORE MULTI MILLION REVENUE STREAM OPENING UP! The current Board Game Market is 12 BILLION. Snakes has taken the first step on the path to becoming a player in the publishing industry. That is awesome!

’Backers have not yet received their KTUs, something is funny!’ Let's see. FUNN acquired Morning out of BK, saved the KS backers and honored their backing without any actual obligation. They completed the design of the game and then did a tech transfer to a new OEM manufacturer in China. They Built the line and qualified the process.They ran the initial game production for KS backers and started shipping large orders around the world. While the second (and third / forth / fifth / etc) production runs have started.

So, as with ANY business doing things for the FIRST time, there are quirks to be worked out.

Design and Development had quirks: They got worked out and moved forward.
Tech Transfer had quirks: They got worked out and moved forward
Initial production runs had quirks: They got worked out and moved forward
Shipping and distribution is now having quirks: They almost done working it out, just one last bit and moving forward

This is what doing REAL business is about, creating, development of infrastructure and working out the quirks so they can continue to do things at BIGGER AND BIGGER SCALE.

Notice how quirks keep getting worked out and things move forward?

That’s a real growth company growing.

’Roger lied when he said he acquired Morning with no surviving debt’ Morning was acquired out of bankruptcy with a clean stale. 100% verifiable fact. Roger had ZERO obligations to fulfill KS backers. However, Roger knew is was the RIGHT thing to do. The short sighted vision would be, not honor the backers and run. However, the long term would suffer. Less KS campaigns, lowered integrity, less repeat business and growth. Roger has always treated all stakeholders. Shareholders, Employees, Customers, Community with respect and does what is right. Honoring the backers, saves Morning’s reputation and future projects. Morning is also now greatly upscaled with a new whole production capability in China with new established manufacturing supplier. The first game is always the toughest, but all this work now paves the way for MORE business, ever GREATER revenues with integrity intact and continued growth with Kickstarter campaigns. Roger maintains the vision and keeps us on the path to bigger and bigger business. Building an empire isn’t about a day, a week or a month. It’s about the day in day out continuous reinforcement of the core principles of the company and keeping it on that path. Real business takes real time. Glad we have a CEO who is ethical, honorable and maintains the long term view for building a business over time that will someday see a Big Board exchange.

’Snakes doesn’t own the Tempe location!’ Just.. wow... this complete 100% bullshit claim is pure fake crap. Its like accusing Ford of not owning the Mustang. Numerous documents from the company: “The original plan was to sell a master franchise to begin the regional foothold, however Snakes & Lattes Inc. management has instead opted to enter an agreement with a local investor who will fund this as a Corporate Owned location which will also act as a franchising, training, and distribution hub for the Southwestern region of the United States.” Heck, simply go to and Check the bottom of the webpage where it says Snakes & Lattes is a fully owned subsidiary of Amfil Technologies Inc. Its simply total crap to claim these locations are not Amfil owned. If they were not, a legal battle would instantly ensue. Heck check every single PR: Amfil Technologies Inc. is the parent company to four wholly owned subsidiaries. 1). Snakes & Lagers Inc. holds the trade name and is the owner of Snakes & Lattes Inc. which currently operates 3 tabletop gaming bars and cafes located in Toronto, Ontario and 1 in Tempe, Arizona. This crap claim is 100% fake news. But if that wasn’t enough, look at the filing::
As for partial financing of it, they raised some private capital, those terms would never be posted. It is like asking Apple for their supplier agreements, no company anywhere ever would post such information. AND if that wasn’t enough, how about those AUDITED financials:

During the year ended June 30, 2017, the Company completed a business acquisition for total consideration of USD46,000,related to a business combination involving the purchase of Snakes & Lagers Inc (which directly owned Snakes & Lattes Inc and Snakes & Lattes College Inc.) in exchange for 20 million common shares of the Company. We have included the financial results of these business acquisitions in our consolidated financial statements from their respective dates of acquisition.

I’ll take the word of the auditors, on the ownership of Snakes. Amfil signed the 10 year lease as well. Because they would pay six figures and up a year for a place that doesn’t give them revenues? Lol yah ok.

’They haven’t sold any Pigicorns!’ Wow this bullshit claim is not considering anything FUNN actually does to generate revenues. The pigicorn is simply a plush marketing doll to promote the quickly upcoming Kill The Unicorns game, the PREMIERE game produced under their own label! Its very amazing they purchase an entire board game design house and have developed games coming to market within one year! So many companies are simply R&D and that is it for years on end and never generate a dime, just sell shares. The bigger picture is also FUNN now has the CAPABILITY to design, manufacture, and distribute high margin board games. Who knows, the pigicorn may be a nice little revenue stream on its own. But to claim ‘No sales’ on a promotional toy that hasn’t even come out yet, as it will come out WITH the retail launch of KTU is simply a bullshit claim and does not reflect the business model.It is like saying 'Hey Ferrari is introducing a new car later this year, but they haven't sold any tires for it yet!'

’They won’t make the 2019 FY audit, its a cycle!’ This is another bullshit claim. The company specifically upgraded their accounting resources to get ahead of the massive growth in business. This is a high class issue to have, enough growth where the departments have to be upscaled. The new team has been dedicated to the FY19 and beyond and communications from the company indicate they will be on schedule. Regardless, even if they had the exact same scenario happen. This time we would have a third audited year of undeniable growth. Going sub mil FY16, to Over USD8 M in FY17 and now over USD15 M for FY18. With tons of evidence of continued massive growth for FY19 and FY20. The evidence is EVERYWHERE. The FY18 audited financials would allow for further financial catalysts to continue. Deeper pockets and institutions. So even the worse case where we had to wait a couple extra months still continues to be massively positive. (It the worse case scenario, the new accounting team has been working under the new process which RBSM is familiar and comfortable with, greatly reducing the time it will take. Whereas FY18, they needed to simultaneously put in process while doing the audit.)

’it’s a fad!’ Board games have been around for centuries (since 3100 BC and the Egyptian game: SET) and only continue to boom. Sure the top ten specific board games of the moment changes but the framework and industry around them continue to rise. Humans will always have a need to eat drink and play. Be social. Humans gravitate towards quality social engagements. Especially that it is needed now more than ever. Snakes is the solution for the technology isolation in today’s society. FUNN is now producing those games, each one could possibly create its own ‘fad’, each ‘fad’ meaning millions of dollars! So FUNN OWNS THE PIPELINE of fads AS WELL AS the entire framework around it. Creation to production to sales to venue. Just another awesome aspect when owning the entire supply chain.

’Zero franchises!’ FUNN is currently focused on the Joint Venture (JV) model. The JVs give better corporate control and a better revenue stream. While building out the initial Snakes locations, this is a MUCH MORE STRATEGIC thing to do. Like all growth companies, they looked at possibilities with expansion, and franchising was one possibility. However, they have ultimately chosen the JV path as the best path forward. Growth companies continually evaluate and reevaluate strategy. Each one is a tree, the trees change a lot which is why one looks at the forest. The Forest is strong, healthy and growing, that is what matters. They may or may not come back to franchises. That will be another decision at another time. In the meantime, JVs and growth is the way to go.

’Roger stole shares!:’ This is 100% complete bullshit notion. That is a significant claim, that certainly requires support. The implication here is a valuation (not official, professional, not market, not legal, but just ‘an opinion of IK’s value’) proclaims from a distance (i.e. Zero connection to the stock, no knowledge of its operation or business or anything) that the company is worth X. When Roger took over FUNN in the RM, he got issued restricted shares (Which he has sold NONE) So the conclusion is, Roger ‘Stole’ share because the opinion has a value gap between the opinionated value and FUNN’s value. Well, I’m sure all those pre Roger shareholders are upset as the pps has gone up 100s if not 1000s of %, and the revenues have skyrockets 1000’s% and continue to grow. Just 100% false claim.

’FUNN is not an SEC reporting company!’,’Fatal Form 15!’: This false narrative does not take in to account there is ZERO impact from this. Many QB companies use alternative reporting, which has ITS OWN STANDARDS. FUNN will still be going through the annual audit post QB. Claims around what institutions will and will not invest in FUNN based on alternative reporting vs SEC reporting are bullshit as well. Institutions will invest just fine in FUNN. Regardless, FUNN continues to grow and grow. Going SEC will be a logical business step at a certain point where is makes strategic sense. It will also be a very easy and smooth transition as they will already be reporting to the alternative standard like many QB companies. The standard still requires an annual audit with an PCAOB body. Plus the Otc markets has been around a long time AS AN ACCEPTED INDUSTRY STANDARD by the SEC for conducting business. Home to MANY Multi - Billion dollar market cap companies.

’The market is reflecting the sentiment!’ ‘The pps will be .XX!’ This is bullshit false narrative. How many stocks have we seen on the pinks that actually make sense where the market cap and pps gets lined up with actual company revenues and performance? Mostly it is based on hype and momo, without a care for actual company value as the investors only plan to be in the stock for a day or even less. The pink market is extremely small relative, and the number to MM’s are limited. This is why solid dd is important to find a gem and hold long. For FUNN, the mountains of evidence of a highly performing company, growing and solid brand are there. Millions in growing revenues 200+ employees, NO mass dilution, NO toxic debt, and keeps on growing! No better example has been given. The irony is of course, all the complaints claimed are the exact reasons to invest in a growth company. If the company had everything done, all growing pains worked through and kinks worked out, the stock would already be USD1+ before anyone had a chance to invest in the first place. Funny the mindset around investing in growth stocks. Claiming current pps as an underlying reflection on the actual company value and performance is an extremely false and poor corollary. Look at the forest, very healthy sea of green growing revenues. Regardless of short term pink market action, this is about investing in the COMPANY.

’CEO is running this great company into the ground! Can Snakes Survive Roger!’ This claim of a personal attack on the CEO comes up a lot. So the claim always make a big positive about the company, i.e. The company is AWESOME! Snakes is clearly an ass kicking winner and growing fast. Millions coming in and a quickly ground BRAND that controls the majority of the supply chain. Now with self-publishing, the entire supply chain in some cases. The company’s revenues have grown massive and continue to do so. Yet somehow the entire thing is collapsing because of Roger? There is zero evidence of this bullshit claim. All we have seen is growth, in locations, staff, SKU’s (over 100 fold increase) Plus NO DILUTION of the OS (In fact the AS and OS went DOWN since he took over) while the staff is supported and the company grows! Remember, if not for Roger, none of us would ever even had the chance to invest in Snakes in the first place! So can’t both vilify Roger without giving credit for all the company growth.

’Stop sign! stop sign! stop sign!’ Yes, a stop sign is absolutely a pause for thought when doing due diligence. More often than not, the company has some core issues, like massive dilution, Zero revenues, changed CEOs 5 times, no communications, no products, nothing verifiable. So, it merits research for sure. I would expect nothing less from any savvy investor. In FUNN's case, due diligence produces a straightforward answer. It is a result of the multiyear audit and up-list process combined with FUNNs July to June fiscal cycle. FUNN is NOT a hidden company, 1000's of customers enjoying Snakes weekly, staff of 200 growing (who are getting paid and the company is not diluting...) The auditors signed off the initial audit and acknowledge they are working on FY18, from the most recent tweets the sign off is any day, any hour now. CFO Squad said hold off on Q's until FY18 to avoid more delays to getting to QB, which wasn’t great advice but it is what it is. OTC Markets has their way of doing things, and a temporary stop sign is in the best interest of the long term objective. IT WILL go away soon, and be replaced with QB. This cannot be refuted at this point given all the DD. The Stop Sign was an unfortunate part of this long endeavor, but IT WILL be a distant memory soon. Roger is not catering to the pink market, he is set on a path all the way to NQ, the stop sign is just part of the arduous process that is full audits to get to the OTCQB and beyond.

’Reverse Split’ This claims pops up once in a while as another typical bullshit narrative. The simplest of due diligence refutes the nature of why a RS would not happen. The claim of course implies a typical reverse split situation, where the company’s OS is so high they can’t raise any money via dilution, and therefore exercises a RS to enable a whole new dilution cycle. Considering the AS and OS has gone down over the past couple of years, and they haven’t been diluting while growing and supporting a large staff… (Note there is always the much more rare ‘positive’ RS, in order to list on the NASDAQ. E.g. We get to USD2 and do a small RS to get there. This would be farther down the down, and a very positive situation to have. E.g. Not as easy to go USD2 to USD4 on the QX, but bump to NASDAQ and can go from USD4 to much higher in short order. Roger even spoke about that being the only situation they would ever consider a RS in an episode of ‘My USD.02’ here is a direct link:)

’No profitability / Chapter 11’ Ok, how many pink companies are profitable in a growth phase? The answer is, pretty much zero. Heck, many big-board stocks are not yet profitable. Look at the entire emerging biotech sector. Talk about losses. FUNN actually has fundamentals (Which that alone puts it ahead of 95% of pinks) which are VERY GOOD for a company at this stage. Plus ZERO TOXIC FINANCING EVER. YES ZERO! Chapter 11? The claim is false narrative.

’FUNN is a shell company!’ Basic due diligence proves this claim wrong. Go to a Snakes, have a drink, play a game and contemplate on the experience. The false claim really has nothing to support the claim, so I don’t have anything else to say on this one.

’FUNN won’t run right after QB!’ This is an investment in a growth company, that has proven long ago it is growing very well. The company has been creating infrastructure and value for some time. The revenues keep going up, the value gap between current pps and value is getting wider by the day. Its too public, and bringing in too much revenue to be ignored forever. FUNN is on a path, and plenty of institutional level and other deep pocket investments will recognize. 4 Stores, 6 stores, 8 stores? 20 stores? When the company revenues are USD50 Mil a year? USD100 Mil? This in an investment, for the long, the bullshit narrative has no meaning there. The value gap will get closed.

Once the AF comes out, we uplist to a more appropriate marketplace suited for growth companies. All history will vanish in an instant. Markets are forward focusing, the institutional investor will absolutely not give one shit what anyone thought of Roger this whole time. The amount of money that will come in will dwarf the entirety of the pink market place investor community. They will see the infrastructure that has been built, the distribution, the supply chain, the business model, the revenues and they will say 'I WANT SOME OF THAT'. That is the future here, that is what will happen.

’General statements like ‘Next’ ‘Enough said!’, ‘Trust Us!’, ‘Think about it!’, ‘Funny Stuff’ or 'Where did the munny go’' False narrative statements concerning the revenues with an implication that the company is not a legitimate business, with legitimate revenues. Of course, we don’t know the exact numbers until the financials come out for any given quarter or year; just like you wouldn't with ANY company. However, an implication that the revenues are not continuing to grow and not in the millions is very far reaching given the evidence we have. We HAVE AUDITED numbers in the millions and the company has only grown. PHOTOS OF MULTIPLE PACKED SNAKES every weekend IS EVIDENCE. ALL the KICKSTARTER campaigns, reviews and 3rd party articles IS EVIDENCE. The burden of proof revenues coming in and if they are growing or not is not an issue. We don’t know the exact number yet, but the inference is that it is ‘MORE than the previous Q (When comparing Q over Q growth)’ is a much easier and supported claim than a narrative implying it is much less and therefore an illegitimate company.

’PND’ This bullshit claim is never backed up. There was never a pump, never a single paid promotion, and the AS/OS has DECREASED over the past 2 years... so a Reverse Pump and Dump? Oh and considering Roger/Ben haven't converted a single share, they are the worst PnDers on the planet, lol!

’Something wrong / what is hiding’ These general statements provide zero context, story or due diligence. They are never backed up with DD and narrative to match.

’Fake Reviews! Fake Auditor!’ These types of claims are just flat out 100% false. We are getting in to an extremely unlikely scenario here. There is no evidence or support, I don’t have anything further to state on the subject.

’Insider Dumping Shares!’ 100% Bullshit false claim. Easy to see there has been no conversions, no dumping, no dilution for some time. Just false bullshit statement.

’Roger is a train wreck, Roger is lying, scamming us’ Yes, the CEO who BOUGHT Snakes, brought the company from sub-zero revenues and sub penny to 8 figures and growing and multi penny and leading us off the pinks...yeah... total train wreck.... also the guy who REDUCED the AS/OS, terrible. He has never converted a single share and never had any toxic financing? Yeah ok, these attacks on him are unfounded completely false and are not supported. Roger gets business done over time. Real business, real time. All the bullshit complaints Just because something hasn't happened yet doesn't mean its not. Just like all the 1000's of bullshit claims around other things like LL, Tempe, Midtown, and especially the initial audit. Shit gets done, just in real growth business time. There is good information available out there on growth companies, start-ups and how to valuate.

’Terrible Management!’ Let’s see, grown the company into 8 figure and growing revenues. Have grown the locations and distribution branch, increasing 5 SKUs to 580+ SKUs and had to increase warehouse space by thousands of square feet? The management that has now garnered 1000’s of positive revenues and created the only BRAND in the BGC space? That terrible management that is now international in operations and started its own self-publishing this this? Yeah ok, lol. FUNN is a rising star and the management team got it there. The path FUNN is on is fundamentally sound with tons of extra multi-million dollar+ revenues streams. Plus the never dumped shares or sold them, no insider enrichment happening. In fact, the Management team is even doing social responsibility already with outreach programs. Something I’ve NEVER seen in years and years on the OTC.

’Snakes is expanding to slowly! Competition!’ There will be many! Some will be even great! BUT they are one offs just like lots of great coffee shops. But there is only one BGC BRAND. Plus, Snakes locations are only one aspect of the supply chain. It’s controlling the SUPPLY CHAIN that make all the difference in the world. The competition is actually also CUSTOMERS since FUNN controls the SKUs distribution and has self-publishing. The industry is in its infancy, the one off BGC’s actually raise industry awareness, they are a good thing. Growing a company is a LOT more than folks may think. There is a LOT of background infrastructure to build. The first few always take more time as the SYSTEM itself for making more doesn’t exist. Now the engine is built and we have the USA expansion team and new locations coming. Soon we will have multiple locations going up at the same time. It just snowballs from there.

'Simple audits don't take this long!’, ’The marathon audit continues merrily along', ’Never Ending Audit!’ More unsupported false claims. This is anything but a simple audit, these are initials and the accounting is becoming establish for upscale as well. The company experienced massive growth post Rogers takeover and several acquisitions in short order, needing to merge all systems. This isn’t a giant company with a fully built out accounting dept. (Yet, that is what has been happening, this IS the purpose of all of this, to GET to a higher magnitude of scale and accounting process control.) There are hundreds of thousands if not a Million plus transactions to reconcile, from different systems. (and Morning is in Europe…) But just like the first multi-year audit, the FY18 will be completed and life will move on most beneficially on the QB. It is difficult to claim the company would simply stop at this point or 'something is wrong.' We saw that same claim over and over before the initial. It is the same situation now, and there is support (RBSM’s acknowledgement they are working through it) as prove it will get done, just like the initial.

’The books are screwed up! They are cooked!’ Another complete bullshit claim. IF there ever was an issue with ‘the books’ THAT would have come out in the initial audit, and the initial audit would not have been signed off. It is not supported by evidence to conclude the books are cooked or otherwise bad, again see the ‘roger is scamming us’ claim retort. The simple answer is the audit ferrets out any non-conformance, which I can guarantee the morning acquisition had some, and then they update the process to rectify it. It’s a simple aspect of auditing. Again, this is the entire purpose of the audit process to build up infrastructure and process that did not previously exist, in order to handle USD10’s of millions in revenues on the way to USD100’s in the long run.

’Current PPS in the pink market’ Look at the forest level here: Accumulation, Growth, Revenues. Real fundamentals. There is much more evidence and support for a strong long ROI than otherwise implied by the current pps. In fact, this is exactly what savvy investors look for. A highly performing and highly undervalued company. Doing the due diligence will show why it is undervalued.

’Macroeconomic Issues! Housing Market!’ These are claims that would affect all markets, so it doesn’t hold any more weight against FUNN than all companies. FUNN is actually a LOT MORE macro economy resistant than other companies. Having diverse subsidiaries and a very high cost performance retail service. (Much cheaper to have food drink and entertainment all in one spot vs: going to dinner, going to a bar, and going to another entertainment venue) Plus the board games they sell are excellent value for entertainment time. (And quality people time) So, a downturn in the economy is just a likely to make sales higher as folks want to purchase cheaper goods as not. Plus, the need for MJ and MJ medicine will never go down, in fact a downturn makes the need go UP! Just like Beer and Chocolate. So sure a devastating Macro Economic event that crashes all indexes and markets could indeed impact FUNN, but, at that point, all stocks would be impacted. Just a risk profile decision for investment allocation.

All the DD is on FUNNs side. FUNN is obviously growing, has been and continues to do so and has DD to back it up.

Yes, the pink marketplace sucks and doesn't handle real companies very well. It is unfortunate we are on the pink marketplace, but it is a catch 22. If we didn't start here, we would not have the opportunity to invest in such an amazing company for such an undervalued price. Normally a company puts everything in place during its private investor only phase. They IPO on the NASDAQ where you pay many dollars for the stock. Fortunately, we will be off the pinks soon enough and on the OTCQB and life will continue to focus forward and grow from there.

This is why FUNN will join the few that elevate off the pinks to QB. I predict they will be one of the even fewer that go to on QX and at some point in the future, NASDAQ.

This is the path FUNN is on. So much DD has been posted, real DD, backing up the positive growth story. The claims otherwise point to known temporary states: Audit, Stop, current PPS, we don't see claims against the fundamentals of the company itself.


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