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Re: None

Friday, 05/03/2019 3:14:30 AM

Friday, May 03, 2019 3:14:30 AM

Post# of 346800
Bullshit list to cover many false claims that do not provide support regarding AMFE.

Real business takes real time and real resources. Start-ups need to build everything from scratch. No different than every company on the planet has done at one point.

The point is, is there growth? With AMFE, it is a resounding YES! With massive amounts of DD on AMFE's side. It is often the case pink stocks are claimed 'scam' as the standard cry for any stock listed on the pink marketplace: McCarthyism style. AT THIS POINT though, AMFE has long passed that test and the the claims need to provide support to prove AMFE is guilty of being a 'stinky pinky'. These claims require evidence to support.

Claims like:

’Roger stole shares!:’ This is 100% complete bullshit notion. That is a significant claim, that certainly requires support. The implication here is a valuation (not official, professional, not market, not legal, but just ‘an opinion of IK’s value’) proclaims from a distance (i.e. Zero connection to the stock, no knowledge of its operation or business or anything) that the company is worth X. When Roger took over AMFE in the RM, he got issued restricted shares (Which he has sold NONE) So the conclusion is, Roger ‘Stole’ share because the opinion has a value gap between the opinionated value and AMFE’s value. Well, I’m sure all those pre Roger shareholders are upset as the pps has gone up 100s if not 1000s of %, and the revenues have skyrockets 1000’s% and continue to grow. Just 100% false claim.

’AMFE is not an SEC reporting company!’,’Fatal Form 15!’: This false narrative does not take in to account there is ZERO impact from this. Many QB companies use alternative reporting, which HAS ITS OWN STANDARDS. AMFE will still be going through the annual audit post QB. Claims around what institutions will and will not invest in AMFE based on alternative reporting vs SEC reporting are bullshit as well. Institutions will invest just fine in AMFE. Regardless, AMFE continues to grow and grow. Going SEC will be a logical business step at a certain point where is makes strategic sense. It will also be a smooth transition as they will already be reporting to the alternative standard like many QB companies. The standard still requires an annual audit with an PCAOB body.

’The market is reflecting the sentiment!’ ‘The pps will be $.05!’: This is bullshit false narrative. How many stocks have we seen on the pinks that actually make sense where the market cap and pps gets lined up with actual company revenues and performance? Mostly it is based on hype and momo, without care for actual company value as the investors only plan to be in the stock for a day or even less. The pink market is extremely small relative, and the number to MM’s are limited. This is why solid dd is important to find a gem and hold long. For AMFE, the mountains of evidence of a highly performing company, growing and solid brand are there. Millions in growing revenues 200+ employees, NO dilution, NO toxic debt, and growing! No better example has been given. The irony is of course, all the complaints claimed are the exact reasons to invest in a growth company. If the company had everything done, all growing pains worked through and kinks worked out, the stock would already be $1+ before anyone had a chance to invest in the first place. Funny the mindset around investing in growth stocks. Claiming current pps as an underlying reflection on the actual company value and performance is an extremely false and poor corollary. Look at the forest, very healthy sea of green growing revenues. Regardless of short term pink market action, this is about investing in the COMPANY.

CEO is running this great company into the ground! Can Snakes Survive Roger!: This claim of a personal attack on the CEO comes up a lot. So the claim always make a big positive about the company, i.e. The company is AWESOME! Snakes is clearly an ass kicking winner and growing fast. Millions coming in and a quickly ground BRAND that controls the majority of the supply chain. Now with self-publishing, the entire supply chain in some cases. The company’s revenues have grown massive and continue to do so. Yet somehow the entire thing is collapsing because of Roger? There is zero evidence of this bullshit claim. All we have seen is growth, in locations, staff, SKU’s (over 100 fold increase) Plus NO DILUTION of the OS (In fact the AS and OS went DOWN since he took over) while the staff is supported and the company grows! Remember, if not for Roger, none of us would ever even had the chance to invest in Snakes in the first place! So can’t both vilify Roger without giving credit for all the company growth.

Stop sign! stop sign! stop sign!: Yes, a stop sign is absolutely a pause for thought when doing due diligence. More often than not, the company has some core issues, like massive dilution, Zero revenues, changed CEOs 5 times, no communications, no products, nothing verifiable. So, it merits research for sure. I would expect nothing less from any savvy investor. In AMFE's case, due diligence produces a straightforward answer. It is a result of the multiyear audit and up-list process combined with AMFEs July to June fiscal cycle. AMFE is NOT a hidden company, 1000's of customers enjoying Snakes weekly, staff of 200 growing (who are getting paid and the company is not diluting...) The auditors signed off the initial audit and acknowledge they are working on FY18. CFO Squad said hold off on Q's until FY18 to avoid more delays to getting to QB. OTC Markets has their way of doing things, and a temporary stop sign is in the best interest of the long term objective. IT WILL go away soon, and be replaced with QB. This cannot be refuted at this point given all the DD. The Stop Sign was an unfortunate part of this long endeavor, but IT WILL be a distant memory soon.

Reverse Split: This claims pops up once in a while as another typical bullshit narrative. The simplest of due diligence refutes the nature of why a RS would not happen. The claim of course implies a typical reverse split situation, where the company’s OS is so high they can’t raise any money via dilution, and therefore exercises a RS to enable a whole new dilution cycle. Considering the AS and OS has gone down over the past couple of years, and they haven’t been diluting while growing and supporting a large staff… (Note there is always the much more rare ‘positive’ RS, in order to list on the NASDAQ. E.g. We get to $2 and do a small RS to get there. This would be farther down the down, and a very positive situation to have. E.g. Not as easy to go $2 to $4 on the QX, but bump to NASDAQ and can go from $4 to much higher in short order.)

No profitability / Chapter 11: Ok, how many pink companies are profitable in a growth phase? The answer is, pretty much zero. Heck, many big-board stocks are not yet profitable. Look at the entire emerging biotech sector. Talk about losses. AMFE actually HAS fundamentals (Which that alone puts it ahead of 95% of pinks) which are VERY GOOD for a company at this stage. Plus ZERO TOXIC FINANCING EVER. YES ZERO! Chapter 11? The claim is false narrative.

Scam / fraud: Even so far to say 'obvious' or 'clear' scam. Ok, please explain it then, how it works. That question has never been answered, not once to how a scam would actually work here. The simple fact is, growing the company is 100x MORE lucrative than trying to run some stupid low level scam.

AMFE is a shell company!:. Basic due diligence proves this claim wrong. Go to a Snakes, have a drink, play a game and contemplate on the experience. The false claim really has nothing to support the claim, so I don’t have anything else to say on this one.

AMFE won’t run right after QB!: This is an investment in a growth company, that has proven long ago it is growing very well. The company has been creating infrastructure and value for some time. The revenues keep going up, the value gap between current pps and value is getting wider by the day. Its too public, and bringing in too much revenue to be ignored forever. AMFE is on a path, and plenty of institutional level and other deep pocket investments will recognize. 4 Stores, 6 stores, 8 stores? 20 stores? When the company revenues are $50 Mil a year? $100 Mil? This in an investment, for the long, the bullshit narrative has no meaning there. The value gap will get closed.

General statements like ‘Next’ ‘Enough said!’, ‘Trust Us!’, ‘Think about it!’, ‘Funny Stuff’ or 'Where did the munny go': False narrative statements concerning the revenues with an implication that the company is not a legitimate business, with legitimate revenues. Of course, we don’t know the exact numbers until the financials come out for any given quarter or year; just like you wouldn't with ANY company. However, an implication that the revenues are not continuing to grow and not in the millions is very far reaching given the evidence we have. We HAVE AUDITED numbers in the millions and the company has only grown. PHOTOS OF MULTIPLE PACKED SNAKES every weekend IS EVIDENCE. ALL the KICKSTARTER campaigns, reviews and 3rd party articles IS EVIDENCE. The burden of proof revenues coming in and if they are growing or not is not an issue. We don’t know the exact number yet, but the inference is that it is ‘MORE than the previous Q (When comparing Q over Q growth)’ is a much easier and supported claim than a narrative implying it is much less and therefore an illegitimate company.

PND: This bullshit claim is never backed up. There was never a pump, never a single paid promotion, and the AS/OS has DECREASED over the past 2 years... so a Reverse Pump and Dump? Oh and considering Roger/Ben haven't converted a single share, they are the worst PnDers on the planet, lol!

Something wrong / what is hiding: These general statements provide zero context, story or due diligence. They are never backed up with DD and narrative to match.

Fake Reviews! Fake Auditor!: These types of claims are just flat out 100% false. We are getting in to an extremely unlikely scenario here. There is no evidence or support, I don’t have anything further to state on the subject.

Insider Dumping Shares!: 100% Bullshit false claim. Easy to see there has been no conversions, no dumping, no dilution for some time. Just false bullshit statement.

Roger is a train wreck, Roger is lying, scamming us: Yes, the CEO who BOUGHT Snakes, brought the company from sub-zero revenues and sub penny to 8 figures and growing and multi penny and leading us off the pinks...yeah... total train wreck.... also the guy who REDUCED the AS/OS, terrible. He has never converted a single share and never had any toxic financing? Yeah ok, these attacks on him are unfounded completely false and are not supported. Roger gets business done over time. Real business, real time. All the bullshit complaints Just because something hasn't happened yet doesn't mean its not. Just like all the 1000's of bullshit claims around other things like LL, Tempe, Midtown, and especially the initial audit. Shit gets done, just in real growth business time. There is good information available out there on growth companies, start-ups and how to valuate.

Terrible Management!: Let’s see, grown the company into 8 figure and growing revenues. Have grown the locations and distribution branch, increasing 5 SKUs to 580+ SKUs and had to increase warehouse space by thousands of square feet? The management that has now garnered 1000’s of positive revenues and created the only BRAND in the BGC space? That terrible management that is now international in operations and started its own self-publishing this this? Yeah ok, lol. AMFE is a rising star and the management team got it there. The path AMFE is on is fundamentally sound with tons of extra multi-million dollar+ revenues streams. Plus the never dumped shares or sold them, no insider enrichment happening. In fact, the Management team is even doing social responsibility already with outreach programs. Something I’ve NEVER seen in years and years on the OTC.

Snakes is expanding to slowly! Competition!: There will be many! Some will be even great! BUT they are one offs just like lots of great coffee shops. But there is only one BGC BRAND. Plus, Snakes locations are only one aspect of the supply chain. It’s controlling the SUPPLY CHAIN that make all the difference in the world. The competition is actually also CUSTOMERS since AMFE controls the SKUs distribution and has self-publishing. The industry is in its infancy, the one off BGC’s actually raise industry awareness, they are a good thing. Growing a company is a LOT more than folks may think. There is a LOT of background infrastructure to build. The first few always take more time as the SYSTEM itself for making more doesn’t exist. Now the engine is built and we have the USA expansion team and new locations coming. Soon we will have multiple locations going up at the same time. It just snowballs from there.

'Simple audits don't take this long!’, ’The marathon audit continues merrily along', ’Never Ending Audit!’: More unsupported false claims. This is anything but a simple audit, these are initials and the accounting is becoming establish for upscale as well. The company experienced massive growth post Rogers takeover and several acquisitions in short order, needing to merge all systems. This isn’t a giant company with a fully built out accounting dept. (Yet, that is what has been happening, this IS the purpose of all of this, to GET to a higher magnitude of scale and accounting process control.) There are hundreds of thousands if not a Million plus transactions to reconcile, from different systems. (and Morning is in Europe…) But just like the first multi-year audit, the FY18 will be completed and life will move on most beneficially on the QB. It is difficult to claim the company would simply stop at this point or 'something is wrong.' We saw that same claim over and over before the initial. It is the same situation now, and there is support (RBSM’s acknowledgement they are working through it) as prove it will get done, just like the initial.

The books are screwed up! They are cooked!: Another complete bullshit claim. IF there ever was an issue with ‘the books’ THAT would have come out in the initial audit, and the initial audit would not have been signed off. It is not supported by evidence to conclude the books are cooked or otherwise bad, again see the ‘roger is scamming us’ claim retort. The simple answer is the audit ferrets out any non-conformance, which I can guarantee the morning acquisition had some, and then they update the process to rectify it. It’s a simple aspect of auditing. Again, this is the entire purpose of the audit process to build up infrastructure and process that did not previously exist, in order to handle $10’s of millions in revenues on the way to $100’s in the long run.

Current PPS in the pink market: Look at the forest level here: Accumulation, Growth, Revenues. Real fundamentals. There is much more evidence and support for a strong long ROI than otherwise implied by the current pps. In fact, this is exactly what savvy investors look for. A highly performing and highly undervalued company. Doing the due diligence will show why it is undervalued.

Macroeconomic Issues! Housing Market!: These are claims that would affect all markets, so it doesn’t hold any more weight against AMFE than all companies. AMFE is actually a LOT MORE macro economy resistant than other companies. Having diverse subsidiaries and a very high cost performance retail service. (Much cheaper to have food drink and entertainment all in one spot vs: going to dinner, going to a bar, and going to another entertainment venue) Plus the board games they sell are excellent value for entertainment time. (And quality people time) So, a downturn in the economy is just a likely to make sales higher as folks want to purchase cheaper goods as not. Plus, the need for MJ and MJ medicine will never go down, in fact a downturn makes the need go UP! Just like Beer and Chocolate. So sure a devastating Macro Economic event that crashes all indexes and markets could indeed impact AMFE, but, at that point, all stocks would be impacted. Just a risk profile decision for investment allocation.

All the DD is on AMFEs side. AMFE is obviously growing, has been and continues to do so and has DD to back it up.

Yes, the pink marketplace sucks and doesn't handle real companies very well. It is unfortunate we are on the pink marketplace, but it is a catch 22. If we didn't start here, we would not have the opportunity to invest in such an amazing company for such an undervalued price. Fortunately, we will be off them soon.

This is why AMFE will join the few that elevate off the pinks to QB. I predict they will be one of the even fewer that go to on QX and at some point in the future, NASDAQ.

This is the path AMFE is on. So much DD has been posted, real DD, backing up the positive growth story. The claims otherwise point to known temporary states: Audit, Stop, current PPS, we don't see claims against the fundamentals of the company itself.

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