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Re: ezyE post# 89492

Sunday, 09/29/2019 9:00:28 AM

Sunday, September 29, 2019 9:00:28 AM

Post# of 97693
Well, Look at what has happened and has NOT happened:

The black arrows on top note the dates of when the following news and disclosures have happened:

Now roughly compare the trades that have happened before the news and disclosures and you can get a rough idea when one should come out. This is why I was expecting news by this week, mainly on what happened 2 weeks ago. Note the dip on low volume followed by the green bar at 0.00006, this is the company doing something which usually means news or disclosure arriving shortly. Should of been here this week :(

What changed or didn't change, if Dalsey was in charge he wouldn't of remained this quiet unless 1 of 2 things has happened. Either there is something so big happening here that he has to remain quiet (sort of like Dufort was gagged last December when going through the LCG and other transformations) or Dalsey is having a rough time extinguishing Dufort. So until I see confirming news I am a little more skeptical now after the chart movement and no good news. I haven't felt the same about this after the files going from Active to In-Active followed by no news about it. Not even a shareholders letter. Time will tell, but at this point easier to walk away and hope for the best then to patiently watch this now.