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Re: skitahoe post# 236246

Friday, 07/12/2019 5:22:28 PM

Friday, July 12, 2019 5:22:28 PM

Post# of 752969

We know the trial is blinded, but how blind is it really. If you look at Dr. Liau's presentation, I believe you can see that the numbers reflect a great deal of information that supports the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Maybe the trial had only been semi blind for a very long time and this is a positive and may have very important implications as to this trial's chances of success.

Remember Dr. Liau's presentation way back during December 2016 when she stated that about 86% of the trial had at some point received the vaccine and therefore about 14% did not. Her statement may have been based on data collected months prior to December 2016 and implied at the time that 46 of the 99 placebos had not yet crossed over.

However, the JTM publication that was based on the data collected during March 2017 (only 3 months after LL's presentation) stated that about 90% of the trial had received DCVax-L at some point and implied that 10% of the trial or only about 33 patients had not yet crossed over.

That means that an additional 13 placebos had crossed over sometimes between late 2016 and March 2017, more than one year after the last patients' surgeries (August-September 2015.

It is more than likely that almost all (if not all) of the 13 who crossed over so late had already progressed and that they represented at that time most of the placebos who had not yet crossed over but were still alive.

I am speculating that by late 2016 it was already evident that the last group of enrolled patients did so much better than the rest of the trial. If it was known by late 2016 that the last group of let's say 54 patients who did so well were mostly composed of treatment patients, it would be a no brainer to cross over all the remaining previously uncrossed survivors of the placebo group .

So much for the notion that NWBO was completely blind throughout this trial.

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