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Alias Born 10/21/2003

Re: lentinman post# 8127

Monday, 11/20/2006 2:54:59 PM

Monday, November 20, 2006 2:54:59 PM

Post# of 33753
Uranium is hot. The spot price went up 2.50 to $62.50 today. Rumors are the utilities that had contracted for Cigar Lake production in 2007 onward need to replace it. They will have to compete in the spot market with speculators and other riff raff like us!!!

I am buying producers., producing)FRG(40% of a producing mine)

I also hold some juniors. STM.v is moving towards licensing on two properties. Production isn't likely before 2010. STM.v has a huge inventory of properties spanning the US and Canada. Millions of acres of prospective land acquired based on past exploration by US companies before prices bottomed at $6 and the properties were abandoned. STM could make a nice acquisition for a bigger company due to their inventory of land. STM has been red hot lately. +.29 to 3.02 today is a copper mine that will be starting in 2008. Uranium assets are close by and could be mined in 2009-10.

CXX.v is a combo gold uranium play. and THV.v are penny plays with minimal chance of ever producing but if uranium continues hot, they will rise with the tide.

Go for the GLOW!!! Bobwins

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If the Commodities Boom is Over, I am just a Gold Bug headed for the Windshield of LIFE

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