what the hell does that PR have to do with our stock...anyways, to all and the survivor......i was looking at the stock, plycf........the stock has made a huge move from .007 (subpenny) to .15 cents and pulled back to .09....within a month. It was .60 cents and made a 5 for 1 split, not RS, so is estimated between .85 cents to over a $1.00 at least.....which makes sense. I am a little nervous getting in now, as it might PAVC, underneath me, but even more look at the PR's. It is very PAIV-like. They say , due to shortening, they might change the ticker symbol, and exchange all cetificates (which now i assume that is stealing )....then they have another PR the same day and correct it by saying they will not exchange the certificates or ticker symbol............let me know what you think about this one