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Alias Born 07/23/2019

Re: tutankhamuns post# 30833

Friday, 08/16/2019 4:13:32 PM

Friday, August 16, 2019 4:13:32 PM

Post# of 74095
I found this explanation of a holding company enlightening.

GRNfunds is most likely not going public (merging with DCGD), which keeps certain benefits of private ownership intact. But they don't have to go public for us to gain as shareholders of the Holding Company. My guess is GRNfunds will be a 100% owned subsidiary of GRN Holdings. As a subsidiary, GRN Holding will then be able to report the assets and revenues of GRNfunds and all the other companies and investments, stock portfolios, treasury bonds, etc, they plan to have, and pay dividends to shareholders accordingly.

The Johnson & Johnson model makes sense, to me anyway, to do it this way. Especially this part:

That is, it [J&J] can go out, issue bonds at rock-bottom rates, then lend money to its own subsidiaries at rates the subsidiaries couldn't get if they were stand-alone enterprises. This reduces interest expense and, in turn, increases both returns on equity and returns on assets.