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Re: None

Wednesday, 05/01/2019 11:26:48 AM

Wednesday, May 01, 2019 11:26:48 AM

Post# of 346800

Thank you for the post. I will focus on the important aspects of the message:

1)Do you have an inside line on Amfil’s financial situation?

No, I do not. That would be privileged information only reserved for company officiers. I have emailed Roger maybe 30 times over the past couple of years with maybe 6-8 responses. They have generally been high level, acknowledging of the front line situation, and encouraging of the future. For me they have been good communications and appreciative. In my experience human in general respond to respectful communications, but it also seems to be sheer lottery. I try sending emails at different times of the time. From my visit to Tempe and spending time with Ben, I liked hearing about the industry and his insight to the supply chain and where it is going. I also liked hearing how much interest from various parties were from the Big conference in Germany last year.

Just like everyone else, I rely on publicly available company news, company financial for what we have, my own due diligence, and anecdotal evidence (Like the photos, reviews, 3rd party articles) to create a supportive narrative. I do have years of experience in start ups, and advanced business education as well. This has helped as I have greater insight to what it really takes to build a public company, what the markers of success really are, and expected timelines. I also deal with a lot of regulated entities, and know how painstakingly slow they can be, and how they simply are not budged by external factors. They get it done, but at their pace given the resources they have to apply to the situation. Last, I have many years in the otc market, and have a solid understanding of how the pink, QB, QX marketplaces operate. Despite what the pink company is supposed to represent, (Just like naming the original values of all the political parties decades ago and how they operate today) the Pink marketplace is extremely controlled and manipulated, plus very emotionally traded and the SEC does little to enforce what are supposed to be the rules. So, if market makers are being fined $10000 for every $1000000 they can make, not much impetus to slow down and the SEC gets a revenue stream where they are under resourced. Not much impetus to change how things work.

The only defense really (for INVESTING, plenty of short term trades can be done on momo stocks, we've all traded in companies we know are 100% scams but simply don't care, we are all just playing a calculated game of chicken.) is to be long and buy with current information we have, and believe in our due diligence. I've bought between .03 to .20 and everywhere in between, close to 100 buy ins. I would do it again every single time because that was the right information at the time. If you are truly investing, you are investing for the long and the risk profile tells you the risk is worth it. I strongly believe even that one investor who bought at $.235 will still be extremely profitable in the long, as the company is highly undervalued. There are millions of examples of this in stocks, real estate etc. Netflix went from 20 to 300 to 65 before splitting 7:1 and back to 300. If one bought at that first 300, how, down 80% to 65 in the short term but up 700% in the longer term. Invest in the COMPANY.

For the concept of hindsight, sure it would go without saying 'if I only knew', that is a platitude that can be applied across the board in all markets, in all of life... There will always be stories of 'well If I only sold X and bought Y I would be a gazillionaire, and since Z didn't happen on MY timeline, its someone else's fault' The reality behind those stories is way different that the stated one.

Way, way, way more often than not, attempting to time the market is incredibly less lucrative than finding a solid company to invest in the long. Plus, way more often people sell X to buy Y and lose money in Y, then lose it in Z then lose it in X. Where if they simply stay long in X, they would have a great return.

2) Packed restaurants don’t necessarily equal big company profits.

Of course they don't. But they do give insight to levels of business. Certainly wouldn't be a good feeling it the places were empty would it? It certainly is a solid chunk of evidence to consider when the business is packed every weekend, with 1000's of online reviews, photos, 3rd party articles. One uses this information to support the risk profile they believe the business to represent.

If looking for specific evidence, the last financial statement (Q3 Fy18) shows a large gross margin:

There was a Net loss of $156,440 on a Gross profit $ 1,450,649 on Total Revenues of $2,445,949 where development costs were $169,277.

So it is EVIDENCE the Snakes are very lucrative, but as a growth company, they are simply putting profits right back in to the company, as they SHOULD.

So combine that with all the locations being busier than ever, it is not a large leap to create a range around financials. Pink markets have a tendency to paint a revenue picture that is much more variable: ie Revenues are either 'Zero / less than Zero' or 'A Billion!'

Plus, in general: How many pink companies are profitable in a growth phase? The answer is, pretty much zero. Heck, many big-board stocks are not yet profitable. Look at the entire emerging biotech sector. Talk about losses. AMFE actually HAS fundamentals (Which that alone puts it ahead of 95% of pinks) which are VERY GOOD for a company at this stage. Plus VERY great indicators like no toxic financing ever, Rogers conservative fiscal style, which is backed up by no dilution. (Ok, if even 1 share is added to the OS, technically that would be dilution, but there has not been any dilution for a long time of any significance, and over the past 3 years the AS and OS has even gone down)

Let's even say for arguments sake the company puts out the AFs and financials and they are growing but losing a TON a MONEY! Oh No! No, not as bad as one might think. IF one has a good business model, IF there is interest and popularity, THE MONEY COMES, half our marketplace companies and big board stocks are bleeding cash, but the core business itself it solid. NEW DEEP POCKET money comes in, large $$$ to get it where it need to be to be profitable. The concept of 'all or nothing' simply is not how the business world operates

3)Without a crystal ball or some solid communications that don’t rely on “forward looking protections” we are still flying on faith

This statement can be said about any company, on any marketplace or exchange. While some claims might make business seem to be 'All or Nothing' that could not be farther from the truth. Nobody knew Apple was going to release solid earnings yesterday did they? But they did. But they had previous data to make a future prediction. Simply due to historical evidence, and forecasts is paints a certain risk profile. Certainly a lower risk profile than generally anything on the OTC, but even Apple has a higher risk profile than many many NYSE stocks.

There is a tendency to make pink marketplace stocks viewed as 'All or Nothing' its either a 100% scam going to zero, or its 'Going to the moon'. When the reality is all companies are risk profiles.

So given the evidence we do have:

1) We have initial audited financials proving the growth
2) We have grown immensely since those initial audited financials have been in place
3) We have locations packed every night and massive amounts of reviews, photos, videos that continue to pour in
4) We have 750% retailer growth
5) We have 10000% SKU growth
6) We are starting with KTU production, first of many games to come in the self publishing line
7) We have received GRO3 POs
8) We will be uplisting in order order. RBSM acknowledges this
9) We have a staff of 200+
10) We have massively increased warehouse space
11) Snakes in the market leader for BCGs
12) We are supporting all of this without dilution and there has been no toxic financing in AMFEs history
13) From Financial Statements, we can see the company is generating a high gross profit and only using extra money to develop the company, exactly what you want your growth company to do

This is not faith, speculation or conjecture. This is evidence. These are all verifiable facts.

RBSM released the initial audit, and acknowledges they are continuing. They aren't going to stop suddenly, they are just slow, that is life. IF there was going to be any major issue, it would have been in the initial audit, the risk was MUCH higher prior to the release of the initial audit.

So, like every business in the world, AMFE is a risk profile. All analysts would put it under 'High Risk / Reward' as they would ANY stock in the pink marketplace.

This is where due diligence is important, combined with all evidence available, to create a risk profile.

For me, I have combined a ton of research, poured over the evidence, utilize my experience and knowledge of the market places and growth companies and believe I have created a highly supported positive outlook. I have searched for other outlooks, with a supported narrative, but have yet to find one.

We will get to the QB, it won't be forever, it won't even be that much longer, just the moment from now until will feel like an eternity. It always does.

Once the AF comes out, we uplist to a more appropriate marketplace suited for growth companies. All history will vanish in an instant. Markets are forward focusing, the institutional investor will absolutely not give one shit what anyone thought of Roger this whole time. The amount of money that will come in will dwarf the entirety of the pink market place investor community. They will see the infrastructure that has been built, the distribution, the supply chain, the business model, the revenues and they will say 'I WANT SOME OF THAT'. That is the future here, that is what will happen.


$$$$ AMFE $$$$